I create my own reality

Started by Mark M, August 01, 2022, 08:57:55 PM

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Mark M

and no one better mess that up.

Have a(n extraordinary) day,
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That's a pretty concise post. It leaves room for a lot of lateral thinking.

Quote"I create my own reality"
This true statement can be easily misinterpreted. My current understanding of it is that the "I" is my personality, specifically that part of my subconscious paired to my current incarnation's ego (those are the only parts of my whole-self that are limited only to this incarnation). This "I" creates a reality in the confines of my conscious (assumptions) and unconscious (truths) beliefs, in the context of my conscious and unconscious perceptions.

In the framework of the physical-reality, "creation" means my intuitionally and intellectually choosing from the space of probabilities, and not the asking for my wishes to be granted by a higher-power. I believe that the latter is one of the major misbeliefs we have to suspend / remove / replace. That's why affirmations don't work. That's why wishful thinking doesn't work.

Quoteand no one better mess that up.
I think the effect of this statement is detrimental, as it brings up the  idea of "messing up". That's why Seth said that people who "hate war" won't bring peace. That's why the promoters of affirmations advise against using negative forms of the verbs. That's why suggestions for getting healthy, loved, rich have to be made from the position of expectation. It is like when you want to move your arm: you don't think, or affirm "I want to move my arm", but you just move it.

QuoteHave a(n extraordinary) day,
We live / create extraordinary times. Unfortunately, my observation of the reality created by my subconscious is far from my conscious desires. I know that I can't blame anybody else for any of the extraordinary events and situations I perceive. It is quite difficult to identify and suspend / remove / replace  my unconscious limiting beliefs, even as I know that it is only up to me to identify and use opportunities in order to evolve.

Quote, Mark
Thanks for the opportunity of a lateral thinking exercise :)
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Quote from: Mark M on August 01, 2022, 08:57:55 PMand no one better mess that up.

And apparently no one but you can;D
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Mark M

Inavalan wrote: "Thanks for the opportunity of a lateral thinking exercise :) "

You're welcome, but my posting this under the category of "Comic Relief & Entertainment" was meant to be amusing.


Quote from: inavalan on August 02, 2022, 04:09:38 PMIn the framework of the physical-reality, "creation" means my intuitionally and intellectually choosing from the space of probabilities, and not the asking for my wishes to be granted by a higher-power. I believe that the latter is one of the major misbeliefs we have to suspend / remove / replace. That's why affirmations don't work.
I don't get how that leads to affirmations not working. Are you confusing affirmation with prayer? Affirmation is not asking for something from a higher power. It is a reprogramming of beliefs. It is a focus on what someone wants. And in my experience, affirmations work. "You get what you focus on." -Seth
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Quote from: Mark M on August 02, 2022, 08:44:45 PMYou're welcome, but my posting this under the category of "Comic Relief & Entertainment" was meant to be amusing.

Mark, this is your reality so you created inavalan's reply and all the others including this one 🙂


Quote from: Bora137 on August 03, 2022, 02:43:37 PMMark, this is your reality so you created inavalan's reply and all the others including this one 🙂


The way I understand it, your subconscious being connected to every unit and gestalt of consciousness, picks and chooses inside the confines of your conscious and subconscious beliefs, and other factors like your focus, the intensity of your focus, primary assumptions, etc..

That's why Seth recommends to give yourself the suggestion to "react only to constructive suggestions". This is about those telepathic (bellow the conscious level) suggestions.

From the infinite number of suggestions and possibilities, you'd want your subconscious to select only those constructive, favorable to you.

There is a quote about one intense person potentially being able to advance his intent over the intents of hundred others. It is up to you to learn to choose, both rationally and intuitionally, what is favorable to you.

If you don't choose, then you let others' more intense intents override yours and others'. It isn't only a matter of wanting to choose, but also a matter of ability, level of development (what school grade you're in).
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


I believe this was the quote I recalled:

Quote from: TES6 #253"One individual however is more important than you have ever dreamed, for the intensity and emotion and intent is important here. One man, passionately willing, good or evil, can overbalance, literally, a hundred men."
—TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


This is about constructive suggestions, and Seth's recommendation:


For example:

Quote from: TES3 #163"Suggestions given by an individual on any kind of a conscious basis have to be given with the cooperation of the ego. Many suggestions bypass the ego entirely. Suggestion however, as you think of it, operates both ways. This is not usually understood. Suggestions may come therefore from the physical world, to act upon the personality. Suggestions may also come from within the personality to act upon the physical environment.

