how do you deal with the illness of a person close to you?

Started by Stella Wong, January 15, 2015, 10:52:42 PM

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Stella Wong

Dear all,

I am sorry that I am not able to contribute much on the forum lately, my Dad suffered from stroke at Sunday night, so I have been worrying and dealing with related stuff all these days. Grateful that he is showing some good sign of recovery, but still have to wait his bleeding stop so that he can take the Anticoagulant to prevent blocking again. This is quite a tough period to wait, as this is totally rely on my Dad's own recovery. I am trying to apply Seth's concepts there, his belief is important but I can't do much to change his belief beside just telling him he is getting well and think positive, be happy etc. I remember Seth mentioned that when you focused on thinking a person, his inner-self knows it. So I am trying to communicate with his inner-self and tell him he to get back to good health and perfect condition for he still has things to accomplish is this life. I am not sure if I am right but I know that I need to believe my instinct.

Do you have any thought about this?


Stella, I'm sorry to hear about your father's stroke. It seems you've had a tough few months! I have to say my life goes that way too, one thing going wrong after another and then it's clear sailing for quite a while. Trying to apply Seth's concepts always, I think maybe I get on a negative roll and draw more problems to myself, then eventually step out of that focus and things change. It's not obvious to me at the time what I'm doing but I'm working on that. The summer before last was terrible for me and I had no idea why it even started. I have a faint idea of what happened was because of some beliefs that I see as unrelated, so I need to look at that.

It is VERY hard to watch someone you love go through an illness and not be affected by it. Impossible for most of us. In our Intensive forum I brought up my son's Type 1 diabetes and how I'm on a personal mission to cure autoimmune disease. Someone reminded me (was it Val? Elaine?) that we choose our challenges before we incarnate, would we really want to deny someone their own experiences? That brought it into perspective for me. But even knowing that, do I still want to cure diabetes? Yes. I'm only human.

What has helped me in the past, though, is thinking (and trying to make it believing) that the other person chose their experience, good or bad, and that I obviously agreed to be a witness or co-experiencer for my own spiritual growth.

I think you're on the right track with the thought-connection with your father. Maybe try to visualize him healthy and happy and recovered from what he is going through. Seth said we all communicate telepathically, I have to trust him on that.

Good luck to your father & other loved ones!


This is such a difficult road for you, your father and everyone who loves, him, Stella.  I'm holding much light for your father, and for you.  Remember to treat yourself with a gentle hand and to allow yourself to feel every kind of emotion you need; don't hold back, there's no right or wrong, just the experience.  But you ARE right to trust your instincts.  Trust your dad's instincts, too.  He knows inside why he created the stroke and why you are a part of the experience.  Even knowing all that, it's so darn hard.  Blessings to you.  Take extra care of yourself.


Dear Stella,

Just want to let you know I've been thinking of you and your family.  Holding lots of light for you during this tough passage.



I agree with the girls: TRUST YOUR INSTINCT. Do what feels the best for you and let go of any expectation of the outcome. Your higher self will lead the way and help you and lead you where you need to be.

Sending positive vibes to you and  your family! <3

Stella Wong

Thanks to all of your kindest words. My Dad is getting better every day and he just started taking Anticoagulant from today, the doctor said most likely he will be able to return home in a few days.

During the previous two weeks, Seth's teachings have been helping me a lot on dealing with the matter. I read his talk about illness, belief and telepathy and I even started reading "The way toward Health", have any of you read it too? Anita Moorjani's latest video about dealing with illness also gave me a wonderful support when I was soaking in fear.

And Deb, as what you suggested, I have been visualizing his recovery and the things we gonna do after his recovery, my family started planning the adapting facilities at home, I also told my Dad that we will arrange a family overseas trip very soon. By visualizing those future expectations, I know my belief is strengthen and my thought is sending out telepathically as interior messages to my Dad and even my family.

On the other hand, I figured out from my instinct that the event happened as a challenge to our whole family including my Dad, all of us need to learn something from this event - family united, concerning more on others, expression of love, appreciation of life, etc. So I believe my Dad definitely will recover fully very soon as both himself and our family need to apply what we have learnt from this event to our daily live again.

