"achieving desire: positive visualization, positive imagination, and confidence"

Started by inavalan, May 17, 2023, 01:18:24 AM

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"(9:50. During break I made several remarks about the poor quality of the pen I was trying to take notes with, and of our difficulties lately finding the brand pen we had been used to using, and which worked so well. I intended to add more to my remarks, but Seth broke in at 9:58.)

Now. By such a statement you effectively make sure that you will not find the pen you want, and it is a small example of the use of the wrong method.

("I expect to find one in another store, though." This is what I had intended adding to my statements.)

The remark that you just made was the kind of a remark that put an impediment between the desired end and...(Here the pace was too fast for a couple of sentences. Here, again, Seth refers to my remarks at break.)

Instead, you should see the pen you want in your mind, know that you will have a steady supply of them, recognize the statement you just made as leading away from your desire, and replacing it with a statement like the one you just made.

"I know I will find a store that carries the type of pen I desire." This is a small illustration but a good one. You should study it, for it applies to everything, and any desire. You have within you a readymade method of achieving desire: positive visualization, positive imagination, and confidence.

Negative visualization, negative imagination, and the feeling that the result will not be achieved, leads to the opposite of your desire. There is no other way, nor answer. To affirm is to receive. To deny is to lose."

"...remember again, imagination as a valuable tool used correctly. It is your paintbrush, with which you form your reality."

—TPS1 Session 478 (Deleted) April 28, 1969
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Great quote! I did the above yesterday and with such good results I surprised myself. Great day.


The Session #478 has much informative material on how our imagination and emotions determine the reality we create:

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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.