Seth teachings and NLP

Started by Tahiti, August 27, 2016, 04:27:40 PM

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I've heard a little about NLP aka neuro linguistic programming and the practitionner of this method are saying the same than Seth, our toughts and beliefs create our reality. I've saw some nlp techniques and i see here and there concepts similar to those of Seth. Do you have an opinion on NLP ?


@Tahiti  Hi!! And yes, I do have an opinion on NLP. I did use it in the past and it did a pretty good job of working for me. The similarity you note that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality goes out to other practices too. But I think the gist of the Seth exercises is to get you more fully in touch with your inner self. My personal opinion is that NLP is a good tool and so is meditation, hypnosis, dreamwork, etc. So use what works for you! My preference at this point in my life is to follow the Seth material. But that doesn't stop me from using or experimenting with other things that are or could be helpful to me along the way - like I Ching, yoga, etc. Have Fun!  :)
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Quote from: Tahitithe practitionner of this method are saying the same

Tahiti, I've heard of NLP but don't really know what it is (maybe). Could you maybe provide some links or the name of the practitioner so I can do a little research? I maybe be familiar with the technique but just am not used to the terminology.


NLP is okay. To me it's a bunch of techniques more than any kind of philosophy (I could be wrong) . It can be used on its own in a modular fashion, or can complement other practices.


Ok JimK, NLP has worked for you but with Seth you can know more your inner self. Good.
Deb, there are many practionner who say the same, you can look at Jevon Dangeli or Steve Andreas. I was impressed by the claim that NLP can cure PTSD in less a very short time.

In my opinion one of the problem of Nlp is that many people use it for dishonests purpose, many practitionners have a big ego and that it can also be used as a quick fix technique that doesn't take into account the deeper issue. That's why i was a little cautious.


If something works for you, great the only thing I have used consistently is "anchors" which are something that also comes up in most schools of meditation, but with different terms etc.

Many practitioners of various arts in the new age hullabaloo make claims that their "thing" is the cure all for everything, so over enthusiasm can easily turn into exaggerations and dishonesty even with the most sincere teachers.


I had an amazing NLP teacher! I was very fortunate.

I am currently updating my links in one of the posts you can search for "nlp" here in the forum.

I took the practitioner training and evolutionary nlp .

NLP to me is like a hammer. You can build great wonderful things with it or smash skulls.
I used it for personal change. I admit I am a little rusty atm but I am centering again.

If anyone has any questions feel free to privately message me.

There are so many passages in the Seth material where I literally say, "wow nlp does that too!"  :)


I witnessed this in person (not this guy) and Tom used this technique on a young lady that was absolutely terrified of chickens.

It was the most amazing thing to me lol

What was even more amazing is that the Sethians at this training session went to the gazebo in the courtyard to eat our lunch and a chicken appeared 'out of nowhere' and began acting just like a CAT! Rubbing on the tree and like purring lol it was so cool! It was very friendly with us.

Funnily enough the young lady that had this phobia came walking down the pathway completely unaware of her opportunity, We all waited and watched but nups! She did not see it.

No sooner did she enter the building again and as we watched the chicken's actions, it vanished before our very eyes!