Guess what...I actually have visualized my Dad and other family members being influenced by me and inspired by Seth's concepts! This is the best thing to happen I believe! :)



Dear Stella,

I am crying with happiness at the strength of your awareness, that Seth's teachings and the voices of others are guiding you and, consequently, your whole family.  Oh, just wonderful.  I remember from your postings on the Seth Intensive forum how you wondered if we can influence the lives of the ones we love with our own beliefs and thoughts.  That is something that is high on my list of questions.  You are a teacher for me on this.  Thank you for sharing.  Wow, you are powerful!

And your dad is healing--hooray!



Very happy to hear about your dad!  :D :D :D :D

I too am impressed by your positive attitude and your ability to apply Seth's teaching to your situation. It is not an easy thing to do with such intensely emotionally charged moments.

Sending you positive vibes and courage to follow your path...


Yay Stella! Glad to hear your dad is on the mend! I was wondering how he was doing but I didn't want to bother you. I find it truly amazing that the body can heal itself so well, especially after being told by science and medicine that our bodies are just disasters waiting to happen and we can't be healthy without pills and doctors.

I read an amazing book a couple of years ago, The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge MD. He presents many cases of the brain healing and remapping itself, even in the most extreme cases. It is truly an amazing book. Another book, I Am Not Supposed to Be Here by Kate Dendrinos-Rickel, was written by a local woman who lost almost 1/4 of her left brain in a motorcycle accident that she and her boyfriend were in. Doctors said she would never talk again, there'd be a loss of motor skills, possibly not function normally at all. She is now married, walking and talking just fine, no mental disabilities and they now own an equine therapy ranch. She would have recovered more quickly if the doctors didn't make a mistake in treatment but her boyfriend saved her life by telling her doctors what the problem was even though he had no medical knowledge. He had no idea where that information came from--sound familiar? If you're interested in seeing how fully she has recovered, there's this YouTube. She's the blonde in the cowboy hat. She talks about her accident about half way through. 

The human body is a wonderous and amazing autonomous device!  Great news about your dad and your conscious involvement in his healing!

Stella Wong

Thanks all. And my Dad has returned home last Thursday. He is able to move and walk, understand what we talk but he seems forgot how to speak, he forgot the words, now we are trying to talk with him more and give him books to read as to memorize the words, he's not willing to talk much especially he is not a talkative person. So it gonna take time, and we do not let him going out by himself if he cannot speak.
Nonetheless it's a grateful progress, you know how lucky and thankful that I am feeling for my encounter with Seth's teachings in this life. It has changed my perspective of everything and helped me a lot. I have almost finished the reading of "The way towards Health", just another wonderful teaching from Seth and it strengthens my belief that i am on the right track with Seth. :)

yes that posted on the intensive forum was always a question that I long wondered. Recently because of my Dad, I found below from NOPR (I certainly missed or forgot a lot from the books),

"Because your private beliefs are shared with others, because there is interaction, then any determined change of direction on your part is felt by others, and they will react in their own fashion"
"You may want others to change. In doing so you begin with yourself. I told you to imagine a game in which you see yourself acting in line with the new desired belief. As you do so, see yourself affecting others in the new fashion. See them reacting to you in the new way. This is highly important because telepathically you are sending them interior messages. You are telling them that you are changing the conditions and behavior of your relationship. You are broadcasting your altered position."

Isn't that great to know? Even it may be difficult most of the time to change other people's belief face to face, there are alternative ways to try.

yes, when the doctor said they can't do much except waiting, that's really like helpless, and I knew what I can do is to strengthen my belief, the only one who can help is Seth, reading what he said really made me stronger and felt much better with confidence, and I was so happy to read as above quote that we can somehow attempt to change other people's belief telepathically, I believe him and I did it. I don't know if it sounds a bit exaggerated, but I really gained a big support from Seth.

Both of the cases you mentioned sounds very impressive, I will check them out soon. You know it is always encouraging to hear similar cases around, for they really strengthen our belief on our own power. Anita Moorjani is a good representation, and did i mention Dr Bell Chung to you before?He experienced NDE from an accident, when he came back to life, he healed his foot by himself while the doctor told him that he may need to spend his whole life in wheelchair, now not mention on only walking, he also ran marathon too. He is another amazing person!

So how are your days recently? I hope you all are well!


Stella!  Starting my morning on this Tuesday with your post is a true gift.  I am so so so happy to hear about your father's return to his home and how the Seth teachings are a real beacon of guidance for you.  What a remarkable difference it's made in your living through this particular experience with your family.  You are absolutely inspiring.

I'm so grateful to you for pulling that quote from NOPR--how our private beliefs are shared with others--to share with us.  OMG, it is perfect for what I need these days.  Thank you.

