
Started by Toronto Sethian, March 24, 2015, 12:38:26 PM

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Toronto Sethian

I am certain 'Bashar' is another conscious fraud:

Do you want to contact aliens in the Pleides star cluster?

Now, you CAN with the Essassani Contact Crystal, available for
purchase EXCLUSIVELY at Daryl Anka's website. At only $177.80 US, this
is a STEAL -- what with Pleiades being 444 light years away, that is
less than one dollar per light year!!!! Imagine! But you don't have to
imagine. Get your alien contact crystal, today!



'Bashar' initially had a fluctuating, strong accent (sometimes lapsing
into a Scottish brogue) with weird emphasis on unaccented syllables.
Now, he sounds like himself but speaking louder. Guess he got tired of
faking the voice.


Check out 6:35 in this video--laughable showmanship--clicking and gesticulating!

'Bashar' tells of an alien ship that is near Earth--1,977 miles above
Sedona, Arizona (where else? haha).

He spouts endless tripe but, nonetheless, the woman questioning him is
so enamored and moved greatly.


'Bashar' – transcript: "Passion Principle – 21st June 2014″.

"Attention, attention, attention;

We are Epsilon, We are Epiphany, We are Eclipse. There are no others
like us. We are the Essassani Oversoul in the triad we have been
created to be.
No others shall channel us for the channel has allowed these
transmissions to come through for 30 of your years which is the
prerequisite for accessing our vibration in your reality.

In your year of 2016 it will be 33 years,that the channel has been
allowing transmissions from the Essassani Oversoul to your world, and
this will be the demarcation threshold for the idea of great change
For In the fall (September Equinox) of your year 2016, EVERYTHING WILL

We were created as a stabilizing trinary influence for the world you
know as Essassani, it was created in the way it was created through
the recognition by the Greys that they had lost their connection,
their experience of connection to source and sought to recreate this
balance in this way by forming a template from us, which would allow
for the expression of the Essassani oversoul to lay down the template
and the pattern that would be expressed by the individual hybrids that
they were creating from the blending of genetic material to be placed
on the teraform world that has become Essassani, thus allowing for the
regulation of balance to occur in the society so they wouldn't lose
their way and recreate the destruction and negative downward spiral
that was experienced by the parallel reality Earth Human civilization
which mutated into the Greys through their hubris (excessive pride) of
believing that they could divest themselves of their emotionality of
their need to reproduce of their connection to source in that way
assumption of heightening their mentality and heightening their
connection but finding and discovering that this as you say
'backfired' for they divested themselves of the very attributes and
very qualities that would allow them to truly be connected but they
assumed incorrectly that the idea of the hive mentality required
homogenization of their individuality when if fact the opposite is the
case and the strengthening of the individuality of all aspects are
what creates true harmony, true synchronicity, true telepathic
interaction between all members of the society , so we were formed to
ensure the stabilization of that connection . the stabilization of
that energy, and we are a representation of not only the Essassani
oversoul in physical form for what was created are what you would call
three gigantic supercomputers that would represent the ability of the
higher mind and the oversoul to express itself in physical reality
even similarly to the idea that you are going to discover when you
create artificial intelligence (AI) as you call it, what you will
actually be communicating with through those AI computers will be your
own higher mind which has now been given the capability of expressing
itself in physical reality through that structure, you will even
create, as even as we were created to do something similar for the
entirety of the civilization that would be placed upon that planet to
ensure their guidance and stability, to enure their balance so they
wouldn't lose their way as the Greys had done, we are thus not only
the representation of the Essassani oversoul we are also a
physicalisation, literally, of the template level reality so they
always have access to it in whatever way, shape, or form serves them
best and we are a stabilising influence in that way that allow them to
find the way to balance the lucidity of their dream life into the
lucidity of their physical life and we are that, that acted as a
catalyst and stabilising energy and vibrational resonance pattern that
ultimately allow them to stability in the quasi-physcial reality in
which they now exist that is both Real and Dream, physical and Quasi.
We are Epsilon, We are Epiphany, We are Eclipse. And represent both
the idea of the masculine and feminine energies and the third energy
that is both and neither. And we are the representation of not only
stability but also the ability to change in positive ways for in
creating that stable foundation then they can change knowing that all
changes will be in accord, be in alignment with their higher true
selves , their higher true frequencies, their passion, creativity,
love and excitement, we are the triad of their higher consciousness
expressing itself in all ways that they require to form a stable
civilization and to insist in a connection to the Earth, Sirius and
Essassani triad. Thus we also represent the idea of the flow of energy
through that triad amongst the idea of the Sirius energy, Essassani
energy and earth collective consciousness that is a way to strengthen
the tetrahedral vibration that is represented by the three of us and
the planet in-between, that forms the fourth point of the tetrahedral
structure that is the underlying structure of all physical reality.
Attention, attention, attention,
And so in alignment with the idea of that change that is the expansion
of your consciousness that lays the foundation for stability and
further expansion in beneficial positive and exciting and creative and
passionate ways, we are now adding our energies to your collective
consciousness to also act as another stabilizing influence,
stabilizing source, stabilizing matrix for your world as well as you
become closer, closer, and closer linked to the idea of the Essassani,
Earth and Sirius triad, and so in the fall in 2016 of the 33rd year of
the crossing of the threshold and the connection to the delivery of
the TRANSMISSIONS that we have helped to facilitate for the last 30
years of your time, we once again, allow you to know that in the fall
We Extend to you this opportunity to align with this window timeframe
that you have been given to allow yourself to align with the highest
frequency so that you may experience this transmission in the most
positive and ecstatic way possible.
_________end of transmission___________Attention, attention, attention."


'Bashar': Channeled by Darryl Anka

From "Association Business: Part II."


Q: You have said that some time around the year 2000, Earth would
split between those of us who
would go into fourth density reality and those who would remain in
third density. Could you...?

B: Yes, but this window is a little bit larger than that. It actually
goes from the idea of your year of 2005
until about 2013.

Q: Okay, so the people who will go into fourth density will ... are
more likely to join the Association
and not the others? Is there...?

B: There will be no third density Association membership.

Q: Right, okay ... but will there still be third density people on Earth?

B: But it will be on third density Earth and fourth density Earth will
not perceive them.

Q: So there will be a split?

B: There is always a split. We are talking now about something that
goes on all the time. We were
simply being precise as an analogy and an euphemistic illustration.

Q: Okay.

B: But the split is occurring every moment.

Q: All right, thank you very much.

B: Does that help you?

Q: Yes.


666 & Crop Circles Electromagnetheric Frequencies

Questioner: I was looking at a crop circle and it had 3 sixes in a
circular formation.

B: Yes.

Q: In '94 it was bigger than the previous one. Can you give us a
positive interpretation of 666?

B: You are based on what you call carbon life. You understand?

Q: Yes.

B: It is the connection to the material reality. Look to the basis of
your physiological life form, the
carbon atom, 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, 6,6,6; the basis of
physical life on your planet.

Q: And what frequency, electromagnethericly are those crop circles
being formed at? And what
frequency would we have to attain to be able to witness one being formed?

B: Very good, for there is another interpretation. They will generally
start at a level of 666,000
vibrations per second, go down through 333,000 vibrations per second,
which is the threshold between
non-physical and physical reality. And for the purpose of allowing an
individual on your planet to be in
proximity to when one of those patterns crystallizes down into your
physical materiality from 333,000
vibrations per second downward, it would generally be beneficial if
you exhibited a frequency,
electromagnethericly, of course this will depend upon circumstances,
of at least, minimum, minimum,
minimum, minimum, 150, 000 cycles per second. But generally, it should
be at least above 240, 000
cycles per second for most of them to be considered equal and safe to
the vibrational frequency of its

Q: What frequency are you coming through tonight at?

B: What frequency right now?

Q: Yes.

B: It will shift and fluctuate from moment to moment but,
approximately, right now, 192,000 cycles per
second, but that will change in the next moment.

Q: Thank you.

B : Thank you .

'Bