Food, diet, the body

Started by Deb, February 01, 2016, 10:37:43 PM

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I've been wanting to explore this topic for quite a while, no better time than the present. Thanks John for giving me the little "push" to get started:

Quote from: John Sorensen on January 31, 2016, 09:35:53 PMHowever, the number one thing that made a difference, why my health has improved so much over the last decade is not just eating right and exercising, but an OVERWHELMING belief in good health, and the love and trust of my body, which is my vehicle to use while I enjoy my stay here in this planet.

Seth has said here and there that what we consume is less important than our beliefs about it. I would think, in that case, someone could possibly live on french fries for their entire life and if they believe it's health food, then it will be. That would then make me wonder if our bodies really need a variety of nutrients, or can we fabricate them out of thin air (or out of our beliefs)? Our bodies are physical, part of this 3D reality, and Seth has said there are certain conventions we follow simply because of the physical rules of our current existence. I've been wanting to clarify those concepts for myself, and re-found this recently (from NOPR, Session 660):

"Generally speaking, those who advocate health foods or natural foods subscribe to some of the same overall beliefs held by your physicians.

"They believe that diseases are the result of exterior conditions. Quite simply, their policy can be read: "You are what you eat." ...some strong suggestions of a very negative character are given, so that all foods except certain accepted ones are seen as bad for the body, and the cause of diseases. People become afraid of the food they eat, and the field of eating then becomes the arena.

"Moral values become attached to food, with some seem as good and some as bad. Symptoms appear, and are quite directly considered to be the natural result of ingesting foods on the forbidden list. In this system, at least, the body is not insulted with a bewildering assortment of drugs for therapy. It may, however, be starved of very needed nourishment.  ...You are what you think, not what you eat — and to a large extent what you think about what you eat is far more important.

"What you think about your body, health and illness will determine how your food is used, and how your chemistry handles fats, for instance, or carbohydrates. Your attitudes in preparing meals are highly important.

[For a current-day demonstration, here's a video from NPR:]
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"Physically, it is true, but again generally speaking, that your body needs certain nourishments. But within that pattern there is a great leeway and the organism itself has the amazing capacity to make use of substitutes and alternates. The best diet in the world, by anyone's standards, will not keep you healthy if you have a belief in illness.

"A belief in health can help you utilize a "poor" diet to an amazing degree."

So my question was answered, to a degree. Yes, our bodies do need some nutrition (I see them as building blocks, materials the body needs to perform it's maintenance and healing). But what we believe is more important than what we consume and the body is much more resourceful than for what it's given credit.

John Sorensen

One interesting thing is that there are animals who make their own Vitamin C, while we have to get it from food. I'm not sure, but I think I read somewhere that we use to be able to make our own vitamin c (in our bodies /synthesis) somewhere in our genetic past.
Could all essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace minerals etc be synthesized without food, or from any old food? It's seems unlikely to me. But then you have books like Autobiography of a Yogi where people are supposedly living off air / prana / space Jesus and what have you.

However, of all the so called "living on light" crowd, and Yogis, fakirs etc, none of seem to be able to undergo any sort of scientific testing so far.
We can fast 4-8 weeks with just water and no food of course, but that is not the same. The test would be the body not breaking down, and not losing weight if someone were really living off "light" or whatever. Or bio-photonic emissions, solar energy - basically you would be a solar battery like Superman. Most of our bodies energy production is taken care of by the simple act of breathing oxygen, however we still need "matter" via food to make up our bodies etc.

I tend to cycle between over eating and undereating, which simulates our cultural history (hunter gatherer food patterns) and also because I go the gym often, and do physical work, so burn up a lot of energy.

When I don't eat well AND take supplements, my body tends to not do so well for recovery etc.
I've skimmed over your post Deb, so will read the rest later as there is an episode of The Flash that is calling my name just now...

