Puny God concepts

Started by Mark M, June 17, 2023, 10:06:22 PM

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Mark M

"All That Is ... has little to do with the puny concepts in which God has been entrapped for centuries, as far as your religion and myths are concerned. For those myths have also entrapped you who believed in them."

From Conversations with Seth, Vol 2

Some musings:

Seth/Jane sought to unpuny-fy things by asserting God = All That Is = a primary pyramid energy gestalt that is (per a New Testament allusion: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground unperceived by your Father.") aware of each sparrow that falls because it is each sparrow that falls. The typical God concept is aspirational in the sense that those holding such concepts think of their God as an ideal. The angry Hebrew god was their ideal then and that Jesus guy tried to supplant that with a caring parent figure, tho many fundamentalist Xns still idealize that angry Hebrew god as that is still their ideal, yea, even unto the 21st century. The idea of Hell is demolished when one points out that what sane God would eternally punish a child if no human parent would do so?

The Hebrew god was so puny, that "He," per the story, pointed out to the Hebrews a "promised land" that was already occupied and, in essence, said to go and conquer it instead of simply, as a god, the one that created the heavens and the earth, creating unoccupied land for them and thereby avoiding much bloodshed. Rather in contrast to such a god concept or to atheist Steven Hawking et al. (and more fun): "All That Is, as the source of all realities and experience, is so psychologically complex, so multidimensionally creative, that it constantly surprises itself." --Seth/Jane, DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 916, May 14, 1980

Religions don't much seem to value fun, but Jane's Seth recommends if it's not fun, stop doing it as we Sethniks well know.
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The idea that God lives above somewhere and you pray to him for stuff that he then supplies to you like a servant or philanthropic overlord is the central problem. God is us. God made everything perfect then as us it experiences its creation. There is war and disease etc because we are God but we don't know that. So our erroneous beliefs manifest and we experience them and blame God ha. We are God. Most of us are asleep in a trance inside an illusion some of us have woken up and realise what we are and how our thoughts create reality. There are lots of problems with the various religions but I think the biggest is duality, that God is something outside of us. Being God but not knowing you are is kind of dangerous when you think about it.
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