Seth on cats

Started by Sena, May 29, 2020, 03:22:49 AM

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As we have two pet cats, I thought it would be interesting to know what Seth says about cats. What he seems to be saying is that even cats, not just humans, create their own reality:

"There is something here we may as well consider now, having to do with the cooperation existing between all living creatures in the construction of the physical universe. This interaction is extremely important, and the balance continues to be a delicate and sometimes perilous one. (Now Willy sat quietly at the open window, staring out into the night.) We will take your cat and his bug. Your cat created the bug that he saw. The bug that he saw was a different construction from the bug that was seen by either of you, and all three constructions were different from the bug's physical construction of himself. These bug constructions, by various means which we shall discuss, tallied in your camouflage space to an amazingly approximate degree. However, they were not by any means identical, either in space, time, or physical bulk. Quite literally the cat's bug was larger and heavier in bulk, existed longer in his—that is the cat's—time, and also took up more space. Your bug, Joseph, differed in actual physical construction also from Ruburt's. It was better detailed and more precisely drawn, smaller in size from either Ruburt's or the cat's, existed less in your camouflage time, and took up a measurably less amount of your space." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)

From the Kindle edition:

In the following quote Seth links his statement on cats to his idea about multiple univereses:

"One of Ruburt's little prize perceptions was his realization that you see, or are aware of, only your own idea constructions. Basically each individual inhabits a completely different world. We will carry this further. As you are not aware of many so-called realities with which your own cat is familiar, so you are completely unaware of other universes that coexist with your own. Your outer senses are equipped to perceive your own camouflage patterns. They are not equipped to deal with other camouflage patterns. The camouflage patterns within your own physical universe are coherent enough so that all individuals of a given species appear to perceive more or less the same surroundings." (from "The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts, Robert Butts)

"Domesticated animals have their own reasons for choosing such a state. It is, for example, usual enough to think that your cats (Billy and Mitzi) should ideally run outside in the open, because in the wild that is what cats would do.

Cats in the wild were, in those terms of time, exploring one kind of nature. In that kind of nature, with a natural population taken care of in the environment, there would be far fewer cats than there are now. Your cats would not exist. Why does it seem antinatural, even slightly perverse, for a household cat to, say, prefer fine cat food from a can, when it seems that he should be eating mice, perhaps, or dining upon grasshoppers? The household cat is exploring a different kind of nature, in which he has a certain relationship to human consciousness, a relationship that changes the reality of his particular kind of consciousness.

Your cats are as alive in all ways inside of the house as out. They understand their relationship with your human reality. They enjoy contributing in your life as much as any wild animal enjoys being a part of its group. Their consciousnesses lean in a new direction, feel about the edges of concepts, sense openings of awareness of a different kind, and form alliances of consciousness quite as natural as any other."

—DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979


I think out of all the living creatures on Earth beside humans, there are two in particular I'm fascinated by

The praying mantis has a reputation for some reason as being seen in dream visions ay more than almost any other living creature. The name mantis comes from a Greek word meaning "seer" and the Egyptian and Sumerian words for mantis translate to necromancer. They are particularly unique insects but it also turns out the male mantises have a literal third eye on their foreheads. I've read accounts of this unexplained phenomena of them being encountered in dreams but only by reading about them on my own time did I learn of this particular fact about their anatomy. Thinking of how much food they've save us throughout history because of the pests they exterminate makes me wonder if they are some sort of ally of ours.

Another animal I like is the Xoloitzcuintli, which was deified by the Mesoamerican as Xolotl. They are originally from the jungles of Colima and the hairless mutation benefited them in the tropical climate of that region. There are also Peruvian hairless dogs which are related. I've encountered them at dog shows before and they are very intelligent and very hyper. They were owned by royalty in ancient times and the legends about xolotl speak of how his role is to guard Quetzalcoatl [Mesoamerican kundalini dragon] through lands of death and darkness [mictlan, picture haunted graveyards] in order to shine light and bring resurrect energy from humans who had lived in previous wages to repopulate the present and future world.


