Wendi Jensen

Started by Dandelion, November 16, 2016, 06:00:27 PM

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This month the book I borrowed from the Kindle Lending Library was The Healing Questions Guide: Relevant Questions to ask the Mind to Activate Healing by Wendi Jensen.  I'm still skimming through the huge list of symptoms/diseases with the questions for each one, but have some thoughts to share about it.  The Kindle book is awkward to use because the hundreds of pages devoted to the lists are all one chapter with no convenient subsections.  The paperback version would be easier to flip through looking for specific symptoms or diseases, but it's 4 times the cost of the Kindle book.

Some quotes and thoughts from the introductory chapters:

Pg 17:  "What we believe becomes our reality even though thousands of other possible realities are available.  We are at liberty to adjust what we are experiencing in this life in direct proportion to our understanding of this law.  Adverse symptoms in the body have a specific link to particular belief patterns.  When we reverse those belief patterns, the symptoms can reshape or reverse within the body.  The Healing Questions Guide is designed to bring awareness to the negative belief and reframe the belief so the mind can focus and attract a new outcome."

Pg 22:  "When we are blinded or disconnected from this divine presence, though we may still be physically alive, we are spiritually dying.  Rather than increasing in energy, wisdom, direction, and personal power, we are decaying, depreciating, and cutting off our flow to the life force energy that is available to all of us."

Pg 27 (about the importance of question format):  "Therefore the way in which one asks the question will cause the mind to travel in certain pathways.  If the questions are asked effectively, then the mind will have to go searching for the answer, beyond its preprogrammed viewpoint.  An effective question causes the mind to expand into the realm of infinite possibilities to gather a new way of thinking and feeling.  The intention is that the questions will activate a new way of thinking and feeling that will lead to the healing and restoring of the body."

Pg 31 (under the heading of The Danger of "I Don't Know"):  "What most people do not realize is that 'I don't know' is an answer.  If the mind feels it has received an answer, it will no longer search."  (She suggests either not answering and simply holding the question in mind or replacing "I don't know" with "I am ready to know.")

Chapter 6 (about the form of the questions):  She gives examples of ineffective questions.  "How" and "Why" questions lead to making excuses and coming up with reasons, rather than solutions.  "Who" questions limit the answer to people we already know.  "When" questions creates requirements such as a specific time or situation that has to happen first. 

An example of an effective questions is "What will it take to...?" because it assumes that there is a solution available.  (The majority of her questions are in this form.)  "What if" types of questions are effective for imaging new possibilities, such as "What would my life be like if...?"  She also talks about using a series of questions such as "What value is there in this...?  Is it really serving me?  What would be better?"

(My thought:  Sometimes "how" and "why" questions are helpful, especially if one is working with core beliefs or two conflicting beliefs.  Understanding where beliefs came from and the emotions involved can help when it comes to releasing or changing them.  But it's still necessary to also ask the questions that will lead to new solutions.)

Chapter 7 (About genetics):  She proposes that rather than inheriting diseases, we may be inheriting the belief patterns that resonate with those diseases.  Therefore it would be possible to heal the belief behind the disease and stop passing it on to family members.

The Healing Questions Index:  Symptoms range from very general conditions to very specific diseases.  Some have lots of questions while others have only 1 or 2.  Some also have affirmations you can use to create new beliefs.  Just about all the questions are focused on the beliefs that may be creating the symptom, rather than behavioral or nutritional problems.  The questions do seem like good, open-ended questions that make one think about one's beliefs and ways to change them, and from that perspective, it's worthwhile browsing through the whole thing to see if any question catches one's attention and opens one up to new possibilities or insights.



Quote from: DandelionWhen we are blinded or disconnected from this divine presence, though we may still be physically alive, we are spiritually dying. 
Dandelion, thanks for recommending this, but I am not very impressed with the above statement. It seems to indicate that Wendi Jensen does not appreciate the Divine Within. If the Divine is within, it's not possible to be disconnected from it. Being blind to the divine presence presumably means atheism. I wouldn't agree that most atheists are "spiritually dying". To say that is a fairly judgemental attitude. Atheism may often be a phase one needs to go through in reaction to religious indoctrination. That was my experience.