No to mandatory vaccination

Started by Sena, September 26, 2020, 12:11:34 PM

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Hi All,

Hi Sena,

YouTube is censoring out many subjects and video creators that don't tow the party line. Google also. Many alternative P.O.V. creators have to use Patreon to get their content out, though I hear even Patreon is starting to censor as well.


Thanks for the Cowan/Fallon video Sena, I enjoyed it.

So as Cowan says in his book intro, he may be right about all of this, he may be wrong, but he felt compelled to share his ideas about germ theory, viruses and covid. I was interested in getting a different perspective to consider, and he sure does make some interesting points. He does start off saying how our bodies have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria (think gut health). I'm still not clear if he thinks viruses are real, but I'm just getting started in the book. I've never been a believer that EMFs were a big deal as far as health, but now I'm starting to wonder. But not enough to make myself a tin foil hat. Yet. :)

As for EMFs and pandemics correlation, here's a timeline he shares so far (I'm only at chapter 3 right now). Honestly, if I could copy & paste all of Chapter 2 here, I would. I think I highlighted the whole dang thing. I haven't fact checked any of these yet, he does give references:

1888 pole-mounted high-voltage AC power lines were introduced. In 1889 there was the Russian (Asiatic) Flu pandemic.

WWI, govts on both sides of the conflict installed antennas, which eventually blanketed the earth with strong radio signals. Then came the 1918 pandemic. Those living on military bases supposedly had the most trouble. The US Public Health Service tried to infect healthy volunteers to find more about the illness, by inserting the nasal and throat secretions of the ill (and even lung material from cadavers) into the noses, throats and respiratory tracks of the volunteers, but none got sick. They injected blood from the sick into the volunteers. Nothing. They finally had sick people breathe and cough (2" away) into the faces of the volunteers. Nothig.

1957, installation of radar worldwide. The Asian flu pandemic began in Feb. 1957

1967, US launched 28 satellites into the Van Allen belts. In July 1968, the Hong Kong flu pandemic began.

9/26/19, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan. Covid appears after that, actual date still unknown. 02/13/20, a spike in cases occurred the same week Wuhan turned on a 5G network for monitoring traffic. 5G came to NY in the Fall of 2019.

San Marino (small country) installed 5G in Sept 2018 and had the highest infection rate, 4x higher than Italy (5G in June 2019), and 27x higher than Croatia, which does not have 5G. Northern Italy has the densest 5G coverage in Italy, and 22x as many cases as Rome. Iran launched 5G in late March 2020. Also mentioned are Korea, Japan, South America. Countries without 5G: Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Paraguay—and have no covid. There's more than I can write here, so I'll end with the Diamond Princess ship that was quarantined in Yokohama. It advertises "the best Wi-Fi at sea" and has four 5G antennas on the top of the ship.

It seems a lot of symptoms of hypersensitivity  of EMFs are similar to covid.

He writes that what scientists have been thinking are virus particles are actually exosomes, which are sort of the scrubbing bubbles of the immune system, encapsulating and removing toxins and damaged cells from the body. I'll explain some other time and how this relates.

I'm taking all of this with a grain of salt, but he sure makes me wonder. As Sena mentioned, Seth recognized us as energy beings, as is everything. So if we are causing electrical havoc in humans, we are also affecting other living things. Horses became sick with the Spanish flu, and similar experiments were done to infect healthy horses with the mucus from the sick ones—and none became ill. From a Sethian point, I can totally see this being another issue like pollution, with a mass event pointing out that we need to learn to respect and not harm the Earth and other living things. Maybe, with people like Cowan (he's not alone in his thinking), we'll learn that viruses don't cause sickness and instead have a beneficial role. And that there's more to the story of pandemics.

I'll have to think about that a little more.

PS So who do you suppose is causing the censoring? It's always "follow the money." Who is trying to protect the cash flow? Telecom? Or Big Pharma? I'd place my bet on the telecom industry, but maybe they're in cahoots.


Hi All,

Hi Deb,

"As Sena mentioned, Seth recognized us as energy beings, as is everything. So if we are causing electrical havoc in humans, we are also affecting other living things."