You can be sure your friends on this forum are all imaging your father's wellness and Seth's teachings as your guide.

Bravo!  You are such a teacher for all of us!


Stella it's wonderful to hear your father is back home!!! Hopefully he will be talking soon, the brain is able to re-map itself to move functions from damaged areas into new ones. Doctors used to say that the brain could never heal or regenerate itself and now that there are so many cases of people recovering, they are starting to realize they've been wrong all this time. It really does have to do with what we believe, and I wish doctors would keep their mouths shut and not discourage people. I've seen this in action and it really ticks me off.

Thank you for the link to Dr. Chung's web site. What an amazing story! He looks to be the picture of good health, beyond healthy! I read about his NDE, he was very brave to return considering what shape his body was in. It doesn't appear that his book is in English, so I'm surprised (and glad) that his web site is.

There were a few quotes that really stood out for me.

On his life review:
QuoteI looked closer to the web, and was surprised to find that every silk thread was connecting to time as well as the "cause and effect" of different people and incidents. The threads were inextricably linked to one another. They connected my different life stages, interweaving and mapping my own web of life. My web was only one of the many others. Each of the individual web was connected by silk threads with each other, forming a complex matrix of relationships. By that moment in front of me, was a giant nest of webs.

That gave me chills, since I kind of picture the interconnectedness of everything as a web of threads or a tapestry or even needlepoint. Each "stitch" is our individuality, each a perfect piece to the puzzle.

Then about his NDE:

QuoteAt that time I felt as if I was bathing in the womb of the universe. I was fully embraced by the sea of golden light. I was completely immersed at the universe. Through the light, I was fully embraced by the overwhelming, non-judgmental and unconditional love of the universe. Greater than anything. More beautiful than anything.

I understood how much the feeling of dying resembled that of being born. Perhaps life was a circle, departing and ending at the same point.

I can almost imagine that feeling, surrounded in golden warmth... there are so many NDE people that describe that feeling of complete unconditional love, a feeling of love beyond what we can imagine here on Earth. Being home again. It's hard to believe that so many people can tear themselves away from that feeling and return. But they never forget it. And don't fear death.

Stella Wong

Thanks all,

I have finished the book "The way towards Health", if you haven't read it yet and if you are concerning about health, I highly recommend it, (though it is the last book from Seth and it's a bit sad reading that Jane passed away before the book finished) it gave me much inspiration.


Please don't call me teacher, I am just a beginner compared to you all and we are in fact learning ABC as Seth mentioned. But I am real glad that we can share our exploration in our spiritual paths. It's not easy to have many people talking about this out there.


I watched the video you shared and their website too, that's really amazing, life is full of miracles, and what the couples doing in helping others are just wonderful!

I am glad that the material from Dr Chung inspired you, I met him in person before and in fact I contacted him again about my Dad's problem, I asked for his idea if hypnosis could help my Dad, and he sent me some recordings. He's really kind.

And yes it seems that almost all people came back from NDE said that's a wonderful experience and they said the feeling after death is much nicer and more pleasurable than that being alive. I am wondering maybe that's the main reason that most people do not come back after death. And according to those people with NDE, they said that they had to choose between staying there or coming back, most of them said their first feeling is they don't wanna come back, but then they found that they still have something to do or mission to achieve in this physical life and that's why they come back. This is really interesting and also I see it as good news to us who haven't died yet.  ;D


Stella and everyone, just a few thoughts from my part of the world, related to Stella's upliftiing post.

About NDEs, or death, or going back home.  After my husband died, about 5 months later I found my way to a psychic, someone my husband had visited 30 years ago before I knew him, when he was living in San Francisco.  She was now practicing in Berkeley and so it was serendipitously convenient to meet with her.  Over the course of 6 months, I had 5 sessions.  The best part of those readings was connecting with my husband's energy.  He was sooooo happy to be out-of-body, back in the light and vastness and simplicity of the universe.  When he left his body, he didn't look back.

About the journey after a stroke.  For one of my closest friends who had a stroke in Nov 2013, it's been a difficult but absolutely triumphant road back to health.  But it isn't just getting back to good health; my friend is discovering grace and joy in things that were once small but are now huge, like the kindness of strangers.  Stella, you are already growing, thanks to Seth's guidance in seeing beyond the circumstances to the inner meanings.  Bravo.


