If the environment changes it is because your inner conceptions have changed

Started by inavalan, May 22, 2023, 02:58:53 PM

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"Now I have told you time and time again, my friends, that you construct your physical universe and your private environment in line with your inner expectations, for they mirror perfectly the deepest areas of your own inner reality.

This is perhaps the closest I can come in handing you anything that approaches a basic truth. All of our material follows from this, and any other information contained in the material follows and flows out of this primary statement.

I do not speak symbolically, but quite literally.

When you find yourselves therefore noticing more and more the inequalities, the disasters and shames that come within your sphere of perception, you add to their existence. This may confound what common sense may tell you. However, concentration reinforces the quality which is concentrated upon.

I will not go more deeply into this, for we have mentioned it often, and I address myself now to you both. When you are concentrating upon destructive elements, you lose on two points. You reinforce the destructive qualities by the very act of concentrating upon them, and you rob yourselves of the constructive qualities that you could be concentrating upon, and therefore that you could be reinforcing.

For an example, we will take your friend and her tumor. The tumor was formed by inner concentration. She feared a tumor so strongly that subconsciously she focused her energies in those directions. It existed in her mind long before it was physically constructed.

Had she concentrated upon constructive elements, not only would the tumor itself be nonexistent, but she would have constructed a positive element in its stead. A spiritual growth, for example.

All of these matters, you see, and many more, from the considerations of health and the formation of destructive ulcers and tumors, to the construction of any simple physical object, to the construction of an apparition – all of these are in one way or another connected with inner focus and concentration.

You will in all cases attempt to construct as physical reality your inner conception of what reality is. Your physical environment and conditions are a mirror of your own basic conceptions of reality. If the environment changes it is because your inner conceptions have changed, and no smallest alteration is made within physical reality, that has not first been made within the inner self."

—TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966

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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


It doesn't get any clearer than that. Great quote. I need to stop watching the news again.
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Quote from: Deb on May 22, 2023, 07:56:13 PMIt doesn't get any clearer than that. Great quote. I need to stop watching the news again.
I've been doing it for awhile.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Change Comes From Within

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 334

"If you paint a picture, its overall quality comes from the inner atmosphere of your being.

In the same manner, you create your physical image and your worldIf anything in that physical image or world needs changing, the change must first be made in the atmosphere of the inner self.

For this projection of inner into outer is automatic.  Understanding the processes involved is of great benefit.  The physical self seems to react to physical stimuliActually, of course, it is reacting to its own reality, projected outward.

The objects in the physical universe are but symbols to express other realities existing within private realms.  The inner will always be projected outward within your system.  If, for example, a letter comes to you bearing good news, and you react to the letter with high spirits, then you should understand that the high spirits existed first, and created the materialization of the letter within the physical systems, through the multilayered and complicated reactions that bind together the physical system.

If an annoying letter arrives and you react to it negatively, the negative quality preceded the letter and caused it to materialize in your system.  Now you do not force someone to write such a letter, you see.  You broadcast the negative feelings, which were then picked up by whomever was ready to receive them, for their own purposes.

I cannot emphasize too strongly that this is automatic.  I do not want to put it in such a way that it is oversimplified.  Neither do I want it to get too involved in too many complications.

The intensity of the inner feeling is the dominating factor here.  A sudden but intense feeling or hatred or resentment or fear may cause tragic physical circumstances, for example.  A sudden and intense exaltation, however, will have the same immediate and literally astounding but opposite physical effect.  That is, pure joy, even of brief duration, can literally change the direction of a life.

Between these extremes lie all the other colors and hues of inner feeling.  A variety of poor or negative feelings, however, of fairly low intensity, can add up to a general negative emotional climate, which projects itself outward into physical reality.

These negative feelings will be translated in physical terms.  It does you little good to know that physical symptoms or inadequate physical surroundings are symbolic unless you realize that the inner situation can be changed.

Now it appears to you that a difference is worked when you exchange a poor physical symbol for a constructive one.  The change of course comes before this in the inner self.  The physical being simply uses the physical system as a checking board.

It must be realized that the physical conditions are not permanent, but ever changing.  To imagine otherwise is to become hypnotized by the physical symbols.  Each day should be considered a new day.  Ruburt should not think for example: "I have had these symptoms for such and such a time."  This reinforces the idea of permanencyThe day should be considered a psychic rebirth."
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


The reality you perceive is a reflection of yourself. In other words, you get only what you deserve. Nobody owes you anything, and nobody can give you anything else than you deserve.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


"You have been examining others, rather than examining the self. What you see of others is the materialization of what you think, subconsciously, that you are: not necessarily what you are. For example: if others seem deceitful to you it is because you deceive yourself and then project this outward onto others.

These are simply examples now. If an individual sees only evil and desolation in the physical world, it is because he is obsessed with evil and desolation and projects them outward and closes his eyes to all else. If you want to know what you think of yourself, then ask yourself what you think of others, and you will find your answer.

This is, of course, on a subconscious basis. Another example only: a very industrious individual thinks the majority of mankind are lazy and good for nothing. No one would ever think of calling him lazy or good for nothing, yet this may be precisely his own subconscious picture of himself, against which he drives himself incessantly, all in an effort to prove that his erroneous self-image is, indeed, wrong. And all without realizing his basic concept of himself and without recognizing the fact that he projects it outward onto others.

True self-knowledge is indispensable for health or vitality, and this means in every instance. The recognition of the truth about the self means that you must first discover what you think about yourself subconsciously. If this is a good image, build upon it. If it is a poor one, recognize it as simply the opinion of the subconscious and not as a definite truth.

The subconscious has its opinions as the ego does."

—TES8 Session 340 May 10, 1967
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.