tell the president of every country that all of us are constantly bursting forth

Started by eyelive4ever2, August 12, 2015, 10:38:39 AM

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Constantly bursting forth as Heaven itself, the Kingdom of God within us, our Source, All That Is. We can be nothing but Gods. We are exact replicas of our Source--perfect images of a constant creator within the NOW, which I call a holodeck. Read that in the book The Holographic Universe by Talbot.
As EE units constantly burst forth becoming quarks, electrons and photons, evidence of the ONE becoming the two and three and infinity are seen. Quarks can be two, but seem to be mostly three points of light--as they spin creating the shells called protons and neutrons within the bigger shell called an atom. But there really are no shells, but a superposition of many, many frequencies. Seth might say multidimensional, probable frequencies of intent. Physicists say probable--maybe here, maybe there, but certainly with force. Can't ever tell when transformation is going to happen--so we are like chameleons.
Electrons and photons are points of light and stay that way. They are elemental or at their basic level of intensity already as points of light. Nothing to change to.
Physicists like the words transformation, but use the word "decay" instead. Highly confusing. They say that the same energy vibrating now is the same that existed at the time of the big bang. There is your proof that the point of power is in the present and proof that each and every image created is still here vibrating. Worlds within worlds, each century still here pulsating with images of what happened then, which is now. Time is an illusion and so is space.
That is why ghosts, angels and other creatures can be seen as they vibrate within this frequency according to their intent. That is why forgiveness is why we are here. To let all those images go so that they can stop vibrating stress, rather than peace. Forgiveness lets our own selves go. Murder and death are illusions, images. Let them go.  Rarely are peaceful images noticed by ghost hunters. Not enough intensity to vibrate here. It is all about the energy. Start there when trying to figure out something.
Energy coils, flows, bursts, expands, spins, rotates and oscillates and therefore transforms. We are energy 100%. Dis-ease is the restriction of all these processes which are constantly bursting forth with the perfection that we are. We are the ones that stop the flow and the spinning leading to dams of energy called tumors, cancer, AIDs, heart attacks, etc.
And the loss of the cartilage between my bones. I stopped moving thinking there was no way for me to get there. I thought that I am a electromagnetic energy being constantly attracting experiences to me so that I don't have to move. I had seemed to make so many mistakes with my choices that I decided to stay still to see what would show up in front of me. I forgot to stretch. Hey, all you healing Sethians, send me some perfect cartilage images so that the flow of my perfection with attract more quarks to spin myself to wholeness. I have been working with releasing my withheld images that may be blocking my perfect cartilage images. I have speaking out louder and louder about physics to everyone I meet. I am losing my ideas of being weak. I have been eating mostly vegetables to become light. I am an eternal, magnificent, being of energy and light and physics proves it everyday. YEAH !!!!
Picture me riding my mountain bike again, feeling so strong and powerful I was. This imagery just gave me goosebumps.


eyelive4ever2, I just loved this post!

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 12, 2015, 10:38:39 AMCan't ever tell when transformation is going to happen--so we are like chameleons.

I marvel at how we all keep a fairly constant picture of mass reality, really. Maybe we don't and just pretend we do, the way Seth talks about how we are constantly communicating telepathically. There are no secrets between us, but we are courteous and respectful of each other's privacy on that higher level. There have been many times when I've wanted to rip away that veil of courtesy and communicate, telepathically, unhindered. Can you imagine how much freedom there would be in that? But that would take away the game we are here to play. Maybe I'm anxious to return to the real reality.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 12, 2015, 10:38:39 AMThat is why ghosts, angels and other creatures can be seen as they vibrate within this frequency according to their intent.

And why they can't be seen, as they typically are vibrating at a higher frequency than those of us housed in human bodies. They must have to learn how to vibrate at a lower level...

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 12, 2015, 10:38:39 AMRarely are peaceful images noticed by ghost hunters.

Funny you would mention ghosts. Twice. I'd done quite a bit of ghost hunting myself. As a special interest, visiting well-known haunted locations, but once even had my own ghost hunting group that investigated private hauntings (one in particular that had spectacular resolution). It was part of my search for reality and truth, but coming from the perspective of a skeptic. I consider myself an open-minded skeptic. I've had some pretty interesting experiences, have captured EVPs that reflect intelligent responses, voices from people that were NOT present when recorded. Enough experiences that made me realize there IS more than we can sense with our limited abilities, which makes me happy. Even though I've been coined "the woman who wants to know everything," I really don't want to get to the point that I feel like I (or the collective authorities) know everything there is to know. I find odd comfort in feeling that there is more out there than we will ever know.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 12, 2015, 10:38:39 AMDis-ease is the restriction of all these processes which are constantly bursting forth with the perfection that we are. We are the ones that stop the flow and the spinning leading to dams of energy called tumors, cancer, AIDs, heart attacks, etc.