Here is some science stuff I just found when I googled the topic:
"Humans do not produce Vitamin C due to a mutation in the GULO (gulonolactone oxidase) gene, which results in the inability to synthesize the protein. Normal GULO is an enzyme that catalyses the reaction of D-glucuronolactone with oxygen to L-xylo-hex-3-gulonolactone. This then spontaneously forms Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). However without the GULO enzyme, no vitamin C is produced.
This has not been selected against in natural selection as we are able to consume more than enough vitamin C from our diet. It is also suggested that organisms without a functional GULO gene have a method of "recycling" the vitamin C that they obtain from their diets using red blood cells (see Montel-Hagen et al. 2008).
A 2008 published study (Li et al. 2008) claimed to have successfully re-instated the ability to produce vitamin C in mice.
Simply as trivia: other than humans; guinea pigs, bats and dry-nosed primates have lost their ability to produce vitamin C in the same way."


Quote from: John Sorensen on February 03, 2016, 07:18:23 PMCould all essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace minerals etc be synthesized without food, or from any old food? It's seems unlikely to me. But then you have books like Autobiography of a Yogi where people are supposedly living off air / prana / space Jesus and what have you.

That's the million dollar question. I've been reading nutrition books the past couple of years, it seems our bodies can't even utilize calcium properly without Vitamins K (in fats/butter from free range animals, a couple other sources too) and D, the reason behind tooth and bone problems and the cause of heart disease (hardening of the arteries, the calcium builds in the arteries rather than being absorbed by bone, etc. But then is it the same old "you are what you think" issue? I've read about meditating monks controlling body temperature (staying warm in freezing temps), hypnotized people not bleeding when cut, multiple personalities having different health issues, allergies, even eye color! Whether it's Seth's "you make your own reality" or science starting to realize the power of the mind and the science behind that... something sure is going on and it's not what I was taught growing up. Thank god.

Quote from: John Sorensen on February 03, 2016, 07:18:23 PMWhen I don't eat well AND take supplements, my body tends to not do so well for recovery etc.

I'm not big on fasting for myself, I probably couldn't do it. Even when I was a kid I'd get extremely nauseous and light headed if I skipped a meal. I'm a grazer, but found years ago that if I stay off the carbs (well, not red wine though) and sugar and keep active (walking, hiking, biking) my body responds wonderfully. So do carbs make me put on weight, or does my belief in that make me put on weight? I don't know. Seth would say the latter.

Interesting information about vitamin C. I wonder why the mutation? Bruce Lipton in Spontaneous Evolution has some really compelling information on evolution and mutation and that they are not random, there is intelligence behind the processes initiated by the organism. Purposeful evolution for adaptation purposes, and it doesn't always take millions of years. It can be spontaneous. So what do you suppose the purpose of the GULO gene mutation? Getting enough Vitamin C from our diet seems like a poor reason, since excess C could be excreted and living conditions/diet can change at the drop of a hat. Then there goes the easily ingested Vitamin C. This is something I'll have to think about.

John Sorensen

Hi Deb, the monks warming themselves up in snow and drying wet blankets draped over them is "Tummo" two-mo meditation. They are controlling their vagus nerve, so it's basically a type of Yoga.

Wim Hoff "The Iceman" does it better though. He holds the world records for swimming underwater (in below freezing temperatures, has climbed everest and been immersed in a big container of ice and more - all while only wearing a pair of shorts and in bare feet (I think he may have had footwear for Everest, but everything else he does in bare foot like running a marathon shirtless and barefoot in snow for example.

Unlike some Yogis etc Wim Hoff has undergone extensive scientific evaluation, on many many occasions, to there is not doubt about what he is doing, and how, and he also trains anyone who wants to learn.

There are tons of amazing videos of Wim Hoff on youtube, and even some full documentaries. A cool book on amazon too which I love to pieces.

Greg Braden makes reference in his talks to some pregnant women who *supposedly* were spontaneously manufacturing their own Vitamin C, without the regular food sources.
Of course like most of what he says, there is no data to back it up. I love his books and talks, but I wish he would evidence and references for claims like that. I believe it's possible, but want to know the HOW.

Anyway, I take loads of vitamin C, E, A+K+D, animal foods, quality fats, fish oil etc since reading Weston A. Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and numerous other articles and stuff based on it (basically anything paleo / primal is just "rediscovering" what Weston Price stated as scientific observable fact back in the 1940's, which most of the world then ignored for many decades in favor of listening to idiotic advice like "don't eat animal fat it gives you heart disease" which was a lie and misinterpretation of the Framingham study data right from the beginning. I don't usually go in for conspiracy thinking, but the evidence of he Canola  (the great "Con-ola") pushing out the healthy butter fat in America was a n aggressive campaign to sell shit that DOES make you sick, and vilify the health mineral rich butter than people have eaten for centuries.

