Michael Newton "Journey of souls"

Started by Nataly, September 18, 2017, 06:10:44 AM

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Well, someone else new and interesting! Once again, it would be interesting to compare what he says to what I've learned from Seth. Years ago I read a couple of books by Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychotherapist who "stumbled" upon past lives in a patient he was treating. It became a focus for him after that point and he's written several books about his research.

While Weiss all about past lives, Newton is more focused on what goes on between or outside of physical existence. I'm trying also to keep in mind that with simultaneous time, past lives are concurrent lives, but yet can influence each other.

It would be interesting to be able to have a session with any of these authors and counselors/coaches, but their fees are always outrageously high. 

You've read Newton's books? What's your opinion?


Quote from: Deb
Years ago I read a couple of books by Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychotherapist who "stumbled" upon past lives in a patient he was treating. It became a focus for him after that point and he's written several books about his research.

I did not read this author. I found now his books in Russian, I think I like them. Thank you!

Quote from: Deb
You've read Newton's books? What's your opinion?

I read the books of Newton for a long time, but I did not have enough information in them. Very similar information from Robert Schwartz, more detailed description of life planning. I like books with concrete examples from people's lives. Newton's books are just like that. I used to watch a lot of astrological maps of people and how they reflect the character of a person.


Just to let you know, I found the Newton book, audio version, for free through my library and have already listened to about two hours of it. I'm enjoying it and I'd love to write to him and ask if he's read any Seth books. He uses the term "oversoul" which makes me think so. I'm interested in seeing how far he goes with his patients' descriptions of what Seth calls Framework 2.


Quote from: Deb
Just to let you know, I found the Newton book, audio version, for free through my library and have already listened to about two hours of it.

And I read Brian Weiss. Very easy to read.

Quote from: Deb
I'm enjoying it and I'd love to write to him and ask if he's read any Seth books.

Unfortunately, judging by Wikipedia information, he has already died.


Quote from: Nataly
Unfortunately, judging by Wikipedia information, he has already died.

Ah, yes, I just saw that. Died almost exactly a year ago, a funny coincidence I suppose. His transition must have been interesting, he had already been through it many times through his patients' stories. Well, I'll have to find another way to ask him, lol.

I did see a list of Other Researchers under Reincarnation Research on the Wiki page and Jane Roberts is on the list. Brian Weiss is as well.


Quote from: Deb
I did see a list of Other Researchers under Reincarnation Research on the Wiki page and Jane Roberts is on the list. Brian Weiss is as well.

Thanks, interesting list.
Robert Almeder Carol Bowman Stephen E. Braude Gina Cerminara C. T. K. Chari Curt Ducasse Peter Fenwick Joe Fisher Théodore Flournoy Andrea Foulkes Yonassan Gershom Arthur Guirdham Raynor Johnson Ian Lawton Frederick Lenz Vicki Mackenzie Raymond Moody Gardner Murphy Michael Newton ‎ Jane Roberts D. Scott Rogo Godwin Samararatne Tom Shroder Jess Stearn Brian Weiss Carl Wickland Roger Woolger.

And I found a similar list on this page -


Carol Bowman
Erlendur Haraldsson
European Cases of the Reincarnation Type
Joe Fisher (journalist)
Ian Lawton
Life Before Life
Antonia Mills
Old Souls: The Scientific Search for Proof of Past Lives
Yaşar Nuri Öztürk
Satwant Pasricha
Reincarnation and Biology
Godwin Samararatne
Ian Stevenson
Jim B. Tucker
Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation
Brian Weiss
Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect
Roger Woolger


I did finish the book by Michael Newton, Journey of Souls. Since I have adopted the Seth materials as my baseline on reality, I tend to compare new (to me) authors and materials with what I've learned from Seth.

The Newton book was more interesting than I expected. There were a couple of times where I thought I'd skip ahead, but found realized I was really enjoying the stories he was extracting from his patients and so I didn't skip anything. And extract he did, asking a lot of questions. I hope his patients were OK with him being so focused on gaining information for himself while he was supposed to be helping them with their problems.