"Miracles are nature unhampered," said Seth, somewhere. That really struck a chord with me. How wonderful that miracles, as we define them, are not miraculous as much as flat out natural. Yes, we are the ones that stop the flow. And the simplicity of his statement makes letting go of those dams so much easier.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 12, 2015, 10:38:39 AMAnd the loss of the cartilage between my bones. I stopped moving thinking there was no way for me to get there.

I've had some healing in my body that has been surprising. Arthritis started appearing in some joints and any doctor (anyone, actually) will tell you that is a one-way street, a downhill one at that. But it is gone. Other considerably minor problems that, again, doctors will say cannot be remedied without their intervention. And yet my body heals itself, despite what they say. I sometimes crave things that my body knows it needs, as building blocks, to accomplish this. For your cartilage issue, an earth-based cure that may help is collagen hydrolysate (sorry to sound so non-Sethlike here). It's all tied to what we believe, but on an earth-plane level it's been proven scientifically to rebuilt and protect cartilage. Sorry (sheepish grin).

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 12, 2015, 10:38:39 AMPicture me riding my mountain bike again, feeling so strong and powerful I was. This imagery just gave me goosebumps.

I can see that! Mountain biking is more intense than I can handle, but I can see you doing that again. Just give your body time to prepare. As Anita Moorjani said, as she returned to life from a near death experience, "I knew I was healed, but my body had to catch up."

I recently met a woman (Randie) who STARTED competitive bike racing when she turned 65. She's 73 now (I think), fit, strong, vital, energetic, beautiful. No one can stop her. There's a little info about her and a photo here:

I was hoodwinked into a race with this group (Eyecycle) two summers ago and it damn near killed me. Well, maybe not that drastic, but it made me appreciate where Randie is coming from.

I'm taking myself on vacation next week. I always travel with a book or two. One is the Nature of Psyche. The other is Joe Dispenza's "You Are the Placebo." He's a compadre of Bruce Lipton. I've taken a workshop with him. He gets it. I'm fascinated with the placebo effect and am looking forward to devouring the book. As it's from the library, I won't be getting it signed. Oh well.


