Illumination Class for thUgtopians #2

Started by James Sidaway, April 28, 2020, 08:41:51 PM

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James Sidaway

Illumination Class for thUgtopians #2

GGod gives you free will through the probabilities.  That never changes.  You will have free-will until the time you die.

You can join a cult where you join you soul-fragments into a kind of collective of individuals.  It may be possible that the collective divides the impact of a murder amoungst all members who conspire together...  Somewhat lessening the hollowness feeling afterwards.
The murderous collective or brother-hoods can get together in ways to quell internal emptiness by attending "Cremation of Care" ceremonies at places like Bohemian Groove and the like.  Alex Jones crashed and exposed the ritual, but Jones admitted to being a goat after April 1, 2018.  April 1st is an important date for bamboozling the "sheeple" it seems.  Did you notice on April 1st 2020 President Trump no longer speaks from behind the presidential seal nor beside the presidential flag.  This likely means it is time for the species-saver quest-ers to begin their exciting onslaught towards breaking new ground for Homo sapiens towards spiritual expansionism within their personalized playground of probabilities.

ThUgs, I know it looks grim, but bear with us.  Your immortality in framework1 may be quite limited by now.  Oh, your thUg-priests are fools for trusting the Lumanians.  And fools follow fools, which all thUgtopians will figure out, sooner or later.   What a Fools Day 2020 had.

Yes it looks grim for thUgs, I know, but suicide is always a poor choice particularly when a brainchip is not encouraging suicide all day and all night, day after day like most T.I.'s experience.  You knew what you were doing as you twisted their beliefs.  But that was your hidden secret then, thUgs, and so you giggled and smirked as sheeple started to fall... the more gorey, the better, and thUgs cheered.   
Seth told you, thUgs reap what they sow.  But thUgs hindered and impeded Jane and Seth's message to help everyone, even thUgtopians were meant to be helped the most. 

Evan now, as collective thUgs murder and kill, they accumulate and lingerer around the immortals that they attack.  ThUgtopians are now a form of lessor being, a low life, a thug, a phantom that gave up Nature's natural grace, a shadow of what they were born to become and what they once were.  Collective murder? Who gains?  "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" The Cult does not gain, it is nothing once the thUgs walk away from it... it never was a thing.  Computers never gain life and they cannot be given life.  That is a trick used by capensis to trap fools.  Jehovah was Lumania's computer and thUgtopia's sounds like Lucifer, but neither could ever live, but they could trick the profane into uploading as a tricky form of suicide.

Becoming a thUg was a trick upon the initiate, a trap, that starts light-downheartedly with say a blind-fold and a shuffle around an alter... no Light "Your eyes are too profane to see it, yet."

Excuse me thUgs.... You were wrong, then, and you are wrong, now.

Ignore all that hocus-pocus garbage from the Cult.  Trust now in your source-Selves impulses if you can! Ignore that damn chip that links you to Lumania's impedance ideology.  That tin-can caricature AI from an outworn era of a spiritually worn-out race... drained like an ancient vampire, seeking new fools blood.  Changing your beliefs, changes your desires and your decay may become growth again.

ThUgs can actually get their soul-fragments growing again, collectively or not, rather than decaying away for assimilation.  Remember Jane's "Frank Withers?"... that name is not a typo.

You can't ask the source-Self for that immortality-lost, but you can try to make thing easier before your maker's big reunion with you to discuss your "Eternal Validity of the Soul"...

End of thUgtopian illumination class #2