Does Seth methods work ?

Started by Tahiti, August 27, 2016, 04:31:44 PM

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I've read several Seth books and i'm a fan of his teachings. I 've always been fascinated by his explanation of how the universe works. I saw his exercices and i haven't practised them seriously my interest was mostly intellectual. Now i want to give them a try, do these exercices work to create the reality we want ?


Quote from: Tahitido these exercices work to create the reality we want ?

I haven't really dedicated a lot of time to the exercises myself, but plan to. All I can say is that the teachings of Seth make more sense to me than anything else I've been exposed to. And I can also say that in little ways I've had feedback, confirmation, that yes, it does work. The hardest thing for me is getting a grip on my own beliefs. I honestly believe that on many levels our beliefs completely affect our reality.

Seth did say that we may understand the concepts intellectually but going deeper and accepting them on an emotional level is harder. I can see that being true for myself and it's something I'm working on. I'm digging deeper.


Yes.  My kids are 4th generation raised in these concepts and they just take this stuff for granted.  At this point there is no questioning Seth Concepts....but how to apply them.  I didn't feel I could fully live Seth Concepts while my children were dependant on me because their father's side of the family could not understand.  But now I live unto myself and I have more freedom to play around with ideas.

We are basically living in a computer and we direct our lives just as if we are doing a google search or putting up a blog.  Reality has a TouchScreen.   :)

Ultimately the ONLY Freedom is knowing you create your reality.  And your Hole in the Swiss Cheese is just one of many.   :)

If you are breathing you are applying Seth Concepts.  The question is:  Are you doing it consciously or by default?


Sure they do. :) I haven't tried all of Seth's exercises, but since I was introduced to the law of attraction years ago, and then later to Seth, the idea that we create our own reality has slowly integrated into my way of thinking and operating in daily life so much that I don't really even consciously think of it anymore. I just take it as it is, and try to use this knowledge in my daily life to manifest the reality I want. I have seen this work so many times both in negative and positive -  or at least what we would consider as negative or positive, though really nothing is better than the other, and I think we learn from "negative" experiences a great deal and so they are also an important part of our lives.

There are so many cases where I've witnessed "the law of attraction" or how our thoughts create our reality that I cannot even remember all of them, but some of the most memorable ones for myself have to do with my health. In the last years I've gone through periods of panic attacks, stress, horrible period pains that seemed to appear from nowhere (though I now realize this is something I manifested with my bad attitude and after being severely stressed out for a long time), depression, and some problems with the urinary system that to this day remain a mystery since doctors weren't able to help me solve the reason for them. For a long time I suffered from all of this until I had had enough and just decided to get better. I had been reading Seth books for some time and decided to start implementing the ideas in practice. So I worked to change my mindset and attitude and instead of focusing on my current bad health I started thinking of myself as healthy, and being grateful for all the things in my body that DID function well. I started meditating, just the usual kind where you focus on your breath, as well as chakra meditations and visualizing health. I did a variety of different exercises and meditations and just focused on feeling good and grateful for everything. I got so into it that I actually forgot about my health problems and then at some point I realized that I hadn't had any of my problems for a while - I had healed myself from all these problems that even doctors could not help with before. Even though I had believed in all of this stuff before that particular experience, it strengthened my belief tenfold. Everything is really in our minds. It's up to us whether we own up to it and use it to our advantage or keep being ignorant and blaming outer circumstances for all the experiences we don't like.


Quote from: NeoI got so into it that I actually forgot about my health problems and then at some point I realized that I hadn't had any of my problems for a while - I had healed myself from all these problems that even doctors could not help with before.
Neo, thanks for sharing your experience. I do think the Seth ideas work, but doubts creep in from time to time, so it's good to read something like this.