That's what I'm wondering. If we are disorganizing the electromagnetic field, perhaps that has health consequences for all of us.
I'm pretty sure mankind hasn't yet figured out how inter-related (or maybe some have) different phenomenon are, and how upsetting one may cause problems in another.

One of my main gripes of 5g is that it was developed as a military grade weapons system. The military investigated it and knows full well it's potential dangers. I'm also betting that's why most companies that have developed that kind of technology completely skipped the testing phase, because it has already been tested! You can find clips on the net of various C.E.O's that they didn't test their equipment, and went ahead with it anyways. Large flocks of birds usually drop dead out of the sky where 5g is turned on.
As far as I recall, essentially, 5g causes the molecules in atoms to spin backwards, which causes problems in the lungs, as the lung doesn't recognize the reconfigured molecules, and can't take it in as oxygen. Thus causing breathing problems in anything with lungs. - something along that line.

Spanish Flu - The official story I'm aware of is the main outbreak started at a military base. It was claimed that it was because so many people/soldiers were brought together from all parts of the country. A phenomenon not known before.
I do wonder if it has something to do with the use and application of radio waves. It's always kind of struck me that those who lived through that obviously must have passed on to their offspring the ability to resist whatever that was. So the surviving stock may well not have been as sensitive to electromagnetic distortions, or a distorted electromagnetic field.

The censorship, so many elements are nestled together. It's somewhat a 2 headed snake. The military industrial complex is definitely one of the snakes, Imo. They definitely have an agenda.


Quote from: T.M.
One of my main gripes of 5g is that it was developed as a military grade weapons system.
T.M., this is very interesting.

"Some common bio-effects of non-lethal electromagnetic weapons include:

Difficulty breathing
Other systemic discomfort
Interference with breathing poses the most significant, potentially lethal results."


Quote from: Deb
WWI, govts on both sides of the conflict installed antennas, which eventually blanketed the earth with strong radio signals. Then came the 1918 pandemic.
Deb, thanks for highlighting that. Maybe I have to change my mind about radio signals. Radio signals are of course electromagnetic radiation, and so would be of interest to Seth. Another extract from Cowan's book:

"During World War I, governments on both sides of the conflict installed antennas, which
eventually blanketed the earth with strong radio signals—and during the latter part of 1918, disaster
struck. The Spanish flu afflicted a third of the world's population and killed about fifty million
people, more than the Black Death of the fourteenth century. To stop the contagion, communities
shut down schools, businesses, and theaters; people were ordered to wear masks and refrain from
shaking hands.
Those living on military bases, which bristled with antennas, were the most vulnerable. A
common symptom was bleeding—from the nostrils, gums, ears, skin, stomach, intestines, uterus,
kidneys, and brain. Many died of hemorrhage in the lungs, drowning in their own blood. Tests
revealed a decreased ability of the blood to coagulate."

Bleeding is something that we don't usually associate with flu.

QuoteMaybe, with people like Cowan (he's not alone in his thinking), we'll learn that viruses don't cause sickness and instead have a beneficial role.

That would be a sensational discovery, and it might encourage people to take Seth seriously.


I just thought I'd add this tidbit from the Spring 2020 Wise Traditions Newsletter:


According to the Verizon 2019 Annual Report, the telecom­munications company no longer carries insurance for EMF litigation, including litigation against 5G. "We are subject to a substantial amount of litigation. . . In addition our wire­less business also faces personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits relating to alleged health effects of wireless phones or radio frequency transmitters. We may incur significant expenses in defending these lawsuits. In addition, we may be required to pay significant awards or settlements."

Actually, this statement appears every year in this industry's annual reports. Insurers dropped Verizon and other telecommunica­tions companies for EMF litigation many years ago ( [Annual Report filed 02/21/20]


Hi All,

I thought I'd share some ideas that perhaps are counterpoints to some of the comments that I'm hearing here.

Seth seems to have known quite a bit about things that we didn't.  He talked about many interesting and unique topics such as probable realities, simultaneous time, the spacious present, and CU units, for example. Seth also had quite a bit to say bit about viruses.  I find it hard to believe that Seth would have said the things that he did about viruses, if viruses didn't affect man. The following link is a small example of what I'm talking about.

While in the US Air Force, in the early to mid-1970s', I worked on B-52 bomber aircraft. While I was in the Air Force, I heard stories from some of my co-workers about an incident that occurred during the Vietnam War. In regards to this incident, an aircraft technician accidently activated the B-52 radar system, at the same moment another person was standing directly in front of the B-52 bomber. The radar dish in the B-52 is located directly in front of the plane. Unfortunately, this poor man died of severe burns. These burns were described as being very similar to the kind of thing that occurs to a hot dog that is cooked in a microwave oven. High powered radar burns severely.

While, 5G, is a very specific type of EM radiation, and is nowhere near as high-powered as a military aircraft radar system, I would suspect that the way that it would affect humans would be low level burns and perhaps some sort of neurological impact like dementia, Alzheimer's or epilepsy.  I would also suspect that it may have some unexpected impacts on nature. Such things as damaging to surrounding plant life, and perhaps disruptive to bee navigation and perhaps bird migration. However, I wouldn't necessarily expect it to cause flu – like symptoms in humans.

For some time now, the medical community has said that viruses cause the flu. Along with this, they also claim that viruses cause the common cold. Given what Seth has to say about viruses, and what the medical establishment has to say about viruses, I think that it's entirely plausible that covid, with's flu – like symptoms is caused by some sort of virus.

Mankind hasn't stopped using EMF fields since they were first discovered. If anything, their use has increased over time.  That being the case, why hasn't the Spanish flu continued to occur and reoccur for the last 100 years or so?

I do think that it's possible, that there could be some sort of connection between 5G exposure and covid. But I think that covid itself, like the Spanish flu, and other flu's is probably caused by some sort of virus.



Hi all,

One of the objections to Cowan's theory is that Iran had many deaths from Covid 19, although 5G had NOT been installed there. I can think of two possible explanations:

(1) It was actually a flu epidemic in Iran, which was falsely labelled as a Covid 19 epidemic.

(2) Many people in Iran chose to die because they did not want to live any longer in a fanatical Islamic country,


Hi Sena, Hi All,

What about this, here's a third possible explanation.

Covid has nothing to do with 5G and many people in Iran actually died of Covid.

Is this somehow not a "possibility"?



Hi All,

I don't think 5G causes CV19. I think you either have CV19, or Emf poisoning from 5G. I'm not however ruling out that CV19 is being blamed at times as a cover for an illness that is actually Emf poisoning. That's just my thoughts on it all.

Hi Jbseth,

"Mankind hasn't stopped using EMF fields since they were first discovered. If anything, their use has increased over time.  That being the case, why hasn't the Spanish flu continued to occur and reoccur for the last 100 years or so?"

Cause the ones that couldn't handle the change in the atmosphere died. The survivors passed on to their progeny the ability to live with the changed atmosphere?

That's just a guess on my part. I'm not sure I believe that changes in Emf through technology is correlative to epidemics. I just find it interesting at this point. I'm not for or against the idea at this point  :)


Quote from: jbseth
Covid has nothing to do with 5G and many people in Iran actually died of Covid.

Is this somehow not a "possibility"?

jbseth, I am by no means certain that 5G causes death in those with a positive Covid 19 test. It is only a possibility, but how many scientists are looking into that possibility? There careers will be at an end if they do that kind of research.

By the way, do you know what the 5G coverage is around Walter Reed Hospital?


Quote from: T.M.
Cause the ones that couldn't handle the change in the atmosphere died. The survivors passed on to their progeny the ability to live with the changed atmosphere?
T.M., that would certainly be the Darwinian explanation. It may be only those who have a genetic predisposition (those who are ready and willing to die) who get killed by 5G.


Well I just have to say I'm enjoying the book. I like people who think outside of the box. The ones that are "right" are the ones who challenge and eventually change scientific theories. We, by nature of being fans of the Seth material, have that in common—thinking outside of the box. Seth said often that we don't quite understand the true nature of some things, and that our scientists are often barking up the wrong trees. I also don't want to make the Seth materials into another "box."

One of the things Cowan brings up in the book is that the viral version of Koch's postulates have not been fulfilled in the case of many viruses, including covid. Virus particles have not been isolated and purified. I don't know if that's true or not. His theory is that a lot of what science decided were viruses in the past were actually cases of physical damage due to em events and/or toxins, exacerbated by various types of pollution. I just heard recently that biofuels spew glyphosate into the air. Not sure if that's true, but then the EPA says glyphosate is perfectly harmless. :)  Large cities hit the hardest with covid also have poor air quality.

