Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2020

Started by Deb, January 20, 2020, 10:43:48 AM

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This comes courtesy of Lynda Dahl on Facebook, great coverage by Seth of the assassination of Dr. King. The Seth Material is the first book I read, years ago, so this has deeper meaning to me now. BTW many people don't know that Dr. King's birthday was January 15, 1929 but is celebrated the first Monday after his birthday (I share his birthday... not the year though). Hard to believe he was only 39 when he was shot on April 4, 1968. Those were tumultuous times. JFK was killed Nov. 22, 1963; Bobby Kennedy June 6, 1968. I was fairly young at the time and I remember wondering what the hell was going on in this country. Now I wonder that every day.

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thank you for posting this Deb.

it really rang home to me.


According to Bashar we live in a reality version where we have the impression that John F. Kennedy died in 1963. We also have the impression that we have always known that this was the case and where this political event has been an irreplaceable part of both, our history and our memory. However, according to him we lived initially in a reality version where John F. Kennedy was NOT killed in 1963. He was the US President who went public with his knowledge about ET presence on earth while in office. Unfortunately, the society was not yet ready for that information and as a result of the riots and the commotion he was finally killed in 1968.

Actually, the collective consciousness shifted to a reality in which JFK was killed in 1963 (without the premature disclosure and the ensuing commotion). The old reality, where he was killed in 1968 continued to send ripples as a remnant of the overarching event into the new reality. As the result of the ripples Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were killed in the reality which we had later accepted as our new reality.

In the future we may end up again in a reality version where JFK managed to successfully disclose the existence of ETs and where the society was well prepared for the cultural and societal quantum leap – without turmoil, riots and commotion. Where JFK lived until 1984 and died of old age. Then, again, we will have a new collective history, and a new timeline which we will then collectively take for real.

2020 is crucial for shifting timelines. Corona may play a role. (As far as I remember there is a similar statement regarding the JFK assassination somewhere in the Seth material. BTW: The first contact between Jane Roberts and Seth was interestingly in December 1963. Days after JFK's death. In THIS timeline, i.e: the newly chosen one)

More information on Bashar, incl. the splitting of timelines can be found here:

some graphical illustrations on how to shift timelines can be found here (in the annexes):


Quote from: Tob
However, according to him we lived initially in a reality version where John F. Kennedy was NOT killed in 1963

Do you see Bashar's "splitting timelines" to be Seth's probabilities?

I've been listening to The Nature of the Psyche and came across this quote about probabilities, which apparently we can switch. Seth talks about probabilities around WWII and why Rob chose the probability he (and apparently we) did.

I felt the last paragraph that I bolded could certainly apply to the coronavirus.

Quote from: Seth
The historical and cultural world as you know it appears to be the only one objective world, of course, with its history already written, its present, and hopefully its probable future.

It seems also that the future must be built upon that one known species or world past. Often it may simply sound like a figure of speech when I talk about probabilities. In many ways it may indeed appear to be almost outrageous to consider the possibility that "there is more than one earth," or that there are many earths, each similar enough to be recognizable, yet each different in the most vital respects.

This particular house exists. Yet you may open the door on any given day to a probable world from your immediate standpoint, and never know the difference. This happens all the time, and I mean all the time.

You move through probabilities without knowing it. The transitions are literally invisible to you, though they may appear as trace elements in your dreams. As a diamond has many facets, so does your reality in that regard.

(To me:) Since your birth a probability has occurred that you could have followed, in which your wars did not happen. There is another probability in which the Second World War ended in nuclear destruction, and you did not enter that one either. You chose "this" probable reality in order to ask certain questions about the nature of man — seeing him where he wavered equally between creativity and destruction, knowledge and ignorance; but a point that contained potentials for the most auspicious kinds of development, in your eyes. The same applies to Ruburt.

In a way, man is trans-species at this point in probability. It is a time and a probability in which every bit of help is needed, and your talents, abilities, and prejudices made you both uniquely fitted for such a drama. At the same time, do not dwell too much upon that world situation, for a concentration upon your own nature and upon the physical nature of your world — the seasons, and so forth — allows you to refresh your own energy, and frees you to take advantage of that clear vision that is so necessary.

(A point I mentioned at break — the difficulty of seeing clearly just what man is up to as a species.)

You each also became involved in this probability precisely to use it as a creative stimulus that would make you seek for a certain kind of understanding. There is always a creative give-and-take between the individual and his world. To some extent or another each of those involved in this probability chose it for their own reasons. Saying this, however, I also say that many leave this probability for another when they have learned and contributed.