Newton's focus is on what goes on in the time when we are in what I'm guessing is Framework 2 -- the re-entry into F2 after physical death and the variety of ways that is handled, depending on how many incarnations and deaths we've had in the past. So, re-entry is different for a younger soul than an older, more experienced one. Also the conditions during the lifetime can take their toll on the soul, therefore some need for cleansing and recovery. There were some things Newton only touched on briefly that could be seen in alignment with Seth's teachings: temporarily displaced souls (ghosts) who become emotionally tethered to Earth; time and space being unique to this plane of existence; choosing our bodies and life situations before returning to Earth; free will; previewing various outcomes in situations (Seth's probable realities/selves); an intelligence that we are a part of and is within everything as the "All That Is" of Seth who Newton refers to as the Creator; how we each are an eternal consciousness with our own unique "signal"; concurrent incarnations (soul splitting, maybe Seth's counterparts); oversouls; our amnesia; F2 being nonjudgmental and only supportive and wanting to assist our spiritual growth and maturity. He talks about us having "guides" -- I'm not sure if that translates to Seth's version of oversouls. He barely alludes to simultaneous time ("There is a change when I take them into superconsciousness and the spirit world. Here they see the now of time as one homogeneous unit of past, present, and future.") and tries to outline a hierarchy of sorts in F2 that made it seem like a soul factory to me, but then he and his patients (and I) are limited to the language and experiences of this current existence.

There were other interesting things he presents in the book, too much for me to go into. Two things I found particularly interesting were life selection and when and how the spirit merges with a new baby's mind. Oh, and he did mention that we can take "breaks" and exist as trees or rocks for a while (which I remember Seth mentioning), or exist temporarily in other realities that are not as "harsh" as Earth.

"To this extent we indulge in relaxation and sleep, for we can spend a century as a tree or as an uncomplicated life form in another reality. We delight our consciousness with the enjoyment of simple existence."
—SS Chapter 2: Session 514, February 9, 1970

And so why are we (here)?

Dr. Newton: Why does a source, who is ostensibly perfect already, need to create further intelligence which is less than perfect?

Subject: To help the creator create. In this way, by self-transformation and rising to higher plateaus of fulfillment, we add to the building blocks of life.


Thank you for the very accurate comparison with Seth. I read in Russian yet his book about the life between lives. But it is difficult to understand the names of books. I do not remember which one. Now I have found three books in Russian. «Путешествия души» (Journey of Souls, 1994), «Предназначение души» (Destiny of Souls, 2000) и «Жизнь между жизнями» (Life Between Lives, 2004).

And what in the book does he write about the goals of the embodiment of the older souls? I remember badly already, but it sure was something.

I remember my dream in early childhood, which is consistent with the teachings of Seth. I think in this dream, how can I live without things. And suddenly it turns out that everything disappears, but it only makes me feel just easier and better. It surprises me very much. And I'm starting to explain to someone that we need to throw out all things and become better. Things here were some kind of abstract. Now I understand that this dream was connected with my knowledge from past lives. Well, or, according to Seth, not with the knowledge of my current personality.


Yes your dream sounds very Sethian, showing an early awareness that our sensed reality is a camouflage ("some kind of abstract").

I don't recall anything in Journey of Souls about the goals of older souls, other than their desire to help souls and improve all that is. I'll share some quotes from Journey of Souls, from a patient and very advanced soul (hypnotized, in a superconscious state) talking about her role as a guide for the others in her spiritual cluster or family. It's interesting that they can function as guides from F2 while still being physically incarnated.

I found a free download of a PDF of the book, I've put the link in the Links and References section.

These quotes are pretty long, so I'm putting them into Spoilers. Just click on the + symbol to open them.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

Information on what watchers are ( guides, oversouls? ) and how they help us.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.


Quote from: Deb
Yes your dream sounds very Sethian, showing an early awareness that our sensed reality is a camouflage ("some kind of abstract").

I did not realize this. In a dream, the disappearance of things, I did not perceive exactly how the disappearance of reality. "Abstract" I meant "in general all the things that I needed, which were necessary, with which I connected myself." Even more likely the ideas of these specific things I need. After their disappearance, I remained as if in a gray fog, that is, in general, there were no things left, not only those needed by me. But somehow I was not interested in unnecessary (now I understand).
It was just a mysterious strange dream for me. Until I read Seth. This proves that someone reminded me of this in this dream in childhood. It was like a a letter to a child in understandable language with simplified terms. As a primitive explanation of some idea. Or a note written to myself from the past, or an attempt to remember in a new body and a new environment what I knew before. Interestingly, my parents were not interested in Buddhism or esotericism. My father studied hatha yoga, but only from the point of view of health. In my childhood, unlike my sister, I often sat with my legs tucked. And now, too) I think my past life was connected with Buddhism. Perhaps that's why dreams are like that, with similar ideas and dream practices.
My father said in my childhood that a person after death simply disappears (atheism). And I was disagree, because I understood that my mind does not disappear. And also when I heard that there is a speed limit, the speed of light (from the physics father told me), it seemed to me wrong. I represented, for example, two stars, and how I see them in my imagination both at once. And how can I imagine how something moves from one to the other. So, I thought, if thought can unite them, then the speed of light is not the limit. Still remembered. As a child, I felt dizzy or shook my head, I do not remember. But I noticed that at the same time thoughts disappear. Apparently these are also remnants of Buddhist practices in other lives. And in a dream in childhood from nightmares I always woke up consciously, representing the elevator (it is not clear why), going into it. At the same time, my eyes opened on the physical plane, and it only remained for a while to keep them open so that the dream did not continue. In Buddhism there is a yoga of sleep, perhaps it is something from there.