There are such things as electromagnetic hypersensitivity and radio-frequency radiation and there has been research of cell phones and radar guns causing cancer and a bunch of other problems. We do have a lot of wireless contraptions these days and are constantly exposed. People with compromised health would naturally have a harder time recovering from or adapting to elevated EMFs. There are  also some important differences between 4g and 5g.

From Scientific American:

"The latest cellular technology, 5G, will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves that have been in use for older cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation. 5G also employs new technologies (e.g., active antennas capable of beam-forming; phased arrays; massive multiple inputs and outputs, known as massive MIMO) which pose unique challenges for measuring exposures.

"Millimeter waves are mostly absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Short-term exposure can have adverse physiological effects in the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system. The research suggests that long-term exposure may pose health risks to the skin (e.g., melanoma), the eyes (e.g., ocular melanoma) and the testes (e.g., sterility).

"Since 5G is a new technology, there is no research on health effects, so we are "flying blind" to quote a U.S. senator. However, we have considerable evidence about the harmful effects of 2G and 3G. Little is known the effects of exposure to 4G, a 10-year-old technology, because governments have been remiss in funding this research. Meanwhile, we are seeing increases in certain types of head and neck tumors in tumor registries, which may be at least partially attributable to the proliferation of cell phone radiation. These increases are consistent with results from case-control studies of tumor risk in heavy cell phone users."

Who knows if Cowan is onto something or is delusional, but he does bring up some interesting points in the book and invites and implores virologists and other scientists to debunk his theory.

Quote from: Sena
By the way, do you know what the 5G coverage is around Walter Reed Hospital?

Not sure about 5G near Walter Reed, but there's plenty in D.C. and all major US cities, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's on Air Force One. Trump has been doing a lot of traveling lately.

Tying together what I've read so far in this book, and the Dawson Church one Mind to Matter, I could get creative and come up with my own theory. ;)

Quote from: jbseth
Mankind hasn't stopped using EMF fields since they were first discovered. If anything, their use has increased over time.  That being the case, why hasn't the Spanish flu continued to occur and reoccur for the last 100 years or so?

Maybe it has and we just keep giving it a different name. Maybe different types of EMF exposure cause different symptoms.


Hi All,

Hi Deb,

"Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation. 5G also employs new technologies (e.g., active antennas capable of beam-forming; phased arrays; massive multiple inputs and outputs, known as massive MIMO) which pose unique challenges for measuring exposures."

That's a good part of what has me concerned. There will be no way to escape the effects of 5G with that many antennas in a person's living environment. Unless a person goes completely Amish out in a forest in the middle of nowhere.

I'm wondering if the Emf is related to frequencies which have their own kind of natural balance. Upset that balance and the wrong frequency gets emitted.
I'm wondering if frequency(s) affect cellular life, and can trigger optimal/non-optimal conditions. The frequency directly affects the cell(s).Then combine that with mental and emotional attitudes. Maybe that's what initiates mass illness, and people who either live through it well, not so good, or die.

Strangely on the bright side, if most illnesses are due to Emf poisoning-non optimal frequencies, does that mean we are actually healthier than we think we are?  If somehow we could magically transfer to a world pre Emf tampered with, would good health be the norm?


Quote from: Deb
Who knows if Cowan is onto something or is delusional, but he does bring up some interesting points in the book and invites and implores virologists and other scientists to debunk his theory.
Deb, this is the point. Cowan's theory is a theory, not a proof, but more scientists need to be looking at the possibilities. I am glad to note that our famous patient has been given dexamethasone, which is of benefit in Covid 19 illness.

When a drug like dexamethasone was given to patients severely ill with influenza, there was increased mortality.

It is true that this kind of drug does benefit patients with some kinds of viral infection, but this is one bit of evidence that needs to be considered.


Hi All,

Potential evidence for Frequency-Emf field:

NASA has turned science fiction into science fact by announcing the discovery of hidden 'portals' in Earth's magnetic field.

Called X-points or electron diffusion regions, rather than being intergalactic folds in space leading to different galaxies and planets, these portals aid in the transfer of the magnetic field from the Sun to Earth.

