How does one incarnation impact another

Started by Bora137, December 01, 2021, 11:40:19 AM

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Let's say there is a soul. It has two incarnations 'running'. Seth tells us the soul is not some complete and perfect thing, it is in a state of becoming, incarnations are its sensors into realities where it learns lessons and attempts to complete its purpose.

Let's say this soul has a problem with greed (when incarnat on the physical plane) that stems from some sort of insecurity. In incarnation A the person achieves a lot of material wealth and realises that money has not solved their insecurity problem. She sets out on a path of self discovery, gives away most of her material wealth and finds true meaning through say volunteering for a charity. Her consciousness has been expanded. Person B has not been as well equipped in terms of brain power. The soul designed him thus to learn greater humility. However he shares the core insecurity of the soul as he is of the soul. He too believes money will solve all his problems. He struggles at various jobs and is always overlooked for promotion, he starts a business that goes bust. In the end he steals some money through insurance fraud and ends up in jail feeling very bitter and sorry for himself.

So on the one hand the soul has achieved enlightenment through person A but person B has learnt nothing and is struggling deeper into challenges. What effect does the enlightenment the soul has gained from A have on B? 


Quote from: Bora137 on December 01, 2021, 11:40:19 AMLet's say there is a soul. It has two incarnations 'running'. Seth tells us the soul is not some complete and perfect thing, it is in a state of becoming, incarnations are its sensors into realities where it learns lessons and attempts to complete its purpose.

Let's say this soul has a problem with greed (when incarnat on the physical plane) that stems from some sort of insecurity. In incarnation A the person achieves a lot of material wealth and realises that money has not solved their insecurity problem. She sets out on a path of self discovery, gives away most of her material wealth and finds true meaning through say volunteering for a charity. Her consciousness has been expanded. Person B has not been as well equipped in terms of brain power. The soul designed him thus to learn greater humility. However he shares the core insecurity of the soul as he is of the soul. He too believes money will solve all his problems. He struggles at various jobs and is always overlooked for promotion, he starts a business that goes bust. In the end he steals some money through insurance fraud and ends up in jail feeling very bitter and sorry for himself.

So on the one hand the soul has achieved enlightenment through person A but person B has learnt nothing and is struggling deeper into challenges. What effect does the enlightenment the soul has gained from A have on B? 

Souls have no incarnations 'running'. This is not a red light district.

You ARE a soul. You don't have a soul. No one invested in you and you are not obliged to do anything. Your souls A and B did decide to incarnate. They have chosen a specific theme for exploration in their physical incarnation. In your example it may be plausible to assume that both chose the theme of 'personal discipline, standing power, success' which can be also experienced as chaos, lack of consequence, and personal failure. 'We' all have (many) parallel lives as well. In your example person A and B could be exploring specific aspects which have to do with opposite sides of a common theme. To be commonly re-evaluated after the incarnation. In the same way as we all have counterparts in poor countries which hate Western culture and our lavish lifestyle. (Seth was providing some examples). Thus, one should never come to a value judgment just by observing superficialities.

You can live a very one-sided life as it fits the needs of the oversoul (Seth). Contemporary observers may come to the conclusion that this life was 'wasted' from a societal point of view. It may be nevertheless a very useful and a valuable contribution to creation (Seth). Crimes and atrocities committed by other souls of the entity may be balanced out by individually choosing a life as a nurse, a doctor, or a philosopher. It is a matter of re-balancing energies, not revenge. Nor is it karma. Frank Watts was such a point in case (his life was a 'compensation' for the wild history of Seth's entity, a kind of 'missing link' for Seth himself).

I cannot formulate more at this point. I am myself in the process of bringing bits and pieces together. Avoid judgments. Things may be different than they look. There may be common pre-arrangements according to which someone perpetrates a crime, just to give others a chance for re-correcting their life.

There is no hurry. What is not being learnt during this lifetime will be learnt later on in another context (Bashar)
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This has been on my mind all day, and a great question. Thanks!

