Identifying and Changing Limiting Beliefs

Started by Bumblebee, August 19, 2021, 08:42:55 AM

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Hello everyone!

I've been out of touch for a while now and I wanted to share with you the material I found to help identifying and changing limiting beliefs.

I totally adhere to Seth's "You create your own reality". Through out the years, I have tried to apply this the best I could to let my Higher Self shine through. My biggest challenge has always been identifying my limiting beliefs. Once I do, I have trouble knowing how to change them. Simply saying affirmations doesn't work for me, and I have a tendency of bringing myself down every time I still act according to them. I tried Seth's exercises, but I felt there was a core of unhealthy beliefs that I couldn't untangle. My efforts to change my thoughts impacted my behaviors temporarily, but sooner or later my limiting habits slowly crept back in.

Since I was a teenager, I go back and forth into depression. Ironically this is always my wake-up call. That's when I realize I am off course and my limiting thoughts have taken over. And so I start the work again.

Last year, as I battled with depression once more, I came across a book written by Dr. David Burns (MD). "The Feeling Good" book.  As a psychologist working with depressed people, he realized that all these people had the same kind of distorted thinking. Although he is not a Seth reader, he understands what Seth talks about. "If you want to break out of a bad mood, you must first understand that every type of negative feeling results from a specific kind of negative thought. Sadness and depression result from thoughts of loss." (The Feeling Good Handbook, p5) In this book, he describes easy ways to identify negative thoughts and he has many methods to replace them with healthier ideas. His techniques work for ALL LIMITING THOUGHTS, not just depression and anxiety. It has really helped me change my way of thinking and this transformation has held for the past year.

Recently, I have had problems in my relationship. Now this was a new kind of challenge as it involves someone else's thoughts. I felt overwhelmed as it is so hard to change and be aware of my own thoughts, I didn't know where to begin!! My boyfriend is not the introspective type. We reached a critical point where we thought about separating, but both thought it was a shame because we love each other. That's when a friend told me about Mr. Joe Dispenza. Long story short: He is a chiropractor that was in an accident that crushed part of his spine. Doctors told him he wouldn't walk again. He started meditating and he healed himself. Now he teaches others what he did. He has a scientific approach to meditation, and he insists that we can progress more easily and faster if we understand how our brain works. He explains how we can create a new future and let go of our past just by changing our thoughts. Even though my boyfriend is very cartesian and Seth books are out of the question, this seemed accessible to him, and we started meditating together 2 weeks ago. We meditate 2 times a day, every morning and evening (guided meditation to create a new future).  I'll keep you posted (if you're interested) on how this will work out, but I really like it so far and I have already seen some changes in my behavioral patterns.

I invite any of you who have found alternative sources to help changing limiting beliefs to post them here.

Have a great day! :D

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oh! And I forgot to write about the most important thing: I realize that the self-work must be done EVERYDAY, whether you feel down or on top of the moon, or else you resorts back to your old self by habit. This seems obvious, but every time I felt good and connected I tented to stop the work, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one! LOL
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Hi Bumblebee

I suffered from depression in the past then found hypnosis helped it then started gobbling up everything I could find, kind of how I got here really. So in that sense for me depression was good. If say I didn't run now every few days, listened to depressing music, ate junk my depression would return. I think the depressing music especially implants negative thought patterns even though I do love a dark tune. Anyway one very powerful tool that kind of stands out to me because it is so different is Bach remedies. These are flower remedies which I would think a lot of people on here have come across. The flowers Bach selected to combat 38 different negative traits in personality vibrate at a particular energy frequency the inverse to the negative mood. Bach said negative traits in personality are what we come to earth to fix. With Bach you don't have to identify your negative beliefs you just have to identify how you feel. So say I feel angry at the world for giving me bad luck. I take Holly for the anger and Willow for the 'poor me' disposition. You can mix together 7 in one remedy bottle. The great thing is you don't have to do any work really if you are lazy like self hypnosis or anything (but personally I use Bach in combination with other tools) you just take the remedy 4x a day. The reaction can be quick like anger gone in a moment but on a deeper level after a few weeks you notice how your behaviour has changed, your way of thinking has changed.

What is very interesting is that these higher energy vibrations you are taking in held in the remedy water must have an action on thought at some level, how else does it change beliefs.

I think there are flower remedies all over the world. I have only ever used Bach but there are probably equivalents in other parts of the world. I describe them as a mental homeopathy but unlike homeopathy you are not taking like to fight like you are taking the opposite energy vibration. Bach also said that illness is a manifestation of negative energy and is the soul's attempt to correct negative aspects of the personality.

A wide range of negative beliefs can result in depression. For example say someone is a walk over always wanting to please. Eventually this will lead to a crisis and depression. The remedy for being a walk over is Centaury. Or someone is desperate to off load their issues on people, the remedy for that is Heather. For inner development I've found it to be a very powerful tool.

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Quote from: Bumblebee
That's when a friend told me about Mr. Joe Dispenza.

Thank you for this topic!

I love Dr. Joe, went to several of his workshops until he priced himself out of my range. I'm sure people here on SoS are tire of me talking about him. He's brilliant, his spinal injury recovery story is nothing short of amazing, and he has helped heal so many people. Little known trivia about him: he was a disciple of Ramtha (JZ Knight) way back when, appears in the "What the Bleep?" documentary, which is probably where I first heard about him. At my first JD workshop (maybe 15 of us?) I asked him about his Ramtha days and he seemed very almost embarrassed about that. I can't tell you how much I appreciate him!

I'm so glad he's helped you. I had some amazing experiences at his workshops. He was maybe the first proponent of "change you mind, change your life." Very much in alignment with Seth. I feel his Placebo book is priceless, it really helped me understand the power of the mind. I've enjoyed his guided meditations, once I got over his droning, lol. Have you done any of his walking meditations?

And yes, daily practice is what drives it all home.

Dr. Burns seems to have a new approach to recognizing and changing thinking habits, thanks for bringing him to the surface. I'll definitely look into his book. While depression is not a big part of my life, I've been there, as well as limiting beliefs.

Quote from: Bora137
Bach remedies. These are flower remedies which I would think a lot of people on here have come across.

Ah, yes. I used to have two African Grey parrots. They are very anxious, nervous creatures. Bach's Rescue Remedy was recommended to calm them when they had to be transported, or groomed, or were stressed in any way. And it worked. Seth (and Dr. Joe) would say it's your belief that is at work, and not the remedy. But Seth also said that our bodies know how to use natural remedies better than lab-produced chemicals. I can say I was open minded to the Bach remedy, but I'm sure my parrots had no clue about it at all. And yet it seemed to work.
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Quote from: Bumblebee
I totally adhere to Seth's "You create your own reality". Through out the years, I have tried to apply this the best I could to let my Higher Self shine through. My biggest challenge has always been identifying my limiting beliefs. Once I do, I have trouble knowing how to change them. Simply saying affirmations doesn't work for me, and I have a tendency of bringing myself down every time I still act according to them. I tried Seth's exercises, but I felt there was a core of unhealthy beliefs that I couldn't untangle. My efforts to change my thoughts impacted my behaviors temporarily, but sooner or later my limiting habits slowly crept back in.

Since I was a teenager, I go back and forth into depression. Ironically this is always my wake-up call. That's when I realize I am off course and my limiting thoughts have taken over. And so I start the work again.
This is basically a description of me.  And as I've gotten older, it's gotten worse.  Sometimes I don't even recognize myself anymore.  I feel like a big knot of anxiety and weird thoughts. 

The problem I have is that whenever I think of an idea that might help extricate me from the mess I am, I freeze and don't follow through on it.  I have no idea why.  It's not fear of failure.  Fear of failure has never been an issue for me.  It's like my mind says, "Aww hell no.  We ain't doin none of that @#$^$!"  I don't know why.  Whenever I come across something that could help, I feel a strong, overwhelming push against it.  It's like part of me (the part in charge) want me to be like this.

I've read every mainstream Seth book there is, at least once.  Now I am starting to read them all over again, but am first reading all of the early sessions books.  But as I read them, I feel that push against them.  I find myself not believing as I once did and thinking that it's probably all BS (if I'm being honest).  I don't know why and I certainly don't like it.  I feel totally ungrounded and unable to believe in anything.  That seems like a sign of depression to me.

I might put the brakes on Seth and get into Tolle for a while.  I find more peace with those books.  That and if I have to read anymore about Jane and Rob's fat fingers or experiments with psytime, I think that I'll scream.  I also have a friend who brought this book to my attention:

I might buy it and read it. 
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Y'all are not alone I think we all here do this and if someone told me they don't then what their secret is ... is what I want to know lol

No I'm not perfect and I will never claim to be but the thing that I suggest is the thing that really help me. NLP really help me but their practitioner courses are expensive and you know the general consensus of everything right now I don't know you could be rich...When I saw both of your comments @Bumblebee and @usmaak as I was scrolling through the most recent posts I noticed something familiar also with some thing that I used to do and I am able to catch myself and redirect myself with a process of questions and I guess you could say...I've done a lot of work on myself.

I'm not saying you havent...we're always doing the work we're always going to be a student forever... I'm just saying I have been where you are and I totally get it I'm a rebel I'm a thick skull person I must must have loved those two by fours 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


OK here's my suggestion.. and really that's all it is

You just sit down and do it and force yourself to do it no matter the doubting self,,, In fact invite that doubting self to come join you for a sit down just hanging and looking around at thoughts and if it doesn't wanna play ask it to just be quiet and just watch and be gentle with all portions of self all the inner dialogues have a right to be there and permit them,,,  and thank them for being there,,, some u will notice and some u will not ... Not right now anyway .. and that is absolutely positively 100% totally OK

I actually I am doing a worksheet over my experience today with some hospital issues ..not me someone else

Moving forward....

Go there and click on downloads

Go to the judge your neighbor worksheet ( there are gobs of it in different languages)

And for me this is completely right up Sethian Alley.
Print a whole bunch of those like 20

Dont do any other worksheet or print the other stuff out just yet.... play with this one will be plenty 😜

Make your atmosphere comforting to you get some snacks get some fruit bread cheese crackers I don't know tea hot tea 100% sober ..plenty of time later....chuckle pets...put them away ...and also put a note on your front door that says do not ring my doorbell do not Knock on door... turn your phone off and put some music on. No words just instrumental music that is very important,,, instrumental no lyrics no words

Dedicate time for two things

Number one watch her videos there's only two of them ...they guide you how to do the worksheets and watch them ( do a worksheet or two before you watch other videos there 👍🏻

Do.. the worksheet ...and keep doing them and keep doing them and keep doing them do at least that 10/15 you them in a few days or do within a week max ...don't take any longer than a week to do all 20 of them or 10/15. But do at least 10

And not one of them can be about you it has to be how you feel or whatever towards something someone did or said or look at you it Has to be on another person you are going to be griping and bitching about other people or situations or events or things like that any person place or thing that is not you

Hey you can let your ego tell you what to do or you can gently gently gently ever so gently with kindness ,, do this worksheet. you don't have to be aggressive with yourself and  you don't have to interpret anything I just typed out you don't have to interpret any of it as being aggressive you don't have to... ..and ...the rider of the horse must take the reins eventually

Horses react negatively when riders are mean or forceful they dont like it and they push back
They buck sometimes

Thats why the atmosphere is kind and easy and has things YOU enjoy

Put a few of your favorite things out
Light some incense

In my opinion I think we really like that kind of stuff and it's nice and it's helpful

Be kind and gentle but move forward ❤️

My two cents with love

Ps I'm leaving the run on sentence don't judge lol it's been a really long day And I am using my voice to text as I rest

Please do share if you do them ... im routing for you! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
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Quote from: Deb
Quote from: Bumblebee
That's when a friend told me about Mr. Joe Dispenza.