Nature of the Psyche, Chapter 11, Session 797


Hi Deb, Hi All,

It is my understanding that Seth's "probable realities" are very much connected with his concept that "we create our reality". These concepts and also connected to his concept that "the point of power is in the present" which is connected to the concept that "all time is simultaneous".

The reason that we can create our reality or change our past, in the present moment, has to do with probable realities. Whenever we create our reality, we accomplish this by moving into a probable reality when needed. The reason why I have come to believe this, comes from what Seth says in Session 681.

In Session 681, Seth tells us that all probable worlds exist now. He also tells us that we constantly weave in and out of probabilities and he says that all probable events that can happen, do happen.

Along with this however, Seth also says something that's extremely significant here. Seth tells Rob, that Rob died, "in this life", as a young boy, in an operation. What's significant here is that he didn't tell Rob that he died in a probable life. No, here he tells Rob that he died, "in this life." It's all quite interesting.

As I understand this, while Rob did die as a young boy, in this life, Rob opted not to experience that event and so he moved over into another probable reality where instead, he grew up to become an adult, married Jane, and worked with her and Seth to create the Seth literature.

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- jbseth


Hi All,

There's strange stories a person can find on the net about people shifting into other realities, some at will.
I think it's called Quantum Jumping.

Thought I would put up a playlist of story's about this subject for those interested in short story's.

Glitches in the Matrix:

I like Bashar too.


Hi Deb, thanks for your mail. I tried to illustrate the shifting. Please have a look at the attached slides (four slides).

Slide No 1 is a depiction of the infinite number of 'parallel universes' (in Bashar's vernacular) through which we are constantly 'shifting', thus creating the illusion of movement and time. Actually we do not SHIFT in the narrow sense, we 'reproduce' the universe, i.e. our individual, specific universe with the specific and unique chairs and tables, billions of time per second. (creating, collapsing to zero, creating, collapsing to zero, etc.). This is what Seth calls the 'blinking of the universe' and Tom Campbell the 'ticking of the universe'. With the rate of Planck-time. When we 'tick' along from the previous reality production frames (-3, -2, -1,) to any given now-moment, we have the impression of a specific past, constituted by the frames (-3, -2, -1) and supported by the related memories. Without changing the vibration of our belief systems significantly, we can thus plausibly extrapolate from the 'past' and get a likely future, made up of the reality frames 1, 2, 3, etc.

If we changed the vibration of our belief systems, thoughts, and emotions significantly, we could and would alter our future (green dots). As we make the connections to our 'past' reality production frames ALWAYS in the present, as the past does not exist ('physically'), we would get a 'new history' which would seem to have been our true history, the one which brought us linearly speaking to our new future without logical inconsistencies.
Sometimes the memory does not adjust fully to the new reality path we have 'chosen', resulting from the changes in our belief systems and the respective signature vibration (the signature vibration of the beliefs is the determinant for the reality production - without belief systems no frames), then we have 'false' memories. Some call this the Mandela effect. In the illustration (slide No 4) it would be a 'false' memory of having been at the blue '-3', whereas we opted for a new history which 'came' with the new future resulting from the significant changes we made in the present. We should recall the green '-3', but somehow we memorize the blue '-3'. And we cannot understand what is going on with our brain.

According to Bashar our collective history has changed and is likely to change again. Provided we are on the right track. 2020 seems to be a crucial year. Some versions of earth have already been destroyed. Other versions still exist. Some versions will be hit in 2036 by Apophys. Others will have 'first contact' by then. Some do not have the same location anymore in the physical universe, others are 'heaven on earth' (Bashar). Let us see what happens to Kim in North Korea. The splitting of timelines is smooth and follows the day-to-day logic of events. There are no obvious frictions (apart from 'Mandela-effects' which are rather minor inconsistencies). We always have the impression of continuity.

Big events cover several timelines and send ripples through spacetime. This is why Martin Luther King died.

Neither the 'past', nor the 'future' do exist, as there is always only ONE now-moment, in which we create a new universe over and over again. There is only HERE, there is only NOW. Time and movement are illusions, caused by the constant re-creation of reality frames (the 'shifting'). The illusion of time and movement enables us to have experiences. Only the experiences are real. The rest is an illusion. It is a giant stage, but a projected one.


Quote from: Tob
2020 is crucial for shifting timelines. Corona may play a role.
This makes sense. Tob, thanks for your post.


Quote from: Tob
Let us see what happens to Kim in North Korea.
Korea no corona, but Kim is not well.


Quote from: Tob
Hi Deb, thanks for your mail. I tried to illustrate the shifting. Please have a look at the attached slides (four slides).