My mind first went to Seth telling Rob about his probable selves, probable deaths, and then how one of his probable mothers died and her energy was transferred to the probable mother he grew up with. Decisions she made in some probabilities were, if my memory serves me, in reaction to those made in others. Then my mind went to Seth talking about how we communicate with our probable selves and incarnations in dreams, and how we can influence each other, share information and skills, learn and sometimes offer solutions to problems. So the enlightenment of one incarnation contributing to another's doesn't seem far fetched to me at all. We're here to learn and grow, and it doesn't have to be difficult. Personally I prefer to learn from others' (mistakes).  ;D

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Quote from: Bora137 on December 01, 2021, 11:40:19 AMLet's say this soul has a problem with greed (when incarnat on the physical plane) that stems from some sort of insecurity. In incarnation A the person achieves a lot of material wealth and realises that money has not solved their insecurity problem. She sets out on a path of self discovery, gives away most of her material wealth and finds true meaning through say volunteering for a charity. Her consciousness has been expanded. Person B has not been as well equipped in terms of brain power. The soul designed him thus to learn greater humility. However he shares the core insecurity of the soul as he is of the soul. He too believes money will solve all his problems. He struggles at various jobs and is always overlooked for promotion, he starts a business that goes bust. In the end he steals some money through insurance fraud and ends up in jail feeling very bitter and sorry for himself.

So on the one hand the soul has achieved enlightenment through person A but person B has learnt nothing and is struggling deeper into challenges. What effect does the enlightenment the soul has gained from A have on B?

Bora, that is a very interesting example you have worked out. Could one say that A and B are in two different probable realities?

How I see it is that in physical reality we have one single point of view. Meaning, I am Sena, not anyone else. I may visit my other probable realities in dreams, but that is not my primary identity. It is the primary identity (Sena) which does the learning. One thing I can learn in this way is to be not too anxious about my primary identity. I can learn to overcome the fear of death. If Sena dies, I can understand that my existence in other probable realities will continue. This is what is apparent from near-death experiences.
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Thanks Tob, perhaps the clumsy way I put it gave the impression that was saying soul and incarnation are two separate things, I know they are one in the same. I agree with everything you have said mostly. What we may regard as a terrible life as an external observer - maybe homeless and destitute - might be a highly successful incarnation for the soul as it will have learnt a lot, conversely a happy life as a successful businessman might have been a big waste of time.

Quote from: Deb on December 01, 2021, 08:15:05 PMThen my mind went to Seth talking about how we communicate with our probable selves and incarnations in dreams, and how we can influence each other, share information and skills, learn and sometimes offer solutions to problems. So the enlightenment of one incarnation contributing to another's doesn't seem far fetched to me at all.

Deb, this is close to what I'm thinking - a communication within the soul with itself. But to clarify a bit further-

As Seth tells us a soul is not a complete and finished consciousness, it is in a state of becoming. So for example it might find that whatever incarnation it takes into physical reality (by that I mean man, woman, privilege start or deprived background, high IQ or low QI, so on and so on) it always responds to bad fortune with anger. So this soul has got a real problem - it thinks angry it attracts angry it will continue to experience angry.

Then it has an incarnation and decides on a set of circumstances it will encounter in order to try and tackle its anger issue. It contrives a perfect lesson for itself. From a difficult background it achieves fulfillment and finds real love. Then something relatively small happens to which its reaction is anger and it loses everything. It is then given a very long period still incarnated to consider how it lost everything. You could use Marty McFly's lesson in Back to the Future where he gets really angry if called chicken and he learns at the end of the film not to be triggered and witnesses how he could have crashed his car racing 'punks' at a set of lights. So our soul in question learns this hard lesson on a deep level, it is changed by this lesson - it has successfully expanded its consciousness and now doesn't to react with anger when things don't go its way. Meanwhile its other incarnations are still kicking off left right and centre. Some are in jail for murder, some have thrown away close relationships over minor perceived slights. So are they still committing the same mistakes or because the soul has learned through experience have they then too now learned? They are the soul, different points of focus from it.

I don't think various incarnations are just about balancing energy - a murderer here, a care worker there. That would make all souls kind of generic and they are not. Experience is used to grow and become. So once a soul has learnt an important lesson and becomes highly emphatic to the pain of others say, it will not incarnate as a murderer.