Jumping topics I'd be interested to know what guys like Lipton, Sheldrake and Dispenza thought of the claims made in the Kryon books about DNA. Specifically Kryon Book 12: The Twelve Layers of DNA

which covers anything and everything you care to imagine, pretty much everything you've heard about in any esoteric mumbo jumbo book and thought "yeah that's not possible".

I mean, if say Christ or Krishna or whoever existed, I imagine they would be the embodiment of this fully activated DNA hullabaloo that Kryon talks about as the future of the human race.
If they are living/being in a totally different paradigm, if in fact their are some major forces of natural laws yet to be discovered in Physics as Seth and Kryon talk about  (particularly multidimensional natural laws that we don't even consider a possibility in our current framework) then all of a sudden a  whole lot wacky-woo "impossible"  stuff starts looking not only possible, but inevitable.

It does also me me wonder if we will see the equivalent of  religious holy war in the Sciences along the way, for Scientific belief systems are as prolific as religious ones, and have the same potential for empowerment or good old paradigm brainwashing.


Interesting stuff!  I read somewhere that split personalities sometimes have their own unique health issues for each fractured part....glasses for one, or allergies that only affect one aspect.  Some had eyes that changed color.

I've had that happen after visiting a healer in Santa Fe.  Went in with brown eyes and after I got   "recalibrated"  they changed to green in a couple of weeks.


Living along the Navajo Reservation you become aware that these people live in their own paradigm.  We are all vibration and this is the vibration their healings put out.... (if I can make this work! ;D )


Wow, that was awesome. I clicked through to YouTube because I wanted to know how the visuals were made. "LHS sound through water cymatic transportation." Sound waves in water.

Hypnotic and very enjoyable. I've often thought I was a Native American medicine woman in some past life. I remember being 5 or 6 and using plantain leaves on my friend's back—he'd scratched it bloody climbing under a fallen tree. It was pure instinct, my upbringing was Bandaids and Bactine. I didn't find out until maybe 2-3 years ago that plantain (the weed, not the banana) was/is used to stop bleeding.

There's no doubt something in us responds to chanting and drumming.


Quote from: John Sorensen on February 06, 2016, 10:41:51 PMHi Deb, the monks warming themselves up in snow and drying wet blankets draped over them is "Tummo" two-mo meditation. They are controlling their vagus nerve, so it's basically a type of Yoga.

Well, thanks!

Brrrr, watching Wim Hoff doing all those things in the cold (especially the icy dip) made me cringe. This time of year, there are times when I can never get warm. Maybe I need to take his training, lol.

Watching the Ted video (did he have Sharpee lines around his navel?), I have to say he IS addicted to cold. Hard to imagine enjoying cold showers after a week. I was on a Windjammer Cruise a long, long time ago, only the Captain had hot water. Cold showers were not my favorite thing, and in the Caribbean the water couldn't have been THAT cold. But I only had to do it for a week. Maybe if I'd stayed a second week, I would have started liking them.

Cool that you've read Weston Price's book. I have it, have only read bits here and there. I was more interested in the pictures. I'm actually a member of the WAP Foundation, into the whole cholesterol myth, calcium myth, fats and butter myths, grass-fed, free range ball of wax. I'm also into fermentation, raw milk, kefir, kombucha, cultured veggies, bone broth, hippy-dippy-shit. And yes, Canola and other processed oils, processed foods, extruded cereals, MARGARINE! Have you read how they make that stuff? Nourishing Traditions (Sally Fallon) was a big eye-opener. You're in Australia, correct? Last year I hired a long-distance coder to help with a project (I'm not a coder) and he is totally into Weston Price too. Is that a hot topic down there? Men usually aren't that interested in nutrition. It's refreshing and encouraging. Most women don't even know about any of it. And doctors are still on the "fats are bad" track.

[Distractions: The Denver Broncos just won the Superbowl and the whole neighborhood is being blown up with fireworks. Thankfully there's still several inches of snow everywhere, less worries of fires.]