collagen hydrolysate--it is a frequency after all--one that I could believe in perhaps. As long as when I look it up a long list of side effects is not mentioned. I am highly suggestible after all. Apparently, since I look every bit of the 61 this world says about time. Can't see how it would change the way I think, though.
I think I understand why there is no time or space the way physicists and Seth say. We are all 100% energy beings that never age. Our bodies are 100% energy so they do not age. It is the belief that ages. Just look again at the book The Seth Material pages 292-304. On page 298 is "The energy point is indestructible basically." We are totally full of trillions of energy points.
I can't believe that doctors like the ones I am going to know nothing about energy. They just built those schools and hospitals and clinics without reading one book on physics. All those Nobel Prize winners in physics !!!! just left out in the cold. And I am going to University Health Centers and UT centers. So everybody everywhere trusts them when they are totally built on ideas of solidity--death and age. They really know nothing and with this nothing they are brain washing everybody with their nothing ideas.
In case I didn't mention it before, I have read the book Healing Yourself by Rossman M.D. Two doctors decided to practice with prayer/imagery because one of them needed back surgery. Their imagery worked and no surgery was needed. I tell this to doctors and they look away and want to know nothing new. I show all of them that Hands of Light book written by a NASA physicist Barbara Brennan and they turn away and want to know nothing new.
Such real long lasting healing they could do if they would all learn something new. They think they know everything, mean while wars and prisons and racism and people languishing in hospitals in terrible pain charge on hurting everyone.
Page 299 in The Seth Material:" The units so charged with intensive emotional energy formed patterns for matter that retained their strength. These units are indestructible. They can lose or gain power, fall back into intensities beneath matter, or go through matter, appearing as matter as they do so and projecting through your system." Of course matter is wave packets of energy, not solid.
I just can't believe that this inner self that is constantly pulsating me trillions of times a second is still doing it. I ask for collagen pulsations, but there must be more reasons for this perceived lack between my bones. I know that I am perfect, eternal energy, so picturing this should be enough. I know that the blueprints for my collagen are there because I started out with collagen in this life/set of fast pulsations. People are totally charged with emotional energy. On page 301 in the Seth Material: "It is this inner self, out of massive knowledge and the unlimited scope of its consciousness, that forms the physical world and provides stimuli to keep the outer ego constantly at the job of awareness. It is the inner self, here termed the inner ego, that organizes, initiates, projects, and controls the EE units transforming energy into objects, into matter. The energy of this inner self is used by it to form from itself--from inner experience--a material counterpart in which the outer ego then can act out its role. The outer ego then acts out a play that the inner self has written. This is not to say that the outer ego is a puppet. It is to say that the outer ego is far less conscious than the inner ego, that its perception is less, that it is far less stable through it makes great pretense of stability, that it springs from the inner self and is therefore less, rather than more, aware. The outer ego is spoon fed, being given only those feelings and emotions, only that data, that it can handle. This data is presented to it in a highly specialized manner, usually in terms of information picked up by the physical senses.
The inner self or ego is not only conscious, but conscious of itself, both as an individuality apart from others and as an individuality that is a part of all other consciousness. It is continually aware, both of this apartness and unity with. The outer ego is not continuously aware of anything. It frequently forgets itself."
WE are this outer ego that is not continuously aware of anything. That is because we are pulsating and we miss what is between the pulsations. That is why in religion we are called children. We are literally children hurting other children when creating wars, etc. and these inner selves pulsating us here won't stop. These inner selves are aware of everything and I think that they really don't feel the pain that they are causing.
Us children that are not aware need to be given a break from all this hell on this earth. What is the point?
I remember reading that our "time" here is a second to this inner self, but this inner self is aware that we don't feel it that way. So it is like all this pain is on purpose. It is like God does not exist in any way and this lack of feeling a God presence is why there is so much pain.
Remember reading about probable Gods in a Seth book? My gosh, what kind of probable gods are creating this world constantly--just letting all the pain continue on and on and on?  How cruel this god sounds. These are the thoughts that I send the inner self that is constantly pulsating me here. NO pain is worth any satisfaction that these inner selves think they are creating for themselves through our unaware selves. People are not aware enough to make themselves happy. Anybody that is afraid of death and pain and enemies is totally unaware of who they really are.
Page 302: "The individual inner self, then, through constant massive effort of great creative intensity, cooperates with all other inner selves to form and maintain the physical reality that you know, so that physical reality is an offshoot or by-product of the highly conscious inner self."
We are by-products and offshoots in tremendous pain. We are children of these inner selves and need to be let free to go back home where THEY are vibrating !!! With constant massive effort of great creative intensity ?????? they are causing hell on this earth and my own personal one gave me a hell of a childhood which I do not appreciate--and that hell is now between my bones. Especially since I know that this world of frequencies is not my home.


Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 14, 2015, 12:50:04 PMcollagen hydrolysate--it is a frequency after all--one that I could believe in perhaps. As long as when I look it up a long list of side effects is not mentioned. I am highly suggestible after all.

No side effects, it's only gelatin, pure protein. The brand I like is Great Lakes. One TB a day in any beverage, although you start off with more. Not only good for joints, but skin and nails as well. Clinically proven to be utilized by the body. And yes, the belief in it is all that matters. A more economical alternative is bone broth, easily and cheaply made and completely natural. If you want to know more, just ask me. I abhor Big Pharma and am always ready to replace with Farmacy. :)

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 14, 2015, 12:50:04 PMThey really know nothing and with this nothing they are brain washing everybody with their nothing ideas.

I love how Seth says we don't have to decline in health when aging, pretty much stay active and healthy until we decide (or had planned in advance) to leave this plane and then it's simply lights out. I am always working on my beliefs in that arena, because our Western culture only puts value in the 20-something. I see people that were raised in different cultures, Asian in particular, that are very old by our standards and still are active, do not have grey hair, faces are unlined and I have to think there's more than genetics involved. I refuse to accept our society's beliefs, I refuse to grow up and I plan to age gracefully according to my own standards. I'm a big believer in use it or lose it. And in the amazing self-healing properties of the bodies in which we currently reside.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 14, 2015, 12:50:04 PMI show all of them that Hands of Light book written by a NASA physicist Barbara Brennan and they turn away and want to know nothing new.

That is SO typical. "It's always been done this way" is the stubborn credo of medicine and other sciences. Not very many open minds. I've heard that scientists never change their minds. The only way science progresses is that new blood comes along, with new ideas. And things progress at a snail's pace. BTW I did buy that book after your recommended it. But haven't read it yet. I'm going out of town tomorrow for a week, I'll find that book on my shelf and take it with me.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 14, 2015, 12:50:04 PMI ask for collagen pulsations, but there must be more reasons for this perceived lack between my bones. I know that I am perfect, eternal energy, so picturing this should be enough.

