
Started by Monica, May 31, 2015, 05:51:02 AM

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This afternoon I was reading through the forum threads I hadn't looked at yet. I watched the Weird Al Yankovic and Dog Wants a Kitty videos and enjoyed them!

In fact, I was watching the Dog Wants a Kitty video just before my sister and her partner came over for dinner. I quickly shut down my computer and made myself part of the evening when they arrived.

After dinner, dessert and coffee (!) and some chat, my sister remembered she wanted to show a video she really liked of animals voiced as people. I then showed her the video I had seen, after which she found another pet video of a poor dog being taunted with information about the owner eating most of the meat and then giving the rest to the cat.

I came back on here later after they'd gone home and eventually looked at the humour threads again, only to realise the exact video my sister had showed me as well as the one she found this evening have threads of their own on this site.

Synchronicity! I find it interesting that the two videos she chose were ones I hadn't watched yet and that she brought the subject up initially without prompting.

Animal videos are not the kind of thing we usually share or discuss.

I had some other moments of synchronicity (sort of) today. I was meant to meet some people at midday and waited for 30 mins for them to show, then left and went to enjoy myself because I felt unpleased at the non-event. I tried on a jacket I had seen in a store window not so long ago, which really suited me.

The curious thing about this jacket is that I first saw it after an intensive thought about wearing a red jacket when I was envisioning a career improvement for myself. The same day or shortly after is when I saw it in the window - the same red and texture as what I had seen in my mind, though not exactly the same design, which was fine as I had felt that I hadn't really visualised that part quite right.

The other curious thing was in the morning on the way to meet the no shows I was thinking about a man I sort of know who is very fair in colouring, balding and speaks fluent spanish. I cannot remember the details, but I had this image of him talking on his cellphone in spanish. Shortly afterward a balding, medium-fair coloured man walked past me speaking fluent spanish into a cellphone.

When I got home after my outing, I had an email from one of the people I was going to meet, who had turned up 2 minutes after I left! Ah well, that led to an interesting conversation about where to next in a positive sense.

More recently I have had synchronous moments over the miles and time with a person I have never met and who does not know me in 'real' life. I occasionally watch a particular YouTube video channel and I had an image of the host wearing a soft, light coloured beanie when I was having an imaginary conversation (I bring people I have and haven't met into my internal dialogue to help me work things out). He was wearing one very similar the next day. Then I was thinking about the 'future' of the planet and taking care of it as well as the idea of communicating those ideas to him in a comment (not actually written out yet) and those were literally the topics of his next video or two, unexpectedly.

In addition, I had a thought about olives and olive oil and then found an olive coloured top that looked really good on me even though I hardly ever wear that colour and have never before included it in my wardrobe. The thoughts about the oil included positives regarding my career and wearing the top felt very softly grounding as though capability and creative energies had integrated in my favour.

My thoughts and experience with all of the above are interlinked and interwoven and have occured in less than a week (with the exception of when I first saw the red jacket) and have all had a career improvement focus in the thought parts. I've been considering my desire to be aligned inner and outer and I would say this is a sign there's alignment in process!


Hmm, I don't know if the Miscellaneous forum is the best place to put this. Maybe the Seth Concepts in Daily Life forum would be better?


Quote from: Monica on May 31, 2015, 05:51:02 AMMy thoughts and experience with all of the above are interlinked and interwoven and have occured in less than a week (with the exception of when I first saw the red jacket) and have all had a career improvement focus in the thought parts. I've been considering my desire to be aligned inner and outer and I would say this is a sign there's alignment in process!

Hi Monica! Welcome to the forum. Sorry for the delay in my responding, I'm out of town with sketchy internet (and some times no internet at all).

How awesome that you have had so much feedback in the form of synchronicity! Don't you just love that? And to be able to recognize the feedback for what it is. I think there are a lot of people (surely not Sethies!) that don't even notice. I tend to see meaning in everything and love multiple "coincidences" that occur during a short period of time. It's definitely a sign of alignment.

Is that pretty thrilling for you? I used to get so excited to have when I started getting that feedback, but  it happens so often now that I'm content with recognizing it for what it is. Although I still have to smile and get that warm tug in my heart that things are working.  :)

If you feel your topic would be more suited to the board "Applying Seth's Concepts to Daily Life," you should be able to move it yourself. Feel free. I have a post about synchronicity in there myself. The links to do that would be at the bottom of this topic. You don't need to post a redirect. Or let me know if you'd prefer that I do it for you.


Thanks Deb! I've moved the thread as you can see.

I've been aware of the Seth works for about 15 years, though I took a diversion and came 'back' only 5 years ago or so, after exploring other metaphysical concepts and systems. That diversion helped me make sense of Seth more than I was able to initially, so it worked out pretty well.

I do notice synchronicity, regularly. I would say that I've become so used to clairvoyant understanding that not much of my 'future' surprises me. I still end up with results I don't like as much and have my moments of dilemma over what choice to make, but overall I feel pretty centered in my being.

I notice that the kinds of flurry of activity in terms of synchronized events and serendipity have ebbs and flows. I think my new challenge is to ride that and utilize the energies in the best way I can in order that I may create even more specifically and fulsomely. My desire now is to initiate and actualise my deepest held goals and preferences so that I can live harmonically with plenty of interesting, creative activities to enliven my 'time' and 'space'.

I think I've read your synchronicity thread, but will have another look.

Actually, this forum is perfect for my desires right now! I was hanging out quietly on another forum where there's a lot more focus on the deeper, abstract questions and a lot of threads that drift back into silence after a brief, but intensive discussion. I was going to ask whether some of the forum sections there could be adjusted to enable more diverse and vibrant conversation, but decided to leave it for a while. I thought about it again recently and then came across your site when browsing for Seth related material. Good timing!

I find the energy here really nice. There's a blend of the various things I've liked about different metaphysics and alternative spirituality forums I've joined or lurked on previously, such that I feel more inclined to post my real inner thoughts and share with spontaneity as well as be imperfect in semi-public. LOL!

Cheers and best wishes to all.

;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Monica on June 01, 2015, 09:33:07 PMActually, this forum is perfect for my desires right now! I was hanging out quietly on another forum where there's a lot more focus on the deeper, abstract questions and a lot of threads that drift back into silence after a brief, but intensive discussion. I was going to ask whether some of the forum sections there could be adjusted to enable more diverse and vibrant conversation, but decided to leave it for a while. I thought about it again recently and then came across your site when browsing for Seth related material. Good timing!

I find the energy here really nice. There's a blend of the various things I've liked about different metaphysics and alternative spirituality forums I've joined or lurked on previously, such that I feel more inclined to post my real inner thoughts and share with spontaneity as well as be imperfect in semi-public. LOL!

I'm so glad you feel that way! This forum is fairly new and quiet right now, but another member wants to team up with me when I get back in town (mid-June) to grow the forum slowly and thoughtfully. I envisioned the forum as being Seth-oriented, but with allowing people the freedom to expand and explore thoughts and concepts and express themselves in a more personal continuous flow—without restrictions. Bleh, did that make any sense at all?

Anyway, stick around, I think we're all going to be pleased!