Thank you for this topic!

I love Dr. Joe, went to several of his workshops until he priced himself out of my range. I'm sure people here on SoS are tire of me talking about him. He's brilliant, his spinal injury recovery story is nothing short of amazing, and he has helped heal so many people. Little known trivia about him: he was a disciple of Ramtha (JZ Knight) way back when, appears in the "What the Bleep?" documentary, which is probably where I first heard about him. At my first JD workshop (maybe 15 of us?) I asked him about his Ramtha days and he seemed very almost embarrassed about that. I can't tell you how much I appreciate him!

I'm so glad he's helped you. I had some amazing experiences at his workshops. He was maybe the first proponent of "change you mind, change your life." Very much in alignment with Seth. I feel his Placebo book is priceless, it really helped me understand the power of the mind. I've enjoyed his guided meditations, once I got over his droning, lol. Have you done any of his walking meditations?

And yes, daily practice is what drives it all home.

Dr. Burns seems to have a new approach to recognizing and changing thinking habits, thanks for bringing him to the surface. I'll definitely look into his book. While depression is not a big part of my life, I've been there, as well as limiting beliefs.

Quote from: Bora137
Bach remedies. These are flower remedies which I would think a lot of people on here have come across.

Ah, yes. I used to have two African Grey parrots. They are very anxious, nervous creatures. Bach's Rescue Remedy was recommended to calm them when they had to be transported, or groomed, or were stressed in any way. And it worked. Seth (and Dr. Joe) would say it's your belief that is at work, and not the remedy. But Seth also said that our bodies know how to use natural remedies better than lab-produced chemicals. I can say I was open minded to the Bach remedy, but I'm sure my parrots had no clue about it at all. And yet it seemed to work.

I cant wait to show my loved one this! Total love for homeopathic...

This is such a cool little stream of comments here 🙂

Sounds like a fantastic book too.

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Quote from: strangerthings
Moving forward....

Go there and click on downloads
St, thanks for recommending Byron Katie. I found a Wikipedia page on her:

QuoteIn 1986, when she was 43 with three children and unhappily married to her second husband, she reportedly suffered from depression, agoraphobia, overeating and addiction to codeine and alcohol.[2] She called her insurance company for help, and was referred to Hope House in Los Angeles, a women's counseling center that has since closed. After two weeks at the house, she reportedly experienced an epiphany in her thinking which created a way for her to challenge and lessen the harmful effects of long-held beliefs.

P.S. I downloaded one of Byron Katie's books, "A Mind at Home with Itself: How Asking Four Questions Can Free Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Turn Your World Around". I found this Sethian paragraph:

QuoteThe Diamond Sutra begins with the simple act of begging. I was very touched when I heard that the Buddha begged for his food. Since he understood how the universe works, he knew that he was always taken care of, and he didn't see himself in the position of a lofty transcendent being, or even of a spiritual teacher. He refused to be treated as someone special, someone who should be waited on by his students.

Until I read this, I never understood why Buddhist monks resort to begging. It's a bit different to the Catholic Church, where the emphasis is on money in the bank.

This is what Byron Katie wrote about her depression:

QuoteWhen I woke up to reality in 1986, I realized that all my suffering had come from arguing with what is. I had been deeply depressed for many years, and I had blamed the world for all my problems. Now I saw that my depression had nothing to do with the world around me; it was caused by what I believed about the world. I realized that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that.

One of the causes of depression is if we let other people define who we are. We need to start defining ourselves.
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Quote from: Sena
This is what Byron Katie wrote about her depression:

When I woke up to reality in 1986, I realized that all my suffering had come from arguing with what is. I had been deeply depressed for many years, and I had blamed the world for all my problems. Now I saw that my depression had nothing to do with the world around me; it was caused by what I believed about the world. I realized that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that.
Wow.  I had a visceral reaction to reading this quote.  Just wow.
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