Actually I had looked at your attachments but wasn't that clear on them so I'm glad you give explanations. I still think what Bashar is describing is what Seth calls probabilities -- probable selves, probable realities, probable Earths... physics' multiverse concepts. Apparently we can switch probable realities which can change our past, present or future. Yes, there only is now. Just doesn't seem like it. :)

I don't recall if you said you've read a lot of the Seth books. If you have, you're familiar with the probabilities concept. Since you know about Bashar as well, would you say they are pretty much talking about the same thing?

I need some time to read the blog posts so will come back with a proper response to your post & explanations, have downloaded the PP file. In the meantime, if you're not familiar with Seth's probabilities, here are a ton of quotes on the Seth Search Engine (you may already be familiar with it).

Quote from: T.M.
Glitches in the Matrix:

Thanks T.M., I listened to a couple of them and they are entertaining. It reminded me of an experience I had with a book that disappeared for a couple of weeks and then suddenly reappeared. I'm still puzzling over that one.


This is Bashar on '2020 - The eye of he needle'. It looks that Corona is key.

These are the questions he dealt with in the remote session (no auditorium).  I know this is a Seth forum, but it looks that shifting across timelines is behind the events of 2020. Shifting timelines was the reason for us experiencing Martin Luther King's death.

• Was the Virus engineered?
• Is Bill Gates vaccinating the planet a good thing?
• Was does your civilization make of this virus episode?
• When do you see the virus ending?
• Why is the virus named Corona Virus?
• Why does my reality sometimes feel like the virus is very real and sometimes feels like it is fake, is that because of all the different parallel realities converging?
• Can the hybrid children help us right now?
• Is there a huger awakening taking place right now?
• Regarding Covid virus, how many actual cases are there that are not reported?
• What kind of reality will we see coming out the other end of this?
• What is the next reality when we transition out of this life?
• Will I meet my hybrid parallel self?
• Are spaceships hidden because the frequency is not visible to our eyes or is it other sense?
• When you said 2020 was going to be crazy, did you have this reality in mind?
• Is this passage through the eye of the needle an acceleration to first contact?
• Are there timelines of earth where this has not happened? Can we shift to it?
• Could you comment on Einsteinian physics and the speed of light?
• How long with this crisis last?
• Are the ETs just waiting or are they assisting us?
• Can we look for dreamtime to assist us during this time?
• Did the Essassani civilization have a crisis turning point in its history?
• Could you speak more on the third reality that is being created right now with the changes we are going through?
• What is your location above Sedona right now?
• Does a channel need a relative vibration to the energy they are channeling in order to receive it?
• What are your thoughts on the concept of "The Leading Edge"?
• Is this year going to get even crazier?
• Can you expand on the wave and the particle and our shifting realities?
• What function does our brain have in the shifting of parallel realities?
• How can I adjust to the many synchronicities that are going on daily in my life?
• Why am I seeing the numbers 911 so frequently?
• Can we restart our economy in a green way?
• What is the purpose of viruses?
• Am I being selfish being happy in my own world while collectively it may not be so for everybody?
• Is there such a thing as an inherent truth? Bashar discusses the 5 laws.
• Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in on planet Earth. Could you comment?
• Is this year going to get even crazier?
• What is happening energetically when someone is empathic?
• How can we stay financially stable during this turbulent time?


Quote from: Tob
Is this year going to get even crazier?
Tob, that does seem likely.


According to Bashar the pandemic is a core event helping us to transform our consciousness individually and collectively into a state which is more in line with what we say we prefer.

In the 'Eye of the Needle' transmission he is making a reference to the earlier 'Eye of the Hurricane' session in which he had advised us to stay in the center of the storm where things are calm, in order to be in a position to better handle the issues which come with the transition. The 'Eye of the Needle' is the center point of the transition, energetically, and it correlates with the time frame of the corona crisis. The pandemic started three months ago and will continue to dominate our current reality for a similar period of time, notwithstanding the possibility of singular cases of re-occurrence in the aftermath of the passage that we are experiencing right now.

Letting go of the old baggage that does not belong to us or does not serve us anymore is of paramount importance in passing through the 'eye of the needle'. If we let go of all things that anchor us to our past selves we can experience a reality on the other side where we are far more empowered, free, and joyful, thus enabling clear interactions with Bashar and his people and a higher ability to eventually experience contact with them.
He is describing a five step process which will help us to streamline and let go of those things that will not serve us anymore: a) forgiving all others, b) forgiving ourselves, c) letting go of the past personality, d) informing ourselves from our future versions, and e) being in the present and following the formula.