So, what did Kryon say about DNA? I know what Bruce and Dispenza say. Oh, and since I've been "selected" to do some brain wave testing at the next Dispenza workshop, so hopefully I'll get a chance to ask him if he's familiar with Seth and Jane Roberts. The first workshop I took with him was years ago at Shambhala Mountain Center. The class had about 20 people and there were plenty of opportunities to ask him questions. It was in a yoga room. Everyone was on the floor on pillows, he was up front on a chair and I practically sat on his feet the whole time. I saw him 2-3 years later, he said I looked really familiar. It's no wonder.

Now his workshops are so large there's no way to get close enough to ask a question. I did ask him at Shambhala about JZ Knight (Ramtha)—he was associated with her for a while. He did NOT want to talk about it. :)

John Sorensen

It's more like what DOESN'T Kryon say about DNA. Even a summary would take a fair bit. Here's a snapshot of the contents pages which it would not let me see properly on amazon, and I'm too lazy to move all the Transformers toys off my printer/scanner so that is why the camera pics are a bit crooked.

I might type out some sort of basic summary, or see if I can find one already online that gives the outlines of the topics covered.

The DNA book is a sort companion book to the other one (Kryon Books 12 & 13).
I've never read any other Kryon books at all, but I was magnetically drawn to these two particular books.

They are very Seth like, but also so over my head it's not funny. Which I love, because it means there is room to grow, something to learn etc. Overall the books I guess are about potentials of humanity, which we may or may not choose to actualize individually and collectively.

Yes, I do live in Australia.
Don't know who is into Nutrition, there are certain circles of people who tend to know what their body really needs (it ain't soda and ice-cream!). If I could live on booze and chocolate I probably would, but my teeth say otherwise.

I'm about to re-read Joe's
"Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One" and think I will post some stuff here related to that.


I've read where people with multiple personalities will have a unique health issue for each personality.  One will need glasses, be diabetic or allergic and the others won't.
Even change eye color.

While in Santa Fe, a town filled with odd healers, I had a session with a man who I'm assuming learned this on another planet.  He reoriented my Spin.  I no longer have a life long ache behind my right eye and my eyes changed color from brown to green within weeks.  He switched on something at the base of my skull.  I felt like Pinochio.  I'm finally a Real Girl!   :)

The owner of the shop in Durango, Colorado that is selling my necklaces does readings so I gave that a try.  Toward the end she said "You are surrounded by Aliens.  They want to know if you want your brain defragged?"  I casually said "sure".  OMG!  People could see the difference in me within hours.  It totally changed how I react.  It made my life up to that point a total lie.


"I am not advising my readers to refuse to have their children vaccinated, since you now have to take vaccination into consideration because of the prominence of it in society. It is very possible, however, that science itself will in time discover the unfortunate side effects of many such procedures and begin to reevaluate the entire subject."

Seth (Jane Roberts), 'The Way Toward Health', Session 4??, Page 196.

I think we're on the cusp of reevaluation...


I think we're on the cusp of reevaluation...   ;D

Medicine, as it is presented in Modern Society, is a lie that compromises the body and programs people into giving up their sovereignty  . 


So this is the story on the Healings.
I had a pain in my shoulder and a bunch of the staff at La Boca are Reiki so they worked on it but it was only temporary relief.  Their Reiki Master was in town so he did a release of 5 cords going from my root chakra to "cement blocks" and then rearranged energy blockages.  It was very subtle but I could feel him working on me and I felt a lot lighter.
But still had the pain.  Went to see Nadine a chiropractor a couple blocks from work.  She was a force to be reckoned with.  Her father had been Deep Black Ops and she told me stuff that I doubt she shares a lot.  I got the sense that some of his "friends" may have been aliens from Dulce Underground which was not far away.  She balanced my brain, adjusted my hips, beat the shit out of my shoulder with a battering ram.  When I went back for a check up a few days later she seemed reserved.  She said she had pulled out a "black spider like attachment" from my spine that when released jumped onto her and she had to go to her gal to have it taken out.  I've since heard that is a common thing among healers.  Or maybe, not uncommon. 

My shoulder was so sore I stopped at the massage kiosk at Whole Foods...remember...this is Santa Fe where we have healers like LA has actors.  She asked if I would like her to tell me what she "saw"...a big etheric hole in my spine where something had recently been removed.