Quote from: pyromancy
There are also Peruvian hairless dogs which are related. I've encountered them at dog shows before and they are very intelligent and very hyper. They were owned by royalty in ancient times and the legends about xolotl speak of how his role is to guard Quetzalcoatl [Mesoamerican kundalini dragon] through lands of death and darkness [mictlan, picture haunted graveyards] in order to shine light and bring resurrect energy from humans who had lived in previous wages to repopulate the present and future world.
pyromancy, thanks for the interesting information. I am sure you are aware that cats were regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt.


Hi Sena,

Thanks for starting this post. It's an interesting and fun way to think about cats.

Cat's are definitely interesting and entertaining. They seem to have quite a different outlook on life than dogs.

In TES2, Session 68, Bill Macdonnel (Mark) visited Rob and Jane during this Seth session. In this session, Seth talked about how each person, created all the other people in their own individual perspective, in their own individual space. In addition to this, he said the following about their cat.

"There is the Mark which Mark has created, an actual physical construction. There is another Mark does not see, and this Mark is an actual physical construction created by you. There are at this time still two more physical Marks, one created by Ruburt, and one created by your cat."

So it sounds to me like Seth is saying that it's not just us humans who create our reality, but apparently both cat's and even bugs do this as well ("all three constructions were different from the bug's physical construction of himself ").



Quote from: Seth
Your cat created the bug that he saw. The bug that he saw was a different construction from the bug that was seen by either of you, and all three constructions were different from the bug's physical construction of himself. These bug constructions, by various means which we shall discuss, tallied in your camouflage space to an amazingly approximate degree. However, they were not by any means identical, either in space, time, or physical bulk.

How interesting that Seth talks about the different "versions" of the bug, reiterating what we've talked about regarding how everyone has their own version of what they see -- in the past using the coffee table, wine glass and even how we look to ourselves and others (the Marks story).

Quote from: Sena
Domesticated animals have their own reasons for choosing such a state.

This is a good remainder that ALL consciousness makes it's own reality, large or small. It puts having pets into perspective. We, of all levels of consciousness, are here to learn. And help each other learn through cooperative alliances.

I loved this:

Quote from: Seth
Your cats are as alive in all ways inside of the house as out. They understand their relationship with your human reality. They enjoy contributing in your life as much as any wild animal enjoys being a part of its group. Their consciousnesses lean in a new direction, feel about the edges of concepts, sense openings of awareness of a different kind, and form alliances of consciousness quite as natural as any other.

Quote from: pyromancy
There are also Peruvian hairless dogs which are related.

I looked them up and they sound like the perfect dog, except they'd have a problem here in Colorado as they can't tolerate cold. From photos, they look a lot like the dogs in Egyptian drawings and statues.


Quote from: Deb
We, of all levels of consciousness, are here to learn. And help each other learn through cooperative alliances.
Deb, it's good that you emphasize the learning aspect.


Quote from: Sena
Quote from: pyromancy
There are also Peruvian hairless dogs which are related. I've encountered them at dog shows before and they are very intelligent and very hyper. They were owned by royalty in ancient times and the legends about xolotl speak of how his role is to guard Quetzalcoatl [Mesoamerican kundalini dragon] through lands of death and darkness [mictlan, picture haunted graveyards] in order to shine light and bring resurrect energy from humans who had lived in previous wages to repopulate the present and future world.
pyromancy, thanks for the interesting information. I am sure you are aware that cats were regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt.

Yes, and another fun fact you're reminding me is that the blue lotus is the national flower of Egypt. It grows along the Nile.

This along with the Asian pink lotus and the central American white lotus are very symbolic in their respective cultures. A commonly reported effect of ingesting this mild tea is for animals to become more sensitive to human behaviors and moods.

I bet the Egyptians had plenty of fun holding their cats and burning the blue lotus incense or drinking it alongside them.


Hi Sena,

The comments that Seth made about the cat and the bug came from TES2, S64.