Following the formula is what our future selves on the other side of the needle are doing anyway. Thus, 'acting on our passion to the best we can with no insistence or assumption on the outcome, and remaining in a positive state, no matter what' will help the future self pull us through the eye of the needle easily, swiftly, effortlessly, once we have managed to let go of old fearful beliefs and the rest of the baggage which does not belong to us anymore and which is vibrationally incompatible.

From a technical point of view the virus – which has not been engineered – has left its natural ecological niche as a result of the depletion of ecological environments, which are no longer able to contain such organisms in their natural habitat. Furthermore, the pandemic is a reflection of the loss of immunity of the collective consciousness as a whole, resulting from the accumulated stress and negativity in form of fear-based beliefs, greed, and negativity, put out from various sources around the planet.

He advises us to use the current situation of social distancing, isolation and sequestering to let go of the old baggage, which doesn't belong to us anymore and get in touch with our indestructible core.

Bashar: 'Find your true selves and transform yourselves into these new beings that are sparkling clean and not surrounded by a mist of fearful beliefs, for they will not pass easily through the 'eye of the needle'.


Quote from: Tob
The pandemic is also exemplifying the loss of the immunity of the collective as a whole, caused by an overload of negative, and fearfull beliefs, greed and animosities.
I think this is true.


'The End of Time', scientific literature recommended by Bashar (Our Future in the 21st Century, 1:10:50)

Richard Feynman once quipped that "Time is what happens when nothing else does." But Julian Barbour disagrees: if nothing happened, if nothing changed, then time would stop. For time is nothing but change. It is change that we perceive occurring all around us, not time. Put simply, time does not exist.
In this highly provocative volume, Barbour presents the basic evidence for a timeless universe, and shows why we still experience the world as intensely temporal. It is a book that strikes at the heart of modern physics. It casts doubt on Einstein's greatest contribution, the spacetime continuum, but also points to the solution of one of the great paradoxes of modern science, the chasm between classical and quantum physics. Indeed, Barbour argues that the holy grail of physicists--the unification of Einstein's general relativity with quantum mechanics--may well spell the end of time.
Barbour writes with remarkable clarity as he ranges from the ancient philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenides, through the giants of science Galileo, Newton, and Einstein, to the work of the contemporary physicists John Wheeler, Roger Penrose, and Steven Hawking. Along the way he treats us to enticing glimpses of some of the mysteries of the universe, and presents intriguing ideas about multiple worlds, time travel, immortality, and, above all, the illusion of motion.
The End of Time is a vibrantly written and revolutionary book. It turns our understanding of reality inside-out. (Amazon Teaser)


Hi Tob, Hi All,

I sometimes wonder whether it's even possible for humans, who physically exist within spacetime, to actually comprehend the true nature of spacetime.

As an analogy, it might be like asking a tuna, who lives completely within the ocean, to describe the true nature of earth life. The tuna, may be able to talk about the ocean, water, whales, sharks, mackerel, ships, squid and perhaps things like sea vents for example; all a part of earth life.  However, it may be completely clueless as to the existence of tropical rainforests, prairies, mountains, lakes, swamps, deserts, frogs, caribou, gorillas, rattlesnakes, kiwi's, or elephants; all also part of earth life.

Thus, by having an existence completely within the ocean, the tuna's abilities to comprehend the true nature of earth life is somewhat limited.

Anyway, in regards to time, I like what Seth had to say about it in Session 430.

TES9, S430:
To the question, What is time?, the following answer might quite rightly be given:

Time is an apple. Time is no apple. Time (smile) is a worm in an apple. Time is a worm not in an apple; and yet such definitions will be absolutely meaningless to most people, for they can only think of time in terms of days or hours, and they do not think of time as experience itself, or quite simply, being.

And yet such definitions are far more near the truth than those that have to do with measurements. There are no measurements of any kind. Reality, of itself, forms an apple. Your perception of the apple enables you to see it piecemeal.

The apple is time. It is an event. It is the so-many-odd days or months that have gone into its production in your terms, or years that have gone into production of the tree. It is as much an event of time as it is an event of space.

Here I am merely using your terms to make the point. There are such natural things as apples, you see. There are no natural things such as minutes or hours. These are concepts imposed upon reality, but this does not make them real in themselves.

An individual, and I am speaking in your terms now, again to make a point: an individual is the 60 or 70-odd years of his earthly existence, as much as he is the 150-odd pounds that he may be.

- jbseth



Quote from: jbseth
I sometimes wonder whether it's even possible for humans, who physically exist within spacetime, to actually comprehend the true nature of spacetime.
jbseth, I agree. How I see it is that in Framework 1 our brains are hardwired to perceive spacetime in a particular way. For entities like Seth, who exist in Framework 2, spacetime does not exist, so past, present, and future are in the spacious present.