I was telling my friend how great I felt and she said that I could be much better if I saw Lee.  It takes 3 months to get an appointment.  He was like a weird Woody Allen from another planet.  He was strictly a Body Mechanic.  He rotated my tired, switch my alternator, adjusted my spark plugs.  He had me sit in a chair and reorient my Spin to the Solar System and switched on something that should have been done at birth.  I think it was this that changed my eye color from brown to green.

Someone sent me an astrologer who I traded a reading for and she said that I was very powerful at manifesting and that I needed to be careful what I wished for.

Then someone else recommended I see Tom who has been a medium for 40 years.  He brought in my father and grandparents and a dozen "Others" and told me what my life's purpose was, why I chose this difficult family to be born into, what was going to happen this June, and how I'm part of Michael Crichton's soul group (which I think I wrote about somewhere else).  He passed on information from my grandmother which only she knew.

When I came back I went to Durango and got a reading from the gal who is also selling my necklaces for a trade.  She said I was surrounded by curious aliens who wanted to know if I wanted my brain De-Fragged.  I casually said yes....and my whole personality changed with in hours and I realized my whole life had been a lie up to that point. 

If any one is interested in contact numbers let me know.  I'm thinking of organizing Healing Vacations where I line all of these people up with a cool hotel and food. 


Great video on Our Emotions create our Body.
One of the "tricks" I do is to put Christmas lights around my mirror in my bathroom which in the dim lighting makes me look younger.  Then I just "accept" that version of Me....and it works.  I look about , feel and have the energy of some one at least 20 years younger.  I'm experimenting to see how far I can take that concept. ;D


Quote from: BethAnneMedicine, as it is presented in Modern Society, is a lie that compromises the body and programs people into giving up their sovereignty  .
Even in Sri Lanka, people are being conned into paying large amounts of money for heart bypass operations which some of them probably don't need.

John Sorensen

Quote from: Sena
Quote from: BethAnneMedicine, as it is presented in Modern Society, is a lie that compromises the body and programs people into giving up their sovereignty  .
Even in Sri Lanka, people are being conned into paying large amounts of money for heart bypass operations which some of them probably don't need.

There's been a fair bit of "expose" on fraudulent surgeries such as heart surgery. But we have been conditioned all our lives to believe that it extends peoples lives, and that it's necessary etc.
For my money it's a total crock of bullshit.


Sena, how have you evolved as a healer?


Quote from: BethAnneSena, how have you evolved as a healer?
BethAnne, I am now an absolute novice as a healer. I am having to unlearn a lot of things.


I am having to unlearn a lot of things.
What would you say is a major thing?


Quote from: BethAnneI am having to unlearn a lot of things.
What would you say is a major thing?
That viruses are malevolent disease-causing things. I am trying to change my beliefs about viruses, and to see them as an essential part of Nature.


Western medicine does seem to focus on attacking things!

Regarding the thread on evil/radiation.  In an abstract way could radiation be a metaphore like a virus?  How ironic that Fukishima is threatening us with radiation while it is used in cancer treatment.  Will that be considered barbaric in a generation?


Quote from: BethAnneHow ironic that Fukishima is threatening us with radiation while it is used in cancer treatment.  Will that be considered barbaric in a generation?
People agree to these barbaric treatments because they are so afraid of death. Seth as you know has said some interesting things about death, e.g.:
"Birth is much more of a shock than death".
Ernest Becker wrote a famous book called "The Denial of Death". It is actually quite a feeble book, a rehash of Christianity.

John Sorensen

Quote from: BethAnne
Western medicine does seem to focus on attacking things!

Regarding the thread on evil/radiation.  In an abstract way could radiation be a metaphore like a virus?  How ironic that Fukishima is threatening us with radiation while it is used in cancer treatment.  Will that be considered barbaric in a generation?

Radiation can't be all bad. It gave us Godzilla and the Incredible Hulk and the Toxic Avenger. Who are fictional characters. Or thought forms representing fears of natural forces. Take your pick. It's the same story with Frankenstein's monster, but there it was Electricity.

Where are the solar powered monsters I ask you? We need to update our collective fears people!


Quote from: BethAnneHow ironic that Fukishima is threatening us with radiation while it is used in cancer treatment.