Seth made 2 very interesting comments in this session. One having to do with "value fulfillment" and the other one having to do with how the bug sees the cat. I think about this second comment sometimes whenever I'm think about how other animals (birds, lizards, snakes, insects, bee's, amoeba's, etc.) must view our world. Given what Seth had to say about how the bug sees the cat, I think that in some cases, these other animals must view things very differently than we humans do.

TES2, Session 64 – value fulfillment

[... ]

I know your cat meant no harm, and would regret depriving him of his playmate, except that when it is possible it is not only wise but advantageous to help any living creature, regardless of its stature in your scheme of things.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You see your cat suffers no ill effects from such play, although on another value level it would be termed destructive. On your level there must be a commitment in even the smallest such issues. Value fulfillment is not measured according to size, and in such cases it is the value fulfillment, not of the captive so much as the potential savior.

As I read this, Seth seems to be saying that we humans acquire value fulfillment, by participating in the act of helping out, in situations such as this one where this cat is potentially threatening the life of this bug.  How different this attitude seems to be than that generally taken by the hunter who goes out and kills, a deer, a lion, a bear, a zebra, (name your species) just so that he can have the experience of having done such a thing.

TES2, Session 64 – How the bug see's the cat.


The bug's cat construction is a huge and terrifying animal-mountain sort of construction. However, the construction is endowed with what we may call physical properties of which you are unaware.

This is difficult to explain. A psychic coordination, a sensitive apathy, received by the bug as to the nature of the cat, creates about the bug's construction of the cat b-a-n-d-s in infrared, solid to both the cat and the bug. The bug then sees a gigantic but blurred, incomplete so to speak, cat image, which is surrounded by infrared solidity, which is significant to the bug in terms quite incomprehensible to you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

If you could be more aware of the manner in which other species view physical objects, you would easily see the great difference existing between various constructions of what you think of as one physical object.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

These are completely separate constructions of energy into matter. You do not—and I repeat: you do not —perceive all constructions into matter. You only perceive your own physical constructions. Ruburt intuitively grasped this fact even before our sessions.

Here Seth is talking about the bug seeing that cat as part of solid infra-red bands. I know I've heard that some insects see in both infra-red and ultraviolet bands. It's hard to know and perhaps even imagine what we or other living things might look like in these bands; especially "solid" bands, whatever that means.

- jbseth


Quote from: jbseth
The comments that Seth made about the cat and the bug came from TES2, S64.
jbseth, yes, I have read parts of that. I am mainly interested in how cats and other pets can help us in our life-plan and in understanding the meaning of life.


Ha, well they show us affection but good luck teaching an animal to meditate. Although I have thought before that cats when they get in to that sphinx pose and start humming they seem closer to it than most other animals.

The cobra both in Egyptian and Hindu religion was a very important symbol. Look in to the Egyptian snake goddess and game Mehen it is identical in meaning to the Hindu coiled kundalini. The snake on the forehead of Egyptian sarcophagi is no coincidence and neither is the spine and djed of Osiris.

The way the energy of transformation moves in a human through their spine and DNA pattern is indeed serpent-like especially when you consider that when serpents mate they coil together and look exactly like a double helix. That's a little known fact. People over time must have witnessed it and noticed it's a pattern of transformation and adopted it.

Lotus teas are not regulated as they are mild. People drinking lotus say that animals begin responding to their thoughts. I wonder how elephants and cows in Hinduism would've responded.

I love this video by Trent Reznor. You can tell he was tuned in to some of these ideas.

A person who knows of kundalini and carries around crystals = crystal dragon [feathered serpent]


Quote from: Sena
jbseth, yes, I have read parts of that. I am mainly interested in how cats and other pets can help us in our life-plan and in understanding the meaning of life.

Hi Sena,

Wow, that's a great topic too.  I did a search on the Seth Search Engine on "Pets" and I only found 28 total entries. I only planned to copy one or two of them but there were 6 entries that I thought were quite noteworthy on this topic; each generally for a different reason than the others. I think these 6 entries show the many diverse ways that pets and animals can and do show up in our lives and give it meaning.  (In the entries below, I used blue font to highlight what I thought were significant comments from Seth on this topic)

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- jbseth


Haha...chimpanzee fish.

