He who does not move can make no errors (Jane's non-arthritis)

Started by inavalan, May 02, 2023, 02:33:11 PM

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There are many references to Jane's alleged arthritis, and many posts about it here, but this quote seems very clear:

Quote"("Has Jane got arthritis?")
There is no arthritis here. There is a severe panic reaction against restrictions, both from within and without, the immobility of fright. He who does not move can make no errors; and he felt he had made a severe error in allowing Fell to publish the book. Your own feelings toward Fell had strong emotional power.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
I will endeavor to do so, and believe I can to some extent. The adoption of the arthritis symptoms did have some mother identification, but also they were adopted simply because they were symptoms with which Ruburt was familiar. (Eyes open, emphatic.)
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
The cod liver oil is now safe enough. In the past, however, it tended to aggravate his condition because the word arthritis alone carried such emotional force. This force has now become weaker."

—TES8 Session 344 June 7, 1967

Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


My lookup for "arthritis" in the Seth Material, and subsequently my above post, were triggered by a discussion about how bad sugar is, causing heart disease, ...

This was my contribution to that discussion:

QuoteFear is the most toxic.

QuoteSugar reduces the cellular membrane's permeability, which causes degenerative diseases. As far as I know, the only way to somewhat reverse that cellular damage is fish oil.

But ...

The body is a gestalt of consciousness, which means that its state of health is determined at the gestalt level, and it isn't derived form its elements' state (see the definition of "gestalt").

In other words, if at gestalt level there is a feeling, intention, expectation of health (NOTE: this is fundamentally different from a wish for "not getting sick") then even when at cellular consciousness level tendencies of illness appear, they eventually subside, maintaining the body's health.

The opposite is also true: a feeling or expectation of illness (including fear of illness, wish for "not getting sick") will cause illness at gestalt level, even when at cellular level all conditions would warrant health.

Two people with the same genetic predispositions, lifestyle, including sugar consumption, will have different health outcomes when their feelings, intentions, expectations of health are different.

Health, as everything we experience in our physical lives, is determined totally by our psychic state.

The body isn't a mechanistic construction of organs, cells, atoms, subatomic particles.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Especially interesting for me because I'm also a "fan" of Joe Dispenza (placebo effect) and Bruce Lipton (epigenetics). Both: You make your own reality/body/health... no victims.

Yet knowing how much Jane suffered and how distorted her body became in the end makes Seth saying (which he said more than once) that she did not have Rheumatoid Arthritis difficult for me to accept. But then I'm plugged into F1. But I've also experienced less serious physical problems of my own resolved almost instantly. Then there is Anita Moorjani, who after organ failure and a NDE, abruptly recovered 100% from stage 4 cancer.

Right now I'm at the place where I believe our bodies were created to self maintain and heal, and our beliefs and expectations affect that. Having the proper nutrients available to the body are necessary as we F1 inhabitants are not yet at the point where free energy can be accessed.

As a PS, I gave up sugar(s) 10 years ago and don't miss them. And I agree the body is not a machine. Which modern Western medicine would have us believe.