You can indeed to a large measure train yourself to react to constructive rather than impeding suggestions. This merely means that you will, or may to some extent, choose the direction in which action within you will move. This also implies that some part of the personality does the choosing, and is capable of distinguishing a constructive suggestion from an impeding one. And here it is necessary that we discuss more thoroughly the nature or characteristics of constructive suggestions versus impeding ones, for one may turn into the other."

—TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.

Mark M

"One man, passionately willing, good or evil, can overbalance, literally, a hundred men."

—Seth, TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966

Can he overbalance, literally, a hundred women?

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Quote from: UR1 #690"Now I am simply giving you a brief idea of what is involved, and I expect each of you to follow through in your own way, to see the connections and think about them. And now, before you, what do you see? A woman or a man? You see a range of human being and personality that defies conventional ideas of sexuality or of consciousness — that defies all of the ideas that have been handed down to you, and that challenges you each to look for the reality of your own being.

Your sexuality is a point of focus, and that is all. For those of you who need it said, I say it: A woman is as intellectual as a man. A man is as intuitive as a woman. You chose your sexual focus for a reason. The reason has more to do with the flexibility of consciousness than you presently understand. It has to do with the real nature of aggression and passivity, which you have allowed yourselves to forget ... Birth is an aggressive experience. Passivity is based upon the joyful recognition of natural aggression. To be carried along, each of you must be very sure of yourself. To allow yourself what is now, in your terms, a luxury of passivity, you must have confidence in the nature of your own reality and strength. Otherwise passivity frightens you to the core."

—UR1 Appendix 9: (For Session 690)
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.

Mark M

Yes, inavalan.

I am still in amusement mode.


Talking about one's amusing / entertaining mode:

"UN Declares War on 'Dangerous' Conspiracy Theories: 'The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite' " --- August 3, 2022

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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Affirmations affirm your belief affirm your new thinking your change of direction. Wishful thinking is not affirmation. Wishful thinking is simply thinking that you wish you had something you do not currently have. Affirmation is tapping into the feeling that for example "I am strong "and you tap into that emotion of being strong and you allow the visions and the examples to ccome up spontaneously showing you strength in whatever area it is that comes up that surfaces. There's a big difference between "wishful thinking "and affirming a change of direction/change of beliefs/changing your thinking patterns. Affirmations work maybe they don't work for you because you treat them as wishful thinking....I do not know. But affirmations work... For me and many many others.

Affirmations are also a form of constructive self hypnosis which is strongly encouraged all throughout the Seth material.

See what a practice lucid dreaming... Well affirmations are strongly suggested before sleeping that you will fly in your dreams and know that you are dreaming. Now you might have some belief work to do in writing stuff down but it's a constructive self hypnosis ...it is a rewiring, a reprogramming like Larry said.

Affirmation is a statement that you already have something and you let that feel and flow inside of you much like creating something that you desire.

If you struggle then I would suggest writing beliefs down for example of why do you think you're not strong and continue to do the constructive self hypnosis of confirming that you are strong.

It's a seed planting.

Also another good example is people who are in rehabilitation for physical therapy often do affirmations as part of their mental workings to be able to walk again or move their arm again and hey guess what it works.

Now if they were to affirm to themselves that they can't do it their physical therapist would help them with behavior therapy and help them to Reach the belief that they can do it and they won't take no for an answer. If a change of belief/affirmation did not work physical therapists would never use it.

Constructive self hypnosis/constructive affirmations are very worth it you are worth it.
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Quote from: inavalan
You chose your sexual focus for a reason. The reason has more to do with the flexibility of consciousness than you presently understand. It has to do with the
u]real nature of aggression and passivity,[/u] which you have allowed yourselves to forget ... Birth is an aggressive experience. Passivity is based upon the joyful recognition of natural aggression. To be carried along, each of you must be very sure of yourself. To allow yourself what is now, in your terms, a luxury of passivity, you must have confidence in the nature of your own reality and strength. Otherwise passivity frightens you to the core."

—UR1 Appendix 9: (For Session 690)

This is exactly so. It frightens me to the core. I feel still an uneasiness because I do not have to go regularly to work. Ah well, not by my conscious choice. My body is to wrecked to work in my profession anymore. (yes I know, I do create my own reality and therefore I believe my body just did the job for me when I was not able to do so). Anyway, I see and feel how conditioning works and I'm very glad to understand more and more of the concepts I so willingly accepted...
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