Science confirms the ideas about pets developing personalities that mirror the owners. It has been studied pretty extensively. Amazing.


Quote from: pyromancy
Ha, well they show us affection but good luck teaching an animal to meditate.
pyromancy, you don't need to teach cats to meditate. They meditate all the time. It is the inner talk of humans which prevents meditation.


Quote from: jbseth
You can learn much about your own body consciousness, and therefore to some extent about the natural man, by observing the behavior of your pets or other animals, and you can to some extent learn from their behavior, and therefore to some extent counteract any susceptibility to negative beliefs.
jbseth, thanks for the useful collection of Seth quotes.


I have my doubts about cats coming anywhere near to our psychic potential. Maybe they meditate but they are nowhere near as conscious as us. I also don't mean to drift off topic but when it comes to a lot of peoples opinions on the vegetarian/vegan diet, cats I don't think are compatible. They generally need to eat meat. Seth says ideally humans would be vegetarian, but his stated opinion is that plants in animals eat humans when we pass away and return to the Earth so it's a two way things. This makes me think how a lot of Hindus are ok with eating small amounts of chicken because their brains are so small but consider slaughtering cows sacrilege. I don't have a strong opinion they're just ideas. Humans tend to think animals are flawless or something when they do indeed commit acts of violence.

A cats existence is generally violent without our interference. I think we place our biases on them because of the way they look. Cats even intentionally imitate the sound of an infant so that we take care of them.

It's also pretty telling when you consider the distinction between vertebrates and invertebrate when it comes to spiritual intelligence. A mollusk might seem like it's in meditation but it lacks a backbone. Invertebrate and vertebrate is a big gap.

It looks like there is only one reference to kundalini and a few that are related to human vertebrates  on the site

Yet the spine is really what makes us higher life forms. All the kundalini systems whether they're Egyptian with the djed or in Kabblah or Laitaif-e-sitta place a lot of importance on this trunk of the "tree of life." I think I've read in other readings and channeling with Cayce and the Law of One that they have the kundalini but not the means to activate it, while Seth says a lot of living things have it somehow. Those two statements aren't contradictions. Humans meditate it groups to activate theirs. I don't think cats intentionally do.

It's kind of a big question of who knows?


Quote from: pyromancy
It looks like there is only one reference to kundalini and a few that are related to human vertebrates  on the site
It may be that Seth does not emphasize the kundalini with good reason:

"Recently I've had a unique opportunity to meet with leading Psychiatry Medical Doctors over the last year or so. I have to thank my wife who being a Psychiatrist here in London has made this interaction with such experts in the field of Psychiatry possible.

Did Yogi Bhajan exhibit delusions of religious grandeur? During my 30 years with Yogi Bhajan and his Kundalini/tantric Yoga cult, Yogi Bhajan continually told us how we (White 3HO Sikhs) would lead humanity into some kind of "Blissful Aquarian Age"! We certainly had delusions that Yogi Bhajan would be remembered as the great "guru" who gave us Kundalini Yogic power to lead the world.

The conclusion I reached from my conversations with these mental health experts was that Kundalini Yoga practitioners develop psychotic behavior with delusions of religious grandeur which seem to get worse and worse as the length of time practicing KY becomes greater. For example, People like Guruka Singh and Hari Jiwan Singh who have practiced Kundalini Yoga for 40 years make more outrageous delusional statements than a novice KY Teacher Trainer practicing Kundalini Yoga."


Quote from: Sena
you don't need to teach cats to meditate. They meditate all the time. It is the inner talk of humans which prevents meditation.

What if the meditative state is natural state, and not something we should have to work at? Our goal as humans when we meditate is to turn off the incessant internal chatter, become calm and peaceful, get in touch with our inner selves, inner peace, nature, or whatever else we can't always be in touch with because our human minds are constantly in high gear.

