Focusing on your belly when tapping your inspiration

Started by inavalan, September 03, 2023, 02:04:17 PM

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EDIT: The "lousy spelling" is a lousy interpretation. A more useful one: "focusing on your belly" (meditation) makes you take a "desert island" for a "dessert island" (false self-realization) :)
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


I'll be honest I'm a little confused and I'm not following the conversation as well as I would like. I hope what I'm about to say is contributory.

  I met a martial artist who approached many things very differently than I did, or to the "learnings" I had had been exposed.
  One being - my energy and spiritual access I utilize is thru chakras, and a power (and information source) that is above my head and attached to the entire universe. It runs through me, my Chakras, into the ground, and occasionally back up when needed (raising the Kundalini).
  His energy source was located in the lower part of his abdomen and he moved it through his body at need. He called this power center his Chi, (also qi) as in Tai Chi.
  What was most interesting was even though our visualizations were extraordinarily different we did the same things with the energy very much the same way.
  I learned then, that my meditations with Chakras was simply a symbology I was using to achieve a task. I could have chosen any visualization process (or other) that I believed would have certain outcomes and it would work.
  I experimented with that in a variety of ways and that proved to be accurate and very freeing.
  So for Taoist, and other Oriental philosophy, the Chi, (in the stomach area) is a vital energy of life and existence along with a connection to the universe --(and there's nothing wrong with it, as long as it serves their needs and doesn't harm anyone else).

(Joy and) Happiness,