New Year resolutions by Seth

Started by daethyme, January 01, 2015, 01:39:35 PM

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These New Year's Resolutions from Seth are posted on the Seth Network International sight. BTW, there is lots of good stuff on this sight. If you haven't checked it out recently, you might want to:
New Year's Resolutions Given by Seth to Jane & Rob on New Year's Day, 1979

"Now: I wish you a Merry New Year, into which I hope you manage to insert a touch of light-heartedness now and then.

"Now if I were you two, making a list of resolutions, my list would include feelings and attitudes. Things to do are well and good - very good indeed - but the feelings and attitudes are, shall we say, at least as important. I would not presume to make a list of resolutions for you. But in an imaginative endeavor, this is what I pretend I would list if I were you - meaning you both. Though this is a new year, there is nothing really new about the list."

"One: I will approve of myself, my characteristics, my abilities, my likes and dislikes, my inclinations and disinclinations, realizing that these form my unique individuality. They are given me for a reason.

"Two: I will approve of and rejoice in my accomplishments and I will be as vigorous in listing these—as rigorous in remembering them—as I have ever been in remembering and enumerating my failures or lacks of accomplishment.

"Three: I will remember the creative framework of existence in which I have my being. Therefore the possibilities, potentials, seeming miracles, and joyful spontaneity of Framework 2 will be in my mind, so that the doors to creative living are open.

"Four: I will realize that the future is a probability. In terms of ordinary experience, nothing exists there yet. It is virgin territory, planted by my feelings and thoughts in the present. Therefore I will plant accomplishments and successes, and I will do this by remembering that nothing can exist in the future that I do not want to be there."


Awesome! My focus this year is definitely all of the things listed in your post. I'll have to copy that and save in my Seth Notes.

I'll add something that I found on Facebook last week. I don't know who the author was but it was also noteworthy. BTW I LOVE the graphic linked in your post, it make me laugh--with a little undertone of irony.


I will take care of myself, meet my every need, and cherish the body I inhabit.

I easily gain valuable and useful information from my other selves and use it in the most beneficial way.

I will love who I am in this moment.
I will not wait to feel better, make more money,
or achieve any other level in order to relish in who I am.

Every desire I have is a link to who I really am.

I value each desire as divine.

I will adorn my body with luxury.

I will feed my body with that which I crave.

Every sense of my existence seeks to be stimulated.

I will satisfy with aroma, taste, sound, sight, and touch each day.

I will not deprive myself for anyone, or anything, or any situation.

I am important, essential, and meaningful.

I love who I am.

I am the foil for your development.

I am the love you come back to.

I think of myself first.

I take care of myself first.

I cherish myself first.

If I wait until I'm a different size, age, or state of being in order to accept myself,
 I remain in the ever-present moment in shame.

I accept myself now.

I will not put it off, nor seek it in the past.

I love myself now, as I am, in whatever state.

I love myself.

I love my experience.

I love my life.


Most wonderful~!

You may like this. It's a poem from Rumi or Kabir, not sure which. It is a message from the soul to the self or spirit to ego.

Didn't I Tell You

Didn't I tell you
not to go to that place?
It is me, who is your intimate friend.
In this imaginary plain of non-existence,
I am your spring of eternal life.

Even if you lose yourself in wrath
for a hundred thousand years,
at the end you will discover,
it is me, who is the culmination of your dreams.

Didn't I tell you
not to be satisfied with the veil of this world?
I am the master illusionist,
it is me, who is the welcoming banner at the gate of your contentment.

Didn't I tell you?
I am an ocean, you are a fish;
do not go to the dry land,
it is me, who is your comforting body of water.

Didn't I tell you
not to fall in this trap like a blind bird?
I am your wings, I am the strength in your wings,
I am the wind keeping you in flight.

Didn't I tell you
that they will kidnap you from the path?
They will steal your warmth,
and take your devotion away.
I am your fire, I am your heartbeat,
I am the life in your breath.

Didn't I tell you?
They will accuse you of all the wrongdoings,
they will call you ugly names,
they will make you forget
it is me, who is the source of your happiness.

Didn't I tell you?
Wonder not, how your life will turn out,
how you will ever get your world in order,
it is me, who is your omnipresent creator.

If your are a guiding torch of the heart,
know the path to that house.
If you are a person of God, know this,
It is me, who is the chief of the village of your life.


Dae and Deb, thank you for these most incredibly inspiring resolutions and words.  My god, they're a far cry from the resolution to lose weight.....

Reading these, I felt so affirmed and tingly inside.  So good.


I love the Rumi quote, and it is Rumi, I had to look it up. I love the Internet, I never have my questions without answers for very long. Well, sometimes I do. But not often.

I went for a walk in the sun and snow this afternoon and while doing so listened to the intro to an audio book I downloaded a while ago and haven't had time to start. It's called Shamanic Visioning and the author said everything so far about Shamans that I've been hearing from Seth about how we all can be. She talked about life/consciousness being in everything, us all being one, being in touch with the soul/inner self and our planet. I love when I find other sources that mesh with each other. Once I was reading the history of E=mc2 and another book on a totally unrelated subject, maybe Bruce Lipton, and a major concept intersected in both books at pretty much the same time. Wow, that was interesting!

Now I'm off to watch the video on channeling ~


That is very RICH!

Guess what... Taoism says the same thing, multi existences and all. "Holding to the One" is that connection we have w/ source.
This is what I was speaking to when I said everything is coming together for us. Unity consciousness will do away with the poles of good vs. evil but it's a "time" before we get there and that will be a division for those who have dif. belief structures. We literally change realities as we change and are present w/ like minds and hearts.

Shamanic Journey's is right in there too, as you are discovering.

can't wait to hear about the movie. Blew me away~



I thought I'd revive this topic seeing it's that time of year again. :)

Seth's recommended New Year resolutions, click the link to read them:

Quote from: daethyme on January 01, 2015, 01:39:35 PM"Now if I were you two, making a list of resolutions, my list would include feelings and attitudes. Things to do are well and good - very good indeed - but the feelings and attitudes are, shall we say, at least as important. I would not presume to make a list of resolutions for you. But in an imaginative endeavor, this is what I pretend I would list if I were you - meaning you both. Though this is a new year, there is nothing really new about the list."


I'll play and thank you very much happy holidays definitely happy new year I'm waiting for my computer to get home from the shop I can't type a reply on the cell phone happy solstice l send you love to everyone.
Soon, Dae


Same holiday/solstice wishes back to you Dae, nice to "see" you again!