If you believe no peace in your world, in your private world, there wil be none

Started by inavalan, October 02, 2023, 12:50:56 AM

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The Personal Sessions: Book Two of the Deleted Seth Material: Personal Seth Sessions: 12/8/71- 11/27/73
Butts Robert, Roberts Jane

NOVEMBER 26, 1973


When you have completed a life then it is as if you have finished a living portrait of yourself, using the mediums of space and time. Then you have the painting to examine. The memories and realities within that portrait are yours to learn from and to use as a model for other such living portraits in time and space.


Each living self-artist however tries to create the inner self in the material world, and each such portrait is indeed unique.


You want to keep your beliefs yet change your reality—I am not referring to you personally here now—but this is impossible.


If you believe there is no peace in your world, in your private world, there will be none. If you want peace you must insert the belief in it and then your experience will justify it.
You cannot say to yourself twenty times a day "There is no peace,'' and at the same time expect to find some, with any possibility of achieving anything but conflict. There is no other way. Keep your cherished beliefs in conflict, but you will not find peace.


the belief in discordant conditions initiates it. I am not saying that others are not involved, but that discordant thoughts bring about discordant reactions in others, to which they will react according to their own beliefs. But no one creates your private reality but you.


When you consistently concentrate upon negative aspects you seek them out from your experience and all the available stimuli, until reality certainly does seem to justify your attitudes. Using the power point of the present, you seek backward into the past, reorganizing data to those ends, and project them into the future. You feel closed in. Depression sets in. If this is the kind of painting you want then at least be aware of it. If it is not, realize that you can at any point in the present begin to alter it and your experience.
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


In the 1980s, from two sources, I was exposed to the idea of awareness filters and how to program them.

What are awareness filters? Our awareness filters are what we have pre-programmed ourselves to pay attention to (and not pay attention to).

Example: if you were to drive down the road and you paid attention to the leaves fluttering on the trees, the toys in the neighbor's yard, the birds flying in the air, the neighbors opened front door - in other words if you paid attention to everything, then, you couldn't drive the car a half-block before you wrecked your car.

You have programmed yourself to pay attention to the important things: Kids running toward the street, signs, balls rolling, Cars moving in driveways, etc..

If we did not have awareness filters we would suffer extreme information overload. (I know a young person with Autism that appears to have information overload.)

If you have programmed your awareness filters with the belief that people think badly of you - your awareness filters will let that information come through and block the information where people say nice things about you, when people honor you, etc.. A self-fulfilling perspective that is skewed to your disadvantage.

If you're an entrepreneur and you've programmed your awareness filters such that 'you see opportunities everywhere', then you will. And people will be amazed at your brilliance. But they could program that same belief into their own awareness filters and they would see opportunities everywhere.

If you have programmed your awareness filters such that you live in a terrible world - you will. And if you have programmed your filters so that you have wonderful things happening in your life - you will.

There are very specific techniques to appropriately and most effectively program your awareness filters. It begins with your self-talk and with specific statements to program your filters - self affirmations.

I'll explain techniques later.

(Joy and) Happiness,


Programming awareness filters with self-affirmations
     - - - -

Self-affirmations can be used to change your awareness filters, beliefs, your behavior, your view of what the world is around you, the actual world around you, your level of happiness and feelings of safety. Because our beliefs, especially our awareness filters, define Who We Are, and, the world around us - this is where you begin to do it.

It's important to know how to formulate appropriate effective self-affimations.
    A. They must be in the present tense as though they were already true and currently true.
    B. Avoid any verbiage in the negative or that implies that you don't already have this ability or quality.
    C. Never use any phraseology about "What You Won't Do" or "can't do" or "will not do". Such as: 'I don't cheat on my diet'. Your brain does not hear the negative "don't". So you've just programmed in "I cheat on my diet"

An example: I'm going to ask you to do something mentally and I'm going to ask you to follow through as best you can:

 'Do not think of a pink elephant.

How well did you do? The imagery created by "Pink elephant" overrides the idea of "do not". Thus, you can not successfully program using that type of approach.

Instead phrase the same affirmation: ' I eat a healthy diet.' (Stated as currently true and in the positive).

'My world is safe.'
'I am kind.'
'Good things constantly happen to me.'
'I am a non-smoker.'
'All people are kind to me.'
'My body is healthy and fit.'
'Daily I increase my psychic abilities.' (This one is a little tricky - by using the word 'increase' it is assumed the skill is already there based on the wording. )

Here's the wrong way to say the same thing.
   'I will become psychic.'
The 'I will' says that it's not currently true - and that violates the 'currently true' requirement. Following is the very best way to say it.

'I am actively psychic.'

The shorter the affirmation the better.

'I am' is a powerful precursor to the state of being you desire to be.

Sometimes it's best to approach things from more than one direction with multiple self affirmations. For example:

'I am healthy and fit.'
'I exercise daily and eat a good diet.'
'I believe in myself.'

Select 6 to 10 of your most important affirmations. Write your currently most important affirmations down everyday multiple times. Do so until it sinks in, or for 30 days max, and then move on to an adjusted set of affirmations. Use 'correctly formed affirmations' in the part B, that is below.

That was part A.

Part B:

The next has to do with self-talk. Everyone says things to themselves all day long. Every time you catch yourself saying something negative about yourself, your world, or your life, then override it with three to five positively formed affirmations that directly counteract it.

'I am lazy.' When you catch yourself saying that - then follow with:
 'I am energetic and productive.'
 'I am energetic and productive.'
 'I am energetic and productive.'
 'I accomplish my highest payoff task.'
 ''I accomplish my highest payoff task."
And if you have time then do a few more. The more the better.

The more diligent you are at counteracting negative thought the faster your life will change in the direction your self-affirmations are driving it.

Add these techniques with the knowledge that 'You create the "reality" around you' - together they are extremely powerful.

Since I've learned these techniques I have lived something of a Charmed Life: the process helped me figure out how to go back to, and pay for, college (4.0); start successful businesses; raise wonderful children; improve my effectiveness; improved resilience; enjoy excess finances; help many people in a wide variety of ways; abandon all concerns of what people thought of me; etc..

You can too.

(Joy and) Happiness,

P.S. Yes, ' (Joy and) Happiness '  - is a positive affirmation for me, and hopefully a gift to you; so you will think of that in the present and current tense (an affirmation for you). When I type that I often think "I am", "I have", or "for you". I put that on every personal email and letter, and, a few business documents. For 34 years I have experienced happiness for some portion of every day - thanks to self-affirmations . . .   "J&H,".

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