"Should be" is the operative phrase. It's so hard to believe some things right down to the marrow in our bones. Or in your case, the collagen in your joints. We were both raised in a culture where our power to heal, or believe in the healing abilities of our bodies, has been taken away from us. And so sometimes we have to rely on an outside source to help in the meantime. I'm not happy about that, but I accept it when I fail to do something on my own. It's all a part of the learning process of why we are here.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 14, 2015, 12:50:04 PMUs children that are not aware need to be given a break from all this hell on this earth. What is the point?

I know, it's not easy. If we are to believe in what Seth says (and I want to), we chose to come here and chose our circumstances to grow and learn and as a result exponentially raise awareness of all humanity. And we are currently innocent of the purpose of our struggles. And YES we need to be given breaks, time to step back and assess the situations we are in. And from a (temporary) distance get a new perspective and renewed determination to get back to work. Ebb and flow. The point? We can only assume there is one.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 14, 2015, 12:50:04 PMWe are children of these inner selves and need to be let free to go back home where THEY are vibrating !!!

That's the hard part for those of us that are conscious. They say knowledge is power, but also that ignorance is bliss. Sometimes I'm not sure which side of the fence I prefer. All I can say is that we ARE here for a reason, not always obvious to us, but what a wonderful thought that if we conscious beings could hang in there and make a difference enough to turn the rest of the world's beings in the right direction, even on the smallest scale, would that be enough to make it all worth it?

I had a horrid childhood, was mistreated and abused, but raised my son with only love and appreciation. None of that nonsense of learning parenting behavior from my own family: they taught me how NOT to be. My son is a wonderful human being and I look forward to seeing how he spreads the love and caring he learned from me.

Yet, I still struggle with meaning in my own life.


Pills are imagery, too. I don't think of pills first thing. I think about what my constant imagery is that is stopping my perfect patterns of ideas from filling up my collagen. Cool about buying that book Hands of Light. You will get a better picture of the eternal energy being that you are--and all 12 frequency bands that we are all vibrating--the 12th being the Christ/super fast level/frequency band where our ideas start/burst from. Pictures are fantastic imagery. Better than anything else because we are pictures ourselves.

I am becoming so freaking brave that I am showing those pictures in that book to doctors and nurses no matter what. I have horrid imagery from that childhood that says these things people don't say--cause I was beaten up about it. That's because we all have been dummed down so much that talk about eternity is the same as being called stupid or crazy or its a secret. In a Seth book somewhere are the words that boldness and spontaneity lead to genius. I am working on genius and trusting this inner self that is constantly creating me to keep me as happy as I let it--my own personal god!!! WOW !!! Where is the excitement in all the readers? It takes excitement to create magic and miracles.

I have had a lot of experiences with knowing my own personal god, that is apparently me. Like for instance, walking on a highway a long way from home--and then a car stops with a robot type man driving--and I feel safe, although suspicious. Then I am driven home with no words from him. No trouble. Once I was sitting on the edge of a concrete creek in Louisiana with no gas left in my car. I didn't wish for anything. I just sat there waiting to see what was going to happen, then along comes a man talking about Jesus. He leaves after assessing my situation and comes back with a man with a credit card to get me gas. Seth says sickness gets us out of trouble too. I have had situations which I hated and then I "got" sick. Then I get out of the situation and the sickness leaves. This all happened before I had read Seth books. Maybe I have enough experiences to fill a book. I just need someone to tell them to. I am horrible at editing my own writing. I sure do need to write a book or sell my paintings. Not just for me. I need to become totally independent so I can move faster telling everybody that they are eternal energy beings of light. Death is a lie. I don't see any other reason for being on this earth.

Simply lights out ??????? Haven't you read in Seth books about how we are eternal energy beings full of light? Even quantum physics says we are constantly bursting with light. Even the new testament says we are light and come from the light. OUR lights NEVER go out. Thinking they do is solidity thinking. Solidity is an illusion, right along with germs and death and separation. None of us are separate. Seth explains how we are the tail end of a long series of complicated precise ideas. That is why there are no accidents or coincidences or MURDERS or even abuse. We plan--constantly--these horrid lives for perfect reasons. Reading these words in Seth books that explain all these supposedly terrible happenings have made me the happiest, most creative person. I am just so freaking unhappy that I don't meet people that think like me. Talking the way I talk makes me the initiator of events--like feeling huge amounts of energy flows and just touching people and their pains go away. That has been so overwhelming to me that I am in the condition I am to escape it. So I am overwhelmed with no collagen between my bones. Terrible tradeoff.  If only I could find just one person to talk to, to tell of my experiences with energy......then I believe that my collagen would fill right up immediately.

