The Free-Time Paradox in America

Started by myststars, October 31, 2016, 08:21:51 AM

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I was thinking to put this article in the "why young prefer video games" but i feel this is much broader so may actually end up in a diferent direction...

"The rich were meant to have the most leisure time. The working poor were meant to have the least. The opposite is happening. Why?"

My heart is so much rised when i see this kind of articles...

So this is PROOF that happiness drive the individual and HAPPINESS will win in the end... It doesn't matter how bizzare will be the methods and tools... :)


"But 60 years later, it seems more true to say that it is not leisure that defines the lives of so many rich Americans. It is work.

Elite men in the U.S. are the world's chief workaholics. They work longer hours than poorer men in the U.S. and rich men in other advanced countries. In the last generation, they have reduced their leisure time by more than any other demographic. As the economist Robert Frank wrote, "building wealth to them is a creative process, and the closest thing they have to fun." "

Real trap they got into ... That is ADDICTION ... So now i see smoking a more "kind" addiction ...


Quote from: myststarsElite men in the U.S. are the world's chief workaholics. They work longer hours than poorer men in the U.S. and rich men in other advanced countries.
mystars, yes that is an interesting fact. Is it the so-called Protestant work ethic?

I would guess that these hard workers would be extremely skeptical about any spiritual ideas like those in the Seth books.


Quote from: myststars"The rich were meant to have the most leisure time. The working poor were meant to have the least. The opposite is happening. Why?"

I have mixed feelings about this article because there doesn't seem to be a paradox in my mind. The people who work a lot have money but less free time / the people who don't work have nothing BUT free time. It's always been that way. Of course there are exceptions to both sides--sometimes people work and work and can't seem to get ahead (low-paying jobs or expenses beyond their means, for example) and people who are born rich or inherit and don't have to work. The article focuses on the ends of the spectrum, I'm sure there's a whole lot of in-between.

There are young, non-working or barely working men out there, spending a lot of time playing video games. I know a few myself, and some of them are not so young any more. :-) I think balance is a nice thing to aim for. Obsessively playing video games to me is on par with doing anything obsessively, be it work, or drink, sex, drugs, TV... people are trying to get away from reality. Numb themselves. Yet the article says this demographic is a happy bunch. Everyone has different needs, different interests.

Article: "Twentysomething male high-school grads used to be the most dependable working cohort in America. Today one in five are now essentially idle. The employment rate of this group has fallen 10 percentage points just this century, and it has triggered a cultural, economic, and social decline. 'These younger, lower-skilled men are now less likely to work, less likely to marry, and more likely to live with parents or close relatives,' he said."

When I was that age I couldn't wait to get a job and get out of my parent's house, they made it too miserable for me to live there. But I have seen a lot of fledged kids moving back in with their parents (I would have rather died) and people are also marrying later these days.

"There are several reasons. First, more than twice as many women are going to college than 30 years ago. Second, many women are putting their careers first, so they can put some money in the bank before settling down.

"I wanted to be financially secure," explains Ragland. "I would never want to depend on anybody." "

So, from these two articles, it seems 20% of young men don't want to work or marry or leave their parents' home and don't mind being dependent, while more young women want to get through college and become financially secure and independent.

I sense there's going to be shift of power in this country. :) Regardless, life and societal norms are definitely changing. And working doesn't necessarily promote unhappiness. The trick is finding work that one enjoys. It's not impossible. I'd be bored playing video games all day, I'm too task-oriented for that. I get a lot of satisfaction from being creative and need a lot of variety. Not everyone does. Some friends call me "Debbie-Do-Lot" not only because I'm overly creative, but I have a way with animals too (ala Dr. Dolittle).


Men are usually treated like "kids" from their wives too ... And men are considered imature in front of many womans.The definition of maturity is very different but i saw a common ground in womans/girls about it...
Deb can you tell me what's your definition of maturity ?


Quote from: myststarsDeb can you tell me what's your definition of maturity ?

THAT is an excellent question! It's like asking someone what their definition of love is. Not something one usually thinks about. It's SO excellent I'm going to have to think about it and get back to you later. I'll no doubt uncover some hidden beliefs.

In the meantime, your question made me think of this YouTube. Not only your question, but this topic and the other related one. Enjoy. It's 9 minutes long, 2 minutes of credits at the end.