Osho quote

Started by LenKop, February 07, 2016, 05:48:07 PM

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"Just be yourself; relax and enjoy your being, and bring your potential to its maximum unfoldment."

Not Seth, but relevant nonetheless. Particularly with the topic of Trust.

From Osho fb.



Wonderful quote. Sounds like a lot of advice that's being given by so many of these gurus, it's a shame we have to keep being reminded to be ourselves. Why has that been so drummed OUT of society? And so hard to do most of the time.

By the way, I had to look up Osho, had not heard of him before. I'll be reading his Wiki later. I was surprised to see he was 58 when he died, in the photo he looks much older. Not what I'd expect from a guru. But maybe it's just the white beard, the beard always seems the first thing to go.

John Sorensen

He was the "free love guru" back in the day.
A real rascal, and also some interesting books and talks etc.

Also a cult leader and had some pretty wacky view like the segregation of homosexuals because they "spread disease".

"as a homosexual, you are not even a human being [...]. You have fallen from dignity"

Hmmmm, that don't fly with me Rajneesh! I mean I'm straight, but I find the idea of segregating anyone appalling.

But then in other times and place he had this to say:

"HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT SUCH A BIG PROBLEM; it is not a problem at all, in fact -- it is part of human freedom. There is nothing wrong if two persons choose a certain style of sexual relationship; IT SHOULD BE NOBODY'S BUSINESS. But the priests and the politicians are poking their noses in everything! They create guilt in you -- absolutely unnecessary!"

He was kind of all over the place with his teachings. I mean i like some of his stuff - but he's like the spiritual equivalent of a smorgasbord. There's good stuff in there and also some real garbage that reflects his old timey third world heritage.

In a way it's not really fair to judge him by today's standards.