Easy Seth!

Started by Wren, April 26, 2016, 07:49:05 AM

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Whilst doing some chores last night I was thinking 'I'd much rather be doing some Seth techniques!' But what Sethian stuff can I do while I'm loading the washing machine?! Instead of separating the time doing Seth exercises/reading/being on this forum and the everyday stuff/work that has to be done (I'm single, there's no-one else around to do it!), I'd like to combine the two. So maybe instead of internally whining while doing stuff I don't want to do (hate washing the dishes, for example), I could be focusing on what I do want, or mentally listing my beliefs about why I hate the bloomin' dishes in the first place. Or where all this pesky resistance comes from.  ;D

In fact, separating the Seth stuff & the 'physical reality' stuff is a bit of a drag and I suspect, is one of the reasons why my physical reality is not changing as quickly as I would like. It still feels very stuck, although I keep reminding myself that my understanding of the Seth material has definitely improved recently, I've had some insights in dreams and I'm more determined than previously to make changes. It's like there's a next step for me to take and I'm just holding myself back from doing it.

Anyone else have any Easy Seth suggestions?


This is my Flash reaction to your post.  Something about you Wren is easy to connect to.

So what I'm picking up on is that you are a very gifted person and maybe that makes the connection easy.
But, you are afraid of Letting Go so you put these concepts in a "box" that you have control over.  This fear of Letting Go is a understandable and expected phase.  Seth (Bashar/Abraham) is beyond the material but we are raised in a material world with programming that makes us fearful of letting go.

When I left my successful husband with a very good insurance program when I was 28 I decided to take a "risk" and not get insurance again....and never did.  But it gave me a lot of anxiety at first.  Even tho from my Christian Science I didn't feel I would be seeing doctors anyway.  OMG!  Insurance is the American Way!  What was I thinking??  LOL

Seth principles now in my life are seamless.  And the more seamless over time the more magical my life becomes.  But that is a phase too.  For awhile I'd have as much anxiety over accepting "magic" as I did not getting insurance!  LOL

There is a Fear that if one gives themselves over to the Magic they won't be part of the Real World.  It's a small Ego Death in a way.  And in Truth, you won't be part of the Real World after a certain point.  But part of that Fear is....WHERE will you be???   What are the rules??  Will people leave me???  And the answer to that is Yes.
It will make them afraid of you....then it will make them jealous of you....and then you will vibrate out of their existence as if they were never there.  And that is a Fearful place to be at first.

Visualize yourself in meditation opening the Door of your Box.  Or put the two boxes together and form a Galactic Duplex.   ;D


Quote from: BethAnne on April 26, 2016, 10:20:39 AM
This is my Flash reaction to your post.  Something about you Wren is easy to connect to.

So what I'm picking up on is that you are a very gifted person and maybe that makes the connection easy.
But, you are afraid of Letting Go so you put these concepts in a "box" that you have control over.  This fear of Letting Go is a understandable and expected phase.  Seth (Bashar/Abraham) is beyond the material but we are raised in a material world with programming that makes us fearful of letting go.

When I left my successful husband with a very good insurance program when I was 28 I decided to take a "risk" and not get insurance again....and never did.  But it gave me a lot of anxiety at first.  Even tho from my Christian Science I didn't feel I would be seeing doctors anyway.  OMG!  Insurance is the American Way!  What was I thinking??  LOL

Seth principles now in my life are seamless.  And the more seamless over time the more magical my life becomes.  But that is a phase too.  For awhile I'd have as much anxiety over accepting "magic" as I did not getting insurance!  LOL

There is a Fear that if one gives themselves over to the Magic they won't be part of the Real World.  It's a small Ego Death in a way.  And in Truth, you won't be part of the Real World after a certain point.  But part of that Fear is....WHERE will you be???   What are the rules??  Will people leave me???  And the answer to that is Yes.
It will make them afraid of you....then it will make them jealous of you....and then you will vibrate out of their existence as if they were never there.  And that is a Fearful place to be at first.

Visualize yourself in meditation opening the Door of your Box.  Or put the two boxes together and form a Galactic Duplex.   ;D

I feel rootless. Being moved around the country as a kid because of my Dad's job changes, not feeling drawn to marriage or children. So I can relate to that fear. Where does a single woman with no commitments fit into society? Nowhere. I can't even commit to owning very much, preferring to live mostly in my mind and enjoying junking physical items I no longer need.

How do you define 'letting go'? And what do you mean by the Box?


I had a really good answer and my sketchy wifi dropped my connection.
Basically, the box is trying to live according to some abstract "rules" of society.  Make up your own rules.  YOU ARE Society.

Letting Go?
Google images "free spirit".  Any will apply.

Being single without stuff.  Do you realize how many people would LOVE that?  I was married for 9 years to the "perfect man".....on paper.  I've been single since my divorce in 1980.  My longtime married girlfriends are too jealous.  Tho the psychics say the "husband" is coming this summer.  :-)


I've never heard of Roman Payne but I had a quick look at his website. Intriguing!  8)


Mindfullness...or mindlessness.

I think they end up being the same thing.

It reminds me of the Zen master who was asked to give his experience on Enlightenment, he said

'Before Enlightenment,
Chop wood, fetch water
After Enlightenment,
Chop wood, fetch water.'

I think the moral is, it's not so much what you do, but how you feel about it, whilst doing it.

Delve into yourself and your thoughts and feelings at the particular time, and search for the beliefs that fuel that state. The chores will be done in no time. And you will have practiced the techniques you would rather be doing.



Quote from: LenKop on April 27, 2016, 07:58:21 PM
Mindfullness...or mindlessness.

I think they end up being the same thing.

It reminds me of the Zen master who was asked to give his experience on Enlightenment, he said

'Before Enlightenment,
Chop wood, fetch water
After Enlightenment,
Chop wood, fetch water.'

I think the moral is, it's not so much what you do, but how you feel about it, whilst doing it.

Delve into yourself and your thoughts and feelings at the particular time, and search for the beliefs that fuel that state. The chores will be done in no time. And you will have practiced the techniques you would rather be doing.


Thanks LenKop, that's helpful.