Quote from: Stella Wong on February 12, 2015, 06:14:11 AMI have finished the book "The way towards Health", if you haven't read it yet and if you are concerning about health, I highly recommend it, (though it is the last book from Seth and it's a bit sad reading that Jane passed away before the book finished) it gave me much inspiration.

Stella, I read The Way Towards Health too. I took it on a trip to Italy a couple of summers ago and read the whole thing. I cried all the way through it. Sad for Jane's physical decline, sad for what Rob was going through, sad that Seth would be no more. Jane must have had a lot of deep feelings of failure inside due to her own mother's illness and the unhappy childhood she had. What a waste. She was too young to die and had so much to live for. But, it was still a great book.

So you watched the YouTube about Kate Rickel -- that's great. You would never know she'd ever been through such a horrific accident. After I put that link up, I decided to order her book again. I'd had the book and someone borrowed it and never gave it back (someone I don't keep in touch with, and ex-girlfriend of an acquaintance). I bought a used copy on Amazon and had a nice surprise when I received it -- it was signed by the author! I took it as an affirmation.

That was so nice of Dr. Chung to respond and send you recordings. It reminds me of the warmth and caring nature of Anita Moorjani. I wonder if that's typical of the NDE returnees?

Stella Wong


Thanks for your sharing about your husband about your friend, they are not only inspirational but also strengthen up our beliefs.


I guess so, as both of them mentioned they felt the unconditional love during their NDEs.

Btw it seems I have a lot to catch up in this forum as I haven't visited for a while.

:) cheers


Hi Stella,

I am pretty much new on this site and learning people. I turned to this page in the Seth Material and then started reading all of these posts.

Page 170

When action is allowed to flow freely, then neurotic rejections will not occur. And it is neurotic rejection that causes unnecessary illness.
All illness is almost always the result of another action that cannot be followed through. When the lines to the original action are released and the channels opened, the illness will vanish. However, the thwarted action may be one with disastrous consequences which the illness may prevent. The personality has its own logic.
Over and over again Seth tells us that physical symptoms are  communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or another.

Page 171

Do not forget that you are a part of the inner self. It is not using you. You are the portion of it that experiences physical reality. Now, physical illnesses that are not critical but observable--that do not involve, say, loss of a limb or organ--generally represent probelms that are in the process of being solved, problems that are 'out in the open.'
Such illnesses are the end product of a process of discovery. Inner problems are literally brought out where they can be faced, recognized, and conquered, using the symptoms as meassuring points of progress. A trial-and-error system is involved, but the inner processes are reflected rather quickly by the physical condition.
As Seth makes clear in other sessions, the symptoms in such cases are themselves part of the healing process. What we are supposed to do, then, is change our mental attitude, search ourselves for the inner problem represented by the symptoms, and measure our progress as the symptoms subside.
In cases where the symptom itself is interior, as in ulcers, this is a sign that the personality is not yet willing to face the problem, and the symptom itself is shielded from physical sight--quite rightly, symbolically speaking. The relative observability of a symptom is, therefore, a clue to the personality's attitude toward its problem.

Stella Wong

Hello eyelive4ever2,

That is wonderful, we always need such reminder, especially that about our mental attitude towards the problems facing and the physical life we are living. Even we are able to change our attitude sometimes, it is always easy for us to return to the original shape, the belief work is quite critical there, and we need to remind ourselves from time to time.  Thank you for the quotes.  :)


Stella, it's nice to see you back. How's your father's recovery coming along?

Stella Wong

HI Deb,

Sorry for not posting much, I have been overwhelming by the things stacking as I am not a very organized person, and tend to procrastinate. I am falling behind of schedule on my hypnotherapy practice - rushing 24 therapy sessions and a thesis before June in order to get the certificate. At the same time, I am still planning my business...

Thanks for asking about my Dad, he is fine but still not able to talk much, we tried 2 sessions with a Speech Therapist, but we found that he is also having some problems on logical thinking, his mind is sometimes confusing. So we are thinking if we should bring him to try acupuncture therapy, I even thought to use hypnotherapy (not by me, he may not trust me on doing it, maybe my teacher instead), but not really decided yet, still have to research and discuss with other family members.

hope everything is fine on you  :)


Hi Stella, nice to "see" you again! No worries about you're being busy, it sounds like you have your hands full. I'd love to ask you about the hypnosis classes. I tried to be hypnotized and it didn't work, but I'd love to know what it is and how it works. I think my problem is that my brain NEVER SHUTS UP.