Quote from: Deb
I don't recall anything in Journey of Souls about the goals of older souls, other than their desire to help souls and improve all that is. I'll share some quotes from Journey of Souls, from a patient and very advanced soul (hypnotized, in a superconscious state) talking about her role as a guide for the others in her spiritual cluster or family. It's interesting that they can function as guides from F2 while still being physically incarnated.

I found a free download of a PDF of the book, I've put the link in the Links and References section.

Thank you very much!

"Dr. N: ... what way a company member on Earth can signal to get your attention ...

S: (after a long pause) First, they have to calm their minds and focus attention away from their immediate surroundings.

Dr. N: How would they do this?

S: By silence ... reaching inward ... to fasten on their inner voice.

Dr. N: Is this how one calls for spiritual help?

S: Yes, at least to me. They must expand upon their inner consciousness to engage me on a central thought.

Dr. N: On you, or the specific problem which is bothering them?

S: They must reach out beyond what is troubling them in order to be receptive to me. That's difficult when they don't remain calm.

Dr. N: Why?

S: For me, getting the signals is easy. It's harder for people on Earth. The energy of directed thought must override human emotion.

Dr. N: ... Are teacher-spirits rather indifferent with the day-to-day problems of humans?

S: Not indifferent, or we wouldn't communicate. We gauge each situation. We know life is transitory. We are more ... detached because without human bodies we are unencumbered by the immediacy of human emotion.

Dr. N: But when the situation does call for spiritual guidance, what do you do?

S: (gravely) As watchers in the stillness, we recognize the amount of turbulence ... from the wake of troubled thought. Then we carefully merge with it and gently touch the mind. "
S: Watchers are not supposed to intrude. It's more of a ... soft coupling. I implant ideas—which they assume is inspiration—to try and give them peace.

Dr. N: What single thing do you have the most problem with during communications with people on Earth?

S: Fear.

Dr. N: Would you enlarge on that?

S: I have to be careful not to spoil my people by making life too easy for them ... to let them work out most of their difficulties without jumping right in. They only suffer more if a watcher moves in too quickly before this is done. "

What does it mean, if there are no strong emotions, then they will not pay attention until the hysterics are arranged? And if I do not want to experience strong emotions simply because it spends a lot of energy, then they will not react to my situation? Just like in life. You will not demand anything - you will not get anything.
"Without human bodies we are unencumbered by the immediacy of human emotion" -  It looks like they're deaf and therefore do not feel any problems on the ground. Can only imagine them.


Quote from: Nataly
What does it mean, if there are no strong emotions, then they will not pay attention until the hysterics are arranged? And if I do not want to experience strong emotions simply because it spends a lot of energy, then they will not react to my situation? Just like in life. You will not demand anything - you will not get anything.
"Without human bodies we are unencumbered by the immediacy of human emotion" -  It looks like they're deaf and therefore do not feel any problems on the ground. Can only imagine them.

This certainly differs from Seth and other teachers in that there is the vast and constant resource of knowledge and help available to us, we merely need to learn how to be open to that information. I can understand how the earthly emotions could complicate communications and I can also understand how a guide would want to not constantly jump in and solve situations for us that we have pre-arranged for ourselves as learning experiences. I also imagine these guides have lived enough times on earth to understand what human emotions are like, and also how transitory they can be.

While I've had my share of sudden knowing and solutions that seem to come from no where, I'm still fighting the idea of spirit guides or guardian angels constantly available to help us.


Quote from: Nataly
My father studied hatha yoga, but only from the point of view of health. In my childhood, unlike my sister, I often sat with my legs tucked. And now, too) I think my past life was connected with Buddhism. Perhaps that's why dreams are like that, with similar ideas and dream practices.
My father said in my childhood that a person after death simply disappears (atheism). And I was disagree, because I understood that my mind does not disappear.
Nataly, I know that you are no longer a member, but thanks for your post.
I found this Youtube video by Michael Newton. One of the ineteresting things he says is that the average number of people in one's "soul group" is 15: