
Started by jbseth, November 01, 2020, 02:49:29 PM

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Hi All,

Well, we're just a few days away from the upcoming US Presidential election on Tuesday.

I've got to say that in all of the previous Presidential elections that I've been aware of, and this goes back quite a ways into the 1960's, I've never felt like there was even a remote possibility that any of the candidates might actually contemplate or attempt to take control of the presidency if they lose.

However, I can't honestly say that I feel this way about this particular election.

I'm not particularly worried about it, but I'm curious as to whether anyone else here is wondering about this possibility as well?

- jbseth



Quote from: Deb
3. No politics, please!

Politics in America these days is more polarized than ever, and in order to keep this forum unified and on track with Seth, and remain a safe and friendly place for EVERYONE that joins, I ask that you keep your political opinions and disgust for those that don't agree with you to yourself. There are plenty of other venues where you can utilize such divisive behaviors as such name calling, ridicule of various political leaders and parties, and arguing with others that your partisanship is the only truth. This is not the place for that.

Apparently a lack of respect for me on your part as well. Or do you again not mean your question in a political way?


Hi Deb, Hi All,

Here's what I was thinking behind this question.

I have no idea what will happen on Tuesday. Most probably, the votes will be tallied, and the results will be presented. One of the candidates will be declared a winner and the other candidate will acknowledge his defeat and all things will proceed as normal. Along with this, based upon the election results, either we'll have the same president that we have now or we'll have a new president.

However, there is, on the table, the possibility that one of the candidates will be declared a winner and the other candidate will refuse to acknowledge his defeat, claiming that the counts were mishandled and he's the real winner.  For this specific election, I can see how, either candidate could end up feeling that this is what actually happened during the election. This however, could set up an extremely tense and un-stabile situation here in the US. Furthermore, if this were to occur, things could quickly spin out of control?

If this mass event were to actually occur, it could be HUGE. Way bigger than COVID.

If this mass event were to actually occur, is it your wish that people not discuss it here in this forum, due to its "political" nature? 

Where do you stand on this?

- jbseth


Quote from: jbseth
If this mass event were to actually occur, it could be HUGE. Way bigger than COVID.
jbseth/Deb, I hope I will be permitted a quote from "Psychic Politics":

"As I wrote down the above, I suddenly realized
that the rest of the book would deal with an alternate model
for civilization to follow, based on the codicils I'd just re­
ceived, and others to follow. So far, we'd taken the hypoth­
esis that the self was inherently bad and followed it to one
version of reality. Government, politics, religions, and social
orders have been based on that premise. Here, the opposite
premise was being offered.

The rest of the material came very rapidly, and I
found myself caught up in a vision of the world far different
from the one we know.
The codicils, followed, would lead to a government
as natural, orderly, and spontaneous as the seasons in which
each individual brings personhood to fulfillment to the best
of his or her ability, and in so doing automatically plays a
potent role in the development of the entire society.
Such a civilization would be based upon the fol­
lowing codicils, added to those already given.
Each person is a unique version of an inner
model that is itself a bank of potentials, variations, and
creativity. The psyche is a seed of individuality and selfhood,
cast in space-time but ultimately independent of it.
We are born in many times and places, but not
in a return of identity as we understand it; not as a copy in
different clothes, but as a new self ever-rising out of the
psyche's life as the new ruler rises to the podium or throne,
in a psychic politics as ancient as humanity.
Civilizations both past and present represent
projections of inner selfhood, and mirror the state of the
mass psyche at any given time. We hold memory and knowl­
edge of past civilizations as we hold unconscious memories of
our private early current-life experiences.
From our present, we exert force upon the
past as well as the future, forming our ideas of the past and
reacting accordingly. We actually project events into our own
new past.
Each generation forms such a new past, one
that exists as surely as the present; not just as an imaginary
construct but as a practical platform—a newly built past—
upon which we build our present.
Options and alternate models for selfhood and
civilizations exist in a psychic pattern of probabilities from
which we can choose to actualize an entirely new life system."


Quote from: jbseth
I've been kind of curious about some of the news that I've been hearing about Trump lately and I've been wondering if he might be contemplating taking over the government.

Let me be clear, I know that Deb has a concern about us talking about politics here because this has gotten very heated in the past, and I want to honor that. However, I'm not talking about politics here. I'm not talking about Democrats or Republicans, or where people stand on this issue or that issue. I'm talking about the possible take over of the US government

Quote from: jbseth
I can see how, either candidate could end up feeling that this is what actually happened during the election. This however, could set up an extremely tense and un-stabile situation here in the US. Furthermore, if this were to occur, things could quickly spin out of control?

If this mass event were to actually occur, it could be HUGE. Way bigger than COVID.

We all make our own reality, even in mass events. Regardless of who wins the election, someone is not going to be happy. I mean that in the plural as well. And there are more than two probable outcomes resulting from the election results. As a Seth follower, what do you really want to concentrate on? Paraphrasing Seth, he said if you fear something don't give a second thought, because you can attract certain unwanted probabilities to yourself.

Quote from: jbseth
If this mass event were to actually occur, is it your wish that people not discuss it here in this forum, due to its "political" nature? 

Of course if there's a mass event, and not people just bashing political opponents, I can see it being discussed.

We used to discuss politics to a degree here, but politics has become so hateful and arrogant in the past several years that I don't want to soil the forum with it. There are plenty of other places to go for that sort of thing. There's an old vulgarity that comes to mind.

Nice quote Sena, The Codicils. Something we should pay attention to.


Quote from: Deb
Of course if there's a mass event, and not people just bashing political opponents, I can see it being discussed.

Hi Deb,

Thanks for your reply.

I just sent you a personal message about this. My actual intent here is somewhat confused and cloudy by what I actually wrote here and that is on me because I really should have expressed what I was trying to do here better.

I sent you a personal message about this. I'd appreciate it if you would take a look at it and let me know what you think.

I apologize for any stress or problems that I have caused you here.

- jbseth


Hi All,

So far, 2020 has been an interesting year.  I'm not sure that any of us, anticipated that we'd be dealing with COVID, this year.

Given that COVID did become a mass event this year, when I'm being perfectly honest with myself, I have to admit that I have no idea, what reality we're going to create for ourselves tomorrow.

However, I do know that Seth tells us that when we focus on the negative, we bring it into our reality.

Thus, I'm going to focus on the positive for tomorrow and see what kind of awesome day we can create.


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I'm staying optimistic that once we're over this hump, things will gradually calm down. There could be some changes, everything is always changing. We don't live in a static universe.

I need to read The Codicils again.  ;)
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possible mass event..
QuoteI'm not particularly worried about it, but I'm curious as to whether anyone else here is wondering about this possibility as well?
I have been pondering, really, if some possible...worldwide drift ?
thinking about some european countries, maybe also US (?), there seems to have been some drift towards more centralised control and govern.
I'm not sure what words to define this in english. 
these days here we have not much to sneer north Korea.
QuoteThere could be some changes, everything is always changing. We don't live in a static universe.
Times are changing, it's time to change, we change, many possibilities and probabilities hang in the air.
What way we turn?
reading the post of "Speakers" I had a big wish to see one, - and then not.
we really can not wait another Christ or whoever as  The Savior.
we can do it..we must do it..can we do it...another big lesson/step/chance  for humanity to live
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Quote from: narvik2
    I have been pondering, really, if some possible...worldwide drift ?

There's been a lot of talk of a shift coming, and not just from the metaphysical people. And people I know personally that say they can feel a big shift coming. It's time. In a macro sense, we've come a long way from caveman days, the Middle Ages, world wars and the earth is a better place in my opinion. I've live a fairly long time now, and my own personal circumstances have always improved from where I started (not ignoring bumps in the road along the way). Definitely lights years ahead of my parents' lives.

If there's a big shift coming, perhaps we are ready (development-wise) for it. Although sometimes I question that.
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