It sounds like your Dad has a way to go, but it also sounds like he's made some progress. It takes a while, I think, for the brain to remap away from the damaged areas into new territory. The acupuncture sounds good, there's nothing to lose by trying. Hypnosis as well, that's a really interesting idea.

All is well here, just stop by when you get a chance. I've been adding new boards. I made a creations board, so feel free to put up examples of your calligraphy.

Bumblebee came up with this amazing quote (her own creation) and I thought of you and your calligraphy immediately:

Quote from: Bumblebee on March 06, 2015, 09:41:42 AMParadise is not a special place on earth, nor can it be found in a relationship. It is in us at all times, like a diamond in the rough. It is up to us to polish it in order for the light to shine through.

Stella Wong

Hi Deb,

Hypnosis is actually a tool or a process to lower the activity of the outer conscious mind through relaxation and highly concentration, so that the subconscious mind is more easy to be reached and communicated. Then we can either get info like retrieving memory or implant new programming or belief in order to achieve what we want, such as solving problems of addictions, uncontrolled behavior, stresses, insomnia, phobias, weight control, ptsd, and many psychological problems.

In order to get hypnotized, you have to be ready and willing to be hypnotized, as in fact it is a collaboration and  interaction between the hypnotherapist and client. It's not only his job but you are as important taking part to hypnotize yourself with the aid of the hypnotherapist. So you have to trust him with no doubt and worry. Concentrate on what he said and let the imagination fly with what he suggests, without judgement and analyzing as no logic is needed about the content. So it is in fact easy to be hypnotized if you follow the above. Most of the time people find difficulties because they cannot be relaxed and concentrated, they are thinking too much, judging and analyzing and in some cases high defense of the conscious mind, which is actually resisting to be hypnotized. In order to solve the above, you may try doing self hypnosis first in order to get used of the concentration, relaxation and imagination. But some people like me, are just happy to be self hypnotized rather than being hypnotized by others. Unless you really need help and cannot be solved by yourself, otherwise self hypnosis is really powerful enough.

My friend's Dad is a therapist who place very small electromagnetic adhesive tape on different parts of the ear, and  stimulating the acupuncture point in order to activate the body functions and cure many problems. We are thinking to try this as my dad doesn't want to get needles under the skin as there is a certain risk.

I sent a message to Lynda telling her about my idea on writing Seth quotes in calligraphy, she likes the idea too but I haven't decide where or how I should spread yet, maybe creating a facebook page?

Btw I really like that amazing quote from Bumblebee, wow that is awesome and I want to write it with calligraphy! So yes the creation board you made is a great idea, I will upload some later! Thanks!!  :)


Quote from: Stella Wong on March 22, 2015, 10:11:32 PMMost of the time people find difficulties because they cannot be relaxed and concentrated, they are thinking too much, judging and analyzing and in some cases high defense of the conscious mind, which is actually resisting to be hypnotized.

I think that's my problem. I would like to be hypnotized just to know what it feels like. Although, was it Seth, who said we hypnotize ourselves all the time? The person who tried to hypnotize me was a pro, but I didn't feel comfortable with him so that was part of the problem.

I've heard just a little about brain wave activity, and how while hypnotized the brain waves will go from normal waking Beta to Alpha or even Theta. Also how children live in the lower brain wave states depending on their age and how that makes their brains sponges for learning. Really fascinating!

What's your favorite method for self-hypnosis?

Quote from: Stella Wong on March 22, 2015, 10:11:32 PM
My friend's Dad is a therapist who place very small electromagnetic adhesive tape on different parts of the ear, and  stimulating the acupuncture point in order to activate the body functions and cure many problems. We are thinking to try this as my dad doesn't want to get needles under the skin as there is a certain risk.

So is that considered an electronic acupuncture? I'd not heard of it, but it seems like it should be just as effective. Maybe even more so as the goal is to get energy moving?

Quote from: Stella Wong on March 22, 2015, 10:11:32 PMI sent a message to Lynda telling her about my idea on writing Seth quotes in calligraphy, she likes the idea too but I haven't decide where or how I should spread yet, maybe creating a facebook page?

A Facebook page sounds like a great idea. It wouldn't hurt to once in a while find a way to comment on Lynda's posts and link to your page. Also, a lot of people seem to have success selling on Etsy. If this forum ever takes off, you could even link to Etsy from the creation board (if you end up going that route).