Intro to the lost sessions (machine translation)

Started by Mark M, October 18, 2023, 10:12:00 AM

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Mark M


"I would like to give the world a series of texts that, to a certain extent, do away with old distortions and formulate as clearly as possible a set of guiding principles that enable every person to understand their reality, to develop their potential, this life in all its fullness to live and – by doing so – to prepare for the next life."

--Seth, Session 543

The sessions and texts in the two volumes of The Seth Multiverse come from the archives of the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University and have previously only been available for reading on site. They were compiled by Seth researcher Mary Dillman (1946-2020) in the hope that they would one day be published, thus shedding light on the image of Jane Roberts and Robert Butts, the physical creators of the Seth material, and Seth, the spiritual one Part of the triad to further round off. These meetings are therefore available in book form for the first time worldwide in this edition.

The texts in the first volume cover the years 1970 to 1975 and were written before and during the work on Seth Spricht, The Nature of Personal Reality and The "Unknown" Reality, all of which were written in the house on West Water Street in Elmira the Seth phenomenon had begun.

The reason why these sessions were not included in previously published books was explained by Robert Butts in his notes on the October 1, 1980 session in Seth's Magical Path:

"There are certain sessions that I have been referring to in my mind for some time now as 'filler' sessions, or imagining them as covering 'floating material'. They are not book sessions, nor are they particularly personal. They simply keep the sessions going during certain phases. The Christ Sessions originally started this way."

The two books therefore represent an actual journey through time, which in this volume goes back to the time shortly before the publication of The Seth Material, when Jane and Rob first ventured into the broader public with their work. In private, they had been working with Seth, this self-described "personality no longer focused on physical reality," since the end of 1963.

Until now, little was known about how Jane and Rob tried to make the Seth material, which had accumulated over 500 sessions up to this point, known to a wider community. To do this, they went on a promotional tour through the most important cities in the north-east of the USA, where they took part in numerous sensational radio and TV broadcasts. Unfortunately, there are no longer any recordings of these performances.

All the more valuable, therefore, are the sessions and recordings in this volume in which these events are described, thereby shedding new light on the beginnings of the Seth material in the public and related reactions that were occurring at the time of The Individual and the Nature of Mass events and sit-ins in front of the Prentice-Hall publishing house against further publications of Seth books.

The Seth phenomenon does not only include the regular sessions in which Jane Roberts spoke for Seth and Robert Butts meticulously recorded all transmissions verbatim. This also includes the readings - a kind of life or situation interpretation - that Jane offered to people in need, usually with the help of Seth. She was very aware of the responsibility that came with it, which is why she was reluctant to offer this kind of help.

The people who turned to Jane in their distress were usually already somewhat familiar with the Seth material, so that Jane or Seth also looked at and often solved their problems from aspects such as reincarnation in the context of simultaneous time and probabilities could.

This book contains an example of this in which the parents of a supposedly possessed child turn to Jane or Seth and receive an answer that spans several lives and ages and shows that the origin of their child's behavior is not an "obsession", but rather lies in nested family relationships that go far back in time.

Although the readings were given for a specific person and in relation to their problems or life questions, they are often designed in such a way that the answers can also be of use to other people. As an excellent expert on the mind and soul, Seth also offers fascinating and profound descriptions of the character and nature of individual people, but at the same time they also provide deep insights into the collective psyche of humanity.

Because of her personal background, the Christian religion was always a problematic topic for Jane Roberts. In the Seth books published so far there are only scattered sessions about it, as Jane often blocked such information coming from Seth.

Nevertheless, Jane and Rob kept toying with the idea of putting together an actual Christ book with all the relevant texts, but this did not happen because of the other book projects. Some of the previously unpublished sessions relating to Christianity and the life of Christ can now be found in the Sessions of The Seth Multiverse.

Based on his own life as a trader in Jerusalem at the time of Christ, Seth offers fascinating insights into the events and atmosphere of that time.

In 1963, the truly astonishing and impressive Seth material began in the humble writing room of a poet in Elmira, NY. But even 60 years later, it has lost none of its fascination due to its uniqueness and wisdom.

--Maurizio Vogrig, Seth-Verlag, 2023

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Quote from: Mark M on October 18, 2023, 10:12:00 AM"I would like to give the world a series of texts that, to a certain extent, do away with old distortions and formulate as clearly as possible a set of guiding principles that enable every person to understand their reality, to develop their potential, this life in all its fullness to live and – by doing so – to prepare for the next life."

--Seth, Session 543

That's a great declaration of intention.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.