We can then look at meditation from a different angle, as a natural state in other forms of consciousness which humans have moved away from. Cats, invertebrates, flowers, trees, ants... don't need to meditate because they are already "there."

Other natural states many humans seem to have to "work at" are happiness and good health. This one simple statement from Seth that I absolutely love and made me look at nature differently:

"I told you some time ago that miracles were simply nature unimpeded,"
—TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1983

Humans tend to complicate things. From some of the pet quotes jbseth put up, it seems pets can to some extent help us with that. Unfortunately, some of our neuroses and unhealthy practices can also rub off on animals. How many neurotic, diabetic, obese cats and dogs I've seen! That's not natural.

As far as kundalini, that's a Hindu belief, not Seth. Jane does talk about it in Psychic Politics when a woman turned up at their house, unannounced, let herself in, and tracked down Jane and Rob who were in the middle of session. It was an interesting situation all around, but I'll skip the details.

From Jane, speaking about the woman:

"...she followed a dogma that defines energy as Kundalini, which must be released in certain prescribed ways. Take one wrong step, get off your inner balance a figurative half inch, and that energy can destroy you. I'm convinced that such ideas are a distortion of the original revelations behind them. But whenever the lady tried to practice her profession, the Kundalini, she believed, arose to strike her down."

Jane goes on:

"Yet I did have a brief Seth session for her. She barely listened. She didn't want to be helped. Her situation was too deliciously dramatic to give up. Seth told her that the Kundalini force was the natural life force; that she formed her own reality; that she was fighting her own energy instead of going along with it; making divisions where there were non. But she wouldn't listen."

Psychic Politics, Chapter 18, Sex and Energy: Some Inventive Versions. Seth by the Ouijafuls


Quote from: jbseth
WTH, CH4, March 23, 1984:
With many people having such difficulties, the addition of love in the environment may work far better than any heart operation. A new pet given to a bereaved individual has saved more people from needing heart operations than any physician. In other words, "a love transplant" in the environment may work far better overall than a heart-transplant operation, or a bypass, or whatever; in such ways the heart is allowed to heal itself.
With jbseth's first spoiler above, I was reminded of a recent review of my sessions with "The Teacher", an experiment with "automatic typing". From a 2017 session regarding my cat, here is a portion (bold added for emphasis):

"The affection that you feel toward her is unparalleled in your life with other animals. Thus, she opens your heart. She keeps you connected to animal nature. She knows and loves her role in your life. She came into being as a gift to you."
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I think that some people have outlandish ideas about kundalini, but it is just the term in the Hindu language for the evolutionary spiritual energy of meditation. I think that a lot of conventional psychologists would try to say the exact same thing about how Seth must have simply been some psychotic delusion. No, I don't think either of these ideas are true. You can find some source somewhere on the Internet or examples of people who took the ideas to an extreme level that don't offer any real world applications about any spiritual sect or idea.

Seth indeed does talk about meditation, and kundalini is really just the Hindu term for it.

There are cultures on every continent describing the exact same thing in different words but just call it by a different name. It's the symbol of two interwoven serpents or a serpent in a circle. The infinity symbol is also originally portrayed as a serpent.

Caduceus of Greek/Hermetic traditiona
Kukulkan of Mayan traditions the temple of Kukulkan shows a 7 tiered rattlesnake every year illustrated by shadows on the temple
Mehen Egyptian dragon and coiled serpent
Lotan [coiled one, derived from leviathan]
Peruvian Amaru
Biblical Neshushtan the caduceus idol of Moses
Chinese dragons
Hindu Naga Kanya
native americans:

I understand a person might immediately assume that they just look similar, but the artistic motifs and meaning are identical.
They are related to medicine/rain men and spirituality. They are "dragons" of sorts

So why does this symbol arise all over the world? There are theories that humans might have some innate inner power or visualization pattern that makes them see their genetic structure. Looking in to the circumstances surrounding the discover of DNA by Watson and Crick lends some support to this idea.

along with the discovery of benzene by the German scientist August Kekele in the 1800s

I was sitting, writing at my text-book; but the work did not progress; my thoughts were elsewhere. I turned my chair to the fire and dozed. Again the atoms were gamboling before my eyes. This time the smaller groups kept modestly in the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by the repeated visions of the kind, could now distinguish larger structures of manifold conformation: long rows, sometimes more closely fitted together; all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As if by a flash of lightning I awoke; and this time also I spent the rest of the night in working out the consequences of the hypothesis.