If that happens between the earth and Sun, I wonder what happens on earth? Seth's co-ordination points anyone? :)


Lots of great questions T.M. in your reply #63.

So even if we were to get rid of all human-created EMFs, there would still be natural ones such as the comets, solar flares (EMPs). If everything in physical reality is made of energy, various bodies of energy can impact others. The book does try to tie in the ancient Chinese belief that comets caused illness. There was a period where comets came into the earth's atmosphere fairly often and right before by plagues. Supposedly comets become electronically charged with sufficient energy to emit extreme UV light and powerful x-rays. They also provoke high-energy flareups of solar plasma.

But Seth (and even some doctors) say that the body is amazingly adaptable, and so hopefully as more EM energy is showered on us, we will be able to adapt as long as it's not an overwhelming dose such as with nuclear radiation or radar from a B-52.

I had a month of radiation cancer treatments when I was in my late 40s. My skin did "burn," (technically not a burn, but that's what it felt and looked like) but did seem to adapt after a while, with no lasting effects as far as I can tell.

Seth: "Now (elaborately and quietly): Obviously your physical body has capacities that few of you use to full advantage. But beyond this, the species itself possesses the possibilities for adaptations that allow it to exist and persist in the physical environment under drastically varying circumstances. Hidden within the corporal biological structure there are latent specializations that would allow the species to continue, and that take into consideration any of the planetary changes that might occur for whatever reasons."
—NotP Chapter 1: Session 753, August 4, 1975

Here's a little story about bacteria adapting. I feel that if bacteria can adapt, we certainly can. I first heard about this through Bruce Lipton [Spontaneous Evolution], but I found it on this site tody:

Geneticist John Cairns of Harvard's School of Public Health carried out an experiment that would set off one of the largest arguments in modern biology:

"He'd selected bacteria with a genetic defect rendering them unable to digest lactose, the sugar present in milk, then introduced them into a batch of Petri dishes containing cultures whose only food-source was lactose. Without any digestible food, the bacteria faced death by slow starvation.

"According to orthodox science, the bacteria would not be able to colonize; without a food source to drive metabolic processes, they could not carry out normal reproduction.  Nevertheless, in every Petri dish, Cairns found a goodly number of thriving colonies.

"When Cairns tested for genetic changes in his colonies, he found that a single type of gene had changed – those preventing for lactose metabolism. Identical changes in just those genes had occurred within every new colony in every Petri dish.

"Through some unknown mechanism, the bacteria had activated life-saving mutations in direct response to an extreme environmental crisis, and these mutations had saved their lives.

"Somehow the extreme environmental conditions had caused changes in genes, enabling the bacteria to digest the only food available to them.

"The bacteria had evolved purposefully, not randomly, in order to restore balance and harmony with their environment."

Quote from: T.M.
Seth's co-ordination points anyone?



Hi All,

Hi Deb,

When I became aware of the portals between the earth and sun, when that info came out, I had found another article.
It said roughly that there are those same type portals between all the planets and the Sun. With the Sun acting something like the brain of the solar system - my take on the info.

Then I see your quote
"Hidden within the corporal biological structure there are latent specializations that would allow the species to continue, and that take into consideration any of the planetary changes that might occur for whatever reasons."
—NotP Chapter 1: Session 753, August 4, 1975

I'm kicking around the idea that cellular life on this planet is like a mirror, or reflection of the light wave it's exposed to. That light ray is composed of frequencies. A combination of frequencies, every planet in our system contributes a frequency. So for sake of reference the light ray would be composed of 7 major influences- which are the major planets.
I think Seth said the planets are consciousnesses in their own right. An idea also echoed in occult theology.

Just an idea I'm trying to put together, so far. Possibly and likely could be more influences-frequencies than that.

"Hidden within the corporal biological structure"  I wonder if that could be a reference to our so called Junk DNA and it's abilities?



"I had a month of radiation cancer treatments when I was in my late 40s. My skin did "burn," (technically not a burn, but that's what it felt and looked like) but did seem to adapt after a while, with no lasting effects as far as I can tell."

I'm glad that worked and without lasting effects!


Searching for something unrelated ... I find much of this discussion sickening.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.