Woman lives in a Tiny House so She Can Travel the World

Started by myststars, June 01, 2017, 12:40:09 AM

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When the system feels too much one goes wild and creative ...


My mind is my house.This is the trend.I "renovate" my house...I realized now why Zen masters are on the road..Unboundness...One is not atached to anything...The things enter and leave their life naturally... :D


Quote from: myststars
My mind is my house.

Again, to me, a brilliant observation on your part.
The tiny house is wonderful, the woman in the video captured my imagination. I have a friend who is very much into tiny houses. Her previous boyfriend lived in his, in someone else's back yard. While I love my current house, the tiny houses are appealing because they are very efficient, require less of a financial commitment and can be easily transported. I loved the hidden stairway.

And they appeal to the child in us, the child that was fascinated by blanket "forts" and tree houses. Really, how much does one need to get by in this world?


The thing is the life on Earth is experiential so it depends on your wishes and choices before incarnation.
If you have asked me years before i would want to join the one trip to Mars because of escapism mentality and overwhelming feeling in this life.Now i know more and more that i can "trave" with the mind.After finishing "renovating" my mind (aka house) i would asked more about travels with mind to different portions of universe...I don't want to wait for the humanity to invent for mainstream space travel.
The thing with materialism is that it takes so much time and "capture" the mind of the owner away from inner awakening ...
Corporate world is built with stress in mind and pretty much be always available at phone or on demand...The structure needs to colapse first from inside out.
In my country i see this trend of collapse..There are teens that enter in multi-national companies / corporate world and age very quickly in a couple of years, very few spare time for themselves and so on..Barely they see their families with their schedule..I want a different future.I see a trend in my country when young families move to country side from capital city or they realize that corporate world is eating them as human beings...I hope more and more young people realize this so they get out or want a change.

If you "win" in the system/material world one may or may not ignore the intagible...Usually the universe give a nudge by a very extreme experience so the individual ego is shattered so he sees through indoctrination ilusion.Usually the trend is getting sick, or lossing a child or some loved one or whatever...Without this universe mechanism the humans will "sleep" in tried and tested enviroments and may never want to evolve or want very very little.


From a materialist point of view, this tiny house is better in so many ways than my one-bed flat. What a depressing thought! She is so right about making your home work for you and not the other way around. And no TV. Such a wise lady.


Wren, it could be that your Inner Self chose the one-bed flat for you so that your mind is directed outwards. You must be knowing people who have lovely houses and all they think about is their house.


Quote from: Sena
Wren, it could be that your Inner Self chose the one-bed flat for you so that your mind is directed outwards. You must be knowing people who have lovely houses and all they think about is their house.

Thank you Sena, that's an interesting point. I'm not really interested in furnishings, colour schemes etc. A decent home of my own would be very nice but it's not an obsession and I always avoid those house-refurbishment TV programmes. I do know someone who has a more affluent home and lifestyle than me, and you know what, she's never satisfied. She wants a bigger house, more holidays, the means not to have to go to work (she works less than a full week). She is always complaining.

I used to be ungrateful in the past and now I am grateful that I have never gone hungry and can afford to pay my basic bills. My one-bed flat has its flaws but I have some privacy and can come and go as I please.