This is an article, written by a professor of anthropology, about an apparent supernatural event involving a cat:

"I never thought much about ghosts until my cat Hoppy died.

Like most cats, Hoppy always loved to stick her paw in my water glass and then knock it over. She also loved to topple vases so she could eat the flowers. A little over a year ago, I came home with a small bunch of flowers, which I put in a water glass and left on my bedside table. A few hours later, as I was sitting in my living room, I heard a noise. I went to investigate. The water glass had been knocked over and flowers were strewn on the floor. Hoppy was nowhere to be found, but it was clearly her doing.

Hoppy was nowhere to be found because she was dead. Four days earlier, she had lain in my lap in that same apartment for the last time. I had seen her eyes go dull as her life, which in those few seconds seemed almost tangible, left her body. I had bought the flowers as an offering to some vague notion of her spirit. But, much to my surprise, and despite being dead, there she was again, in immaterial and invisible form, overturning a water glass to claim her flowers."

The full article here:

It appears that cats, like humans, may have an afterlife.


Wow, great story Sena. I saw my yellow lab a few weeks after she died. She was 13 years old and had become my "shadow" in the last few years of her life. One day I was walking through my bedroom and I saw her curled up on the floor near my bed. I didn't think anything of it until I got to the doorway,  remembered she was dead, turned around, and she was no longer there. I walked back to the spot and there was a slight depression in the carpet the size and shape of a dog being curled up, asleep. I've not seen her again. That was 7 years ago.


Quote from: Sena
It appears that cats, like humans, may have an afterlife.

Hi Sena, Hi Deb, Hi All,

Actually Seth had quite a bit of extremely interesting information to say about this topic with Rob and Jane, about "Billy", Jane and Rob's cat, that had recently died.

I personally think that this is some of the most intriguing information that Seth ever shared about existence, identity, and consciousness, not only in regards to a cat's, but also a bird's, and I suspect, a human's too. I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around what he's actually saying here.

This information comes from NOME, Ch 6, S840, Note 2. That is, this information comes from Note 2 of Rob's notes that follow Session 840.

Sena & Deb,
Check out the last paragraph. It sounds to me like this professor had an experience that was similar to Deb's with her yellow lab, and with both Jane and Rob with their cat Billy, after Billy died.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

- jbseth


Quote from: jbseth
On separate days, both Jane and I had vivid psychic experiences involving our perceptions of Billy not long after his death: Each in our own way, we saw him "larger than life," performing with amazing vitality and grace. In my own case, the experience was so vivid as to be almost frightening. Jane hopes to use both events, plus some material she wrote on scientific experimentation with animals, in one of her own books.
jbseth, thanks for this quote. I wonder whether cats reincarnate as cats?


Thanks for the quote jbseth! Jane and Rob saw Billy psychically after his death, I actually saw Abby with my physical eyes. I have "seen" Jane psychically a couple of times (such as when I first held her original Little Book in my hands), but I wrote that off to having a good imagination.

There's a lot of great information in that quote from Mass Events. I had thought Seth said somewhere that people don't reincarnate as animals, but the second paragraph below explains that a little, "no prepackaged, predestined...." Heck, Seth said somewhere that a consciousness can spend some time resting, as a tree! [I can't find the quote, would have been one of the early books.]

Quote from: Sena
I wonder whether cats reincarnate as cats?

From these excerpts, I'd say it's the cat's choice.