One of the major things I love about this forum is the other people here making me think about things that would never cross my mind and the learning that goes along with that.

BethAnn, I found this Huff Post article on Fukushima, Hiroshima, Chernobyl: everything you'd ever want or not want to know about radiation. It was extremely interesting and informative for me as I was curious about how Hiroshima's radiation levels are today. Very interesting.

I also found the video on the Children of Chernobyl (I always do what I'm told not to do) and while it was very sad, the last few minutes were very touching. The obvious compassion of the cardiac surgeon working on children with heart defects made me cry (as did the child's mother), but it also made me feel very good knowing there are people as good this in the world. I'll put the link to the video in a little box so you won't have to see it if you don't want to.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

John Sorensen

Quote from: Sena
Quote from: BethAnneHow ironic that Fukishima is threatening us with radiation while it is used in cancer treatment.  Will that be considered barbaric in a generation?
People agree to these barbaric treatments because they are so afraid of death. Seth as you know has said some interesting things about death, e.g.:
"Birth is much more of a shock than death".
Ernest Becker wrote a famous book called "The Denial of Death". It is actually quite a feeble book, a rehash of Christianity.

I think in  a hundred years we'll look back at medicine/science using radiation in cancer treatment, the way we now look back at lobotomies, bleeding sick people (as in removing their blood).

The kindest thing I have read about cancer raditation "therapy" is that it is like imagine there is a city with 4 million people in it, and we want to kill like 100 of those people, so we drop a nuclear bomb on the entire city.

That is what chemo is like to the human body. Killing many more healthy cells and parts of the body, to get at the minority of diseased parts. The treatment is an utter failure on medical science to understand the root causes of disease, which are of the mind/psyche/spirit and NOT the body.

If you drive your car badly, we don't blow up the car, we blame the driver and say hey "go easy, you're wearing everything out driving so recklessly".

But medical science wants to "attack" the vehicle to "fix" it, while ignoring the behavior of the driver.

A flawed idea from the beginning.
So far the war on terror, the war on drugs and the war on the human body is overwhelmingly successful, as we have no wars, and no diseases to speak of. So we should keep doing all of these things which obviously work so well and have no flaws to speak of.


Quote from: John SorensenThe treatment is an utter failure on medical science to understand the root causes of disease, which are of the mind/psyche/spirit and NOT the body.
Seth mentions that doctors get more diseases than other people because they constantly think about disease. A relative of mine who was a doctor died in his early forties of cancer of the mediastinum, a very rare form of cancer. It is a known fact that the suicide rate is significantly higher in psychiatrists than in other professionals. The physician is not able to heal himself.


The physician is not able to heal himself.
Oh but when they do they are very powerful. :)

Too often a piece of the body is cut out and the Dis-ease relocates if the issue is not taken care of.
A friend had problems accepting her femaleness.  Her mother wanted a son and dressed her accordingly.  She has a restaurant with her husband and a couple of kids.  I noticed that the more feminine employees were a threat to her.  Last spring after finding a small lump the doctors when on over drive and she was soon flat chested with out having much time to think things over.  A year later she is still dealing with the issue.  Now that she has no breasts will it travel to her uterus? 
Her business suffers because she gets rid of the more attractive women and keeps the crazies who prop her up.


With reference to food, this extract from "The Way Towards Health" by Jane Roberts is interesting:
"This is a good place to bring up some extreme food practices, such as over-fasting and an obsession with so-called natural foods. I am not talking about a natural and healthy interest in the purity of foodstuffs, but of a worrisome overconcern.

Behind many such attitudes is the idea that the body itself is unworthy, and that starving it somehow cuts down on the appetites of the flesh. You usually end up with a flurry of different types of diets.

Some concentrate almost exclusively on protein, some on carbohydrates – particularly rice – but in any case the large natural range of foods and nutrients are cut out.

This keeps the body in a state of constant turmoil. Some people are so convinced, in fact, that that eating is wrong that they diet until they become ravenously hungry, then overeat and force themselves to vomit up the residue.

Other people, in a well-meaning attempt to watch their weight, skip their breakfasts entirely – a very poor procedure.

It is far better to eat moderate amounts of food in all of the food ranges, and to consume smaller portions more often ... four light meals a day will overall serve you very well.

