Can you change your body?

Started by Sena, July 10, 2016, 01:17:23 AM

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Quote from: SenaBeing insulin-dependent is not an easy thing to cope with.

@Sena Thank you. With an insulin pump it's not so bad, in fact, a lot better than using syringes 4 times a day. I still have to check blood sugar and count carbs and then the mini-computer in the pump calculates the dosage - still 4 times a day. The tricky part is avoiding getting too much insulin into the system and getting low blood sugar. That does not feel good and can be dangerous.

I do believe this is part of my life plan for this go round. In terms of reality creation I can't complain because I created it, very poor diet and all.


Quote from: JimK
Quote from: Sena"You do not understand the properties of soul or body, yet the body was given to you so that you could learn from it."
(From "The Unknown Reality, Vol. 2, Session 733)

That is so true. Learning/experiencing is a continuing process. I got that, but the reference to Mathew 5-7 flew right on past me. I've noticed so many groups using this quote or that quote to try to prove their points. I love different parts of the Bible, but when I read about the history of the canonization of the sacred texts it seems that there was a lot of power playing going on - same with the history of healing in the Christian faith.

Quote from: SenaIt is said that it will soon be possible to map all the genes in a human body, and insurance companies are keen to get their hands on this data:
It will be interesting see insurance companies losing money if they rely too much on this data.

I don't doubt the research and applications of the scientists will be realized. Ha, that would be interesting to see insurance companies lose money.

Quote from: BethAnneTwinkies should have no effect on one's health

BethAnne you're not saying Twinkies are a supplement are you? I think I missed something there. lol

The genome project was a big dead end.
Years of build up where they wanted you to believe they were finding God's blueprint, then at some point they realised it wasn't giving them the answer they were looking for, and really raised more questions than anything.

As Seth has said, until our modern earth science moves beyond it's current paradigms to become a true Multidimensional Science (which could happen who knows when but I would imagine at least another couple of hundred years, if not a thousand years) so many possibilities will remain unexamined and undiscovered, or when approached, will not be understood, or pushed away and labeled as pseudo-science, mystical etc.

With consciousness out of the equation, modern science is a dead end. An often amoral one. Further innovations in the standard of living for everybody are welcome, more gadget and toys and luxuries will not bring us one iota of happiness, knowledge, wisdom, realisation or authenticity. So it's basically a distraction. But a welcome one.


Quote from: SenaIt is said that it will soon be possible to map all the genes in a human body,

Quote from: Batfan007Bruce Lipton's work covers this extensively. He's a Cell Biologist.

Quote from: Wrendoctors who view the body as just a 'bag of genes'

Quote from: Batfan007The genome project was a big dead end.

Awesome stuff, Bruce's epigenetics make so much sense to me.

You know who was behind the whole genome mapping thing, right? Pharmaceutical companies. They funded the whole shebang as far as I've heard (I think that was Bruce). The plan was to map every gene and somehow get a patent on the troublesome ones so remedies could be invented with no competition allowed because of patent protection. They didn't get what they were looking for. Cosmic joke.

PS I love the 'bag of genes' comment. It reminds me of how some call the human body a 'meat suit.'


I didn't mention the part where in the Kryon books it talks about JUNK DNA being multidimensional, as in instructions for things other purely physical everyday things.
so again, if we want to understand more of that, we need Multidimensional Science rather than time based reductive linear Science.

We assume that human DNA is all about humans, but then even in conventional science, we know that DNA is part of all living things, but it's not just about biology, but the living hologram of the entire universe /reality also.
Some theorize that ancient mystics who had visions of the atom, saw it from the hologram that was/is in the DNA in their own body, meaning the map / pattern / building block of material creation is always there, in everything, always.

"they have eyes, but they do not see"


Quote from: Batfan007I didn't mention the part where in the Kryon books it talks about JUNK DNA being multidimensional, as in instructions for things other purely physical everyday things.
so again, if we want to understand more of that, we need Multidimensional Science rather than time based reductive linear Science.
Batfan OO7, thanks for drawing my attention to the Kryon books. I have started reading the Kryon 2010 book, THE TWELVE LAYERS OF DNA which explains in terms of the action of DNA how you can consciously change your body:

"The DNA is in the cells and the cells are "listening" for instructions. The DNA is "listening" to human consciousness to help tell the cells what to do. So the DNA is constantly "talking" to the cells with instructions for the whole 3D body. So what comes first, the "listening" or the talking"? For logic might say that if there is nobody listening, DNA could talk all day! The answer is that the consciousness of the human is the key, and it kick-starts all the DNA layers to do their job better...... DNA is always listening, according to Kryon. Therefore, it's our job to inform our own DNA what we need. Again, the key to change in the human body is information, not chemistry."

"When you begin to give intent to do anything at all with your DNA, it formats and configures everything for you!.... The body and the DNA are fine tuned to "know" what you are doing or thinking. It has been sitting there for eons, waiting for us to work with it and give it information."

Just as Seth stated that the cells are conscious, Kryon seems to be saying that the DNA is also conscious.


Yeah I've only read two of the books ever, just for those topics as some other stuff I read kept going on about those topics and I wanted some more depth, which their is plenty of/ I read that one and the one before or after it, I forge which, but they basically go together.
I love the color images of the patterns/symbols etc.

At the same time / after I read those, I was also looking into Metron's Cube, which is a real mind boggler.


"The natural healing of sound can happen also when you do such a simple thing as listen to the rain. You do not need drugs, hypnotism or even meditation. You only need to allow and direct the freedom of your conscious mind. Left alone, it will flow through thoughts and images that provide their own therapy."
From NOPR, Session 640, quoted here:


Sena, I followed your link and found that is a pretty interesting web site! I emailed the owner and told her about our forum to see if she'd add SoS to her links page. She seems like a very interesting person, I hope she visits. Over the past few years I'd occasionally searched for other Seth web sites and didn't come up with much. I'm surprised I didn't come across this one. It makes me wonder what else is out there.


Just to let you all know, I've split this topic off where it went into the Search Engine discussion. Those posts can be continued under Miscellaneous/Search Engines and Speaking of Seth. I'll return this topic to changing the body.  :)