Quote from: Seth
There is no such thing as a cat consciousness, basically speaking, or a bird consciousness. In those terms, there are instead simply consciousnesses that choose to take certain focuses.
. . .
I want to avoid tales of the transmigration of the souls of men to animals, say — a badly distorted version of something else entirely. If there is no consciousness 'tailored' to be a cat's or a dog's, then there is no prepackaged, predestined, particular consciousness that is meant to be human, either ...


Quote from: Sena
jbseth, thanks for this quote. I wonder whether cats reincarnate as cats?

Hi Sena,

I think the Seth answer here is this, "they can, and they can also choose to come back as some other type of mammal". I'm basing this upon what Seth said in Session 903.

DEaVF1, Ch5, S903:
(9:42.) The large classifications of life give you the patterns into which consciousness forms itself, and because those patterns seem relatively stable it is easy to miss the fact that they are filled out, so to speak, in each moment with new energy. Man does not in his physical development pass through the stages supposedly followed by the hypothetical creature who left the water for the land to become a mammal—but each species does indeed have written within it the knowledge of "its past." Part of this, again, is most difficult to express, and I must try to fill out old words with new meanings. (Pause.) The reincarnational aspects of physical life, however, serve a very important purpose, providing an inner subjective background. Such a background is needed by every species.

Reincarnation exists, then, on the part of all species. Once a consciousness, however, has chosen the larger classification of its physical existences, it stays within that framework in its "reincarnational" existences. Mammals return as mammals, for example, but the species can change within that classification.1 This provides great genetic strength, and consciousnesses in those classifications have chosen them because of their own propensities and purposes. The animals, for example, seem to have a limited range of physical activity in conscious terms, as you think of them. An animal cannot decide to read a newspaper. Newspapers are outside of its reality. Animals have a much wider range, practically speaking, in certain other areas. They are much more intimately aware of their environment, of themselves as separate from it, but also of themselves as a part of it (intently). In that regard, their experience deals with relationships of another kind.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

They do indeed. Billy can be as he chooses—reincarnated into any species within his classification—as a mammal.



Quote from: Deb
Jane and Rob saw Billy psychically after his death, I actually saw Abby with my physical eyes.

Hi Deb,

Here's what I was thinking but I'm not sure that I'm correct about this.

Rob may have said that he saw Billy "psychically" because Billy was dead. That is, he didn't see him "physically", because Billy was no longer physical.  Likewise, you didn't see Abby "physically", after she died, because Abby was no longer physical.

What you saw with your physical eyes, may have been the exact same kind of experience that Rob had with Billy. He just opted to say that he say him "psychically" because Billy was dead.

On the other hand. It's also possible that the type of experience that Rob had with Billy, may have been completely different than the type of experience you had with Abby. Since Rob is no longer alive, I doubt if we'll ever know the answer to this.

Either way, I find it really interesting that you also saw the depression in the carpet. Wow, that was awesome.



Quote from: jbseth
Likewise, you didn't see Abby "physically", after she died, because Abby was no longer physical.

Now there's a question—how could she have left a depression in the carpet if she wasn't physical, if even for a moment? I'll have to look into what Seth says about appearing to be physical while no longer in existing in physical reality. She looked perfectly normal. I'll start research along the lines of Seth manifesting the distorted figure during a private session, or people being able to see projected thought forms, the York Beach couple, or someone in this reality appearing to be seen as an alien in another. Something new to think about!


Quote from: Deb
how could she have left a depression in the carpet if she wasn't physical, if even for a moment?

Hi Deb,

Is it possible that the image you saw of the depression in the carpet was no more "physical" than the image you saw of Abby after she died? What is "real" after all?  :)

Seth does say quite a bit about the thought forms that we create all the time, in "Seth Speaks", Chapter 7.



Quote from: jbseth
Is it possible that the image you saw of the depression in the carpet was no more "physical" than the image you saw of Abby after she died? What is "real" after all?

I don't know. I did walk over to the spot after I saw her, was able to see and touch the depression (my carpeting is a sort of raised pile). The spot was not warm. ;)