These food ideas are important, since they are often passed on from parents to children, and parents often use food as a way of rewarding a child's good behaviour, thus starting the youngster out towards the condition of overweight."


Quote from: Sena
Quote from: John SorensenThe treatment is an utter failure on medical science to understand the root causes of disease, which are of the mind/psyche/spirit and NOT the body.
Seth mentions that doctors get more diseases than other people because they constantly think about disease. A relative of mine who was a doctor died in his early forties of cancer of the mediastinum, a very rare form of cancer. It is a known fact that the suicide rate is significantly higher in psychiatrists than in other professionals. The physician is not able to heal himself.

A focus on disease can never bring a cure.
And yet how much effort, millions of dollars and decade after decade are spent focusing on incurable diseases while ignoring or discrediting who actually cures themselves of those incurable diseases?
It's a puzzle, all I can do from here is really witness this stuff, as people have their own agendas and focuses and things to work out in their own way.
It's all mass co-operation at the end of the day.


Quote from: Batfan007And yet how much effort, millions of dollars and decade after decade are spent focusing on incurable diseases
Have you seen one of these t-shirts, actually encouraging people to think about cancer?


Quote from: SenaHave you seen one of these t-shirts, actually encouraging people to think about cancer?

Not just "think" about cancer—focus on it.
Oh jeez. Bad idea. Bad.

I've had cancer. Really, it wasn't a big deal for me.
But I've had SO many people try to engage me in walks and fundraisers to combat cancer because of my experience. I always decline, with distaste. They don't understand why. All I can say to them is "it's because I've been there, done that, and don't want to focus on (pay homage to) it." They don't understand. They think that since I've had cancer, I should devote the rest of my life to fighting it. Another bad idea.


Quote from: Sena
Quote from: Batfan007And yet how much effort, millions of dollars and decade after decade are spent focusing on incurable diseases
Have you seen one of these t-shirts, actually encouraging people to think about cancer?

I wan't thinking about cancer at all until I read that so mission achieved by shirtman I guess?  :)
Now I'm thinking about a delicious ham sandwich. I wonder if one will show up.

Quote from: Deb
Quote from: SenaHave you seen one of these t-shirts, actually encouraging people to think about cancer?

Not just "think" about cancer—focus on it.
Oh jeez. Bad idea. Bad.

I've had cancer. Really, it wasn't a big deal for me.
But I've had SO many people try to engage me in walks and fundraisers to combat cancer because of my experience. I always decline, with distaste. They don't understand why. All I can say to them is "it's because I've been there, done that, and don't want to focus on (pay homage to) it." They don't understand. They think that since I've had cancer, I should devote the rest of my life to fighting it. Another bad idea.

Oh but Deb you need to focus on everything you don't like and don't want in hopes of making all that stuff go away. If we can throw in words like combat and fight, it just makes everyone happier at the end of the day.
Now I'm off to fight evil and drugs and terror, I'm going to tell everyone about it, I hear that's the BEST method we have, all the experts agree. ;D


Quote from: Batfan007Now I'm off to fight evil and drugs and terror,
Yes, the media feed on terror. 9/11 was diabolically well-planned, but now it seems to be sad messed-up individuals who had been bullied at school doing the copycat thing.


I'm glad I'm old enough to remember when we were not bombarded by Pharm ads on TV.   It used to be banned and I think it should be again.  One of the reasons I don't have a tv is so I don't have to deal with commercials.

I was looking for something I read quite awhile ago.  It was a list of ethnic foods that supposedly are bad for you but don't affect the people of that culture in that, Germans like sausage and beer but don't have those health problems that we are warned against.  But since I saw this quite awhile ago and we are trans-cultural it may not still apply.

I did find what makes food healthy in other countries tho.   :)

This was interesting on how different cultures and times have their own illnesses.  Sort of like women having The Vapors 100 years ago.

10 Bizarre Cultural Disorders


So if you were hypnotized and told a glass of water was the elixer of life would your body react?  There have been stories of people having their medical records mixed and the person who was told he was going to die did, and the other person who was ill recovered.

Or the stories of people with multiple personalities and each personality has it's on unique health.  One personality fragment may need glasses or have diabetes and the rest don't.


I remain convinced I'll live a long healthy productive life no matter any evidence to the contrary.