The really complicated thing is that we do not see how we are holograms, starting at the 12th frequency band where we are always immersed in that field of waves called heaven. We are always vast eternal energy light beings coming to a point called these bodies. But these bodies are not solid either. They are dense standing fields of waves called particles. Particles are multidimensional series of waves, superpositions of frequencies. Reading has its benefits. I am learning to talk like a physicist. I can't wait until I read more books on quantum behavior. Seth books are exactly on quantum behavior. Seth says we should be real happy knowing this stuff he teaches. This kind of Happiness opens the door to everyone because there are no strangers. We are actually ONE with everyone. We just don't see our ONEness. The hardest part of all is to believe that there are bands and fields of waves, God's brain waves, connecting us, filling us up completely. And since God is a being that loves itself, then that is how we are love. We are fields and bands of vibrating, resonating love.

Ever read Raymond Moody? He has created something where people sit in front of a mirror--Theater of the Mind--and then they wait to see who will come out of this mirror. Sometimes the person/the hologram coming out can be held and hugged. Super cool. I would like to go there.

So you have images of a horrid childhood, too. Do you remember "spirits" talking to you and following you around? How old/many images is your son? Mine is called 27 moons. Actually, I named him Laughing on his birth certificate. Laughing Joshua Tree.


Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 19, 2015, 02:18:07 PMCool about buying that book Hands of Light. You will get a better picture of the eternal energy being that you are-

Well, I didn't get the book into my hands before I left for my trip. But I will be back home soon and really want to read it. I've been so busy with being pulled in different directions, for different reasons, on this trip. Not enough hours in a day, not enough time to read. I'm trying to figure out what it's all about. A lot of dramatic secrets being revealed to me, unrelated relationships from my distant past converging and battering me in one time-space location. I'm either in the middle of a profound learning experience, or I have for some reason yet unknown to me set myself up for some extreme weirdness. I hope I don't take too long to figure all of this out, I'm very confused at the moment.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 19, 2015, 02:18:07 PMSimply lights out ??????? Haven't you read in Seth books about how we are eternal energy beings full of light? Even quantum physics says we are constantly bursting with light. Even the new testament says we are light and come from the light. OUR lights NEVER go out.

Well okay, I worded that poorly. What I meant by lights out was an easy, non-dramatic transition (death) from this physical existence to the next plane. In my mind I was envisioning the ease of flicking a switch, alive one moment and free the next. So yes, I've read in the Seth books how we are eternal energy. And other books. And it even makes sense to me on a practical, common sense level. Everything is energy. Energy is. It is not created or destroyed, just, ummm, rearranged.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 19, 2015, 02:18:07 PM
Ever read Raymond Moody?

Never heard of Raymond Moody, but you can bet that when I finish this post I will be searching his name on Google.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on August 19, 2015, 02:18:07 PMSo you have images of a horrid childhood, too. Do you remember "spirits" talking to you and following you around? How old/many images is your son? Mine is called 27 moons. Actually, I named him Laughing on his birth certificate. Laughing Joshua Tree.

Funny you'd ask about spirits in my childhood. I have only one memory, from when I was young enough to still be in a crib. Crying, distraught, because my parents had just put me to bed and I wanted to stay up with them. Rubbing my eyes and noticing three people standing at the foot of my crib. A woman and two men, wearing old-time clothing. The woman was leaning toward my crib with a sympathetic and concerned look on her face. No words. I started screaming bloody murder and my father came and got me. He said, "Oh for Christ's sake, if you want to stay up THAT badly, then okay." I must not have been old enough to communicate what had frightened me. But that's it for spirit memories. I think it inspired my interest in ghosting hunting.

My son is 20, I don't know what you mean about images. He does/always had an innate wisdom about him though. I can talk with him about what I pick up from the Seth books and while he has a mind of his own, he can get into somewhat deep conversations with me about reality and that thrills me to no end. He certainly didn't learn that in public school, had no religion in his background and I only came across the Seth books a few years ago. So the depth is in him, naturally. I can almost see our connection in his eyes, deep, deep beyond our current reality existence. I can't say I've seen that with anyone else in my life. But most of the time he's a 20 year old young man who thinks his mother is a dork. And I am left feeling lonely, empty and yearning for that feeling of connection.

If we are all one, connected with that energy field that is love, and all want and are the same thing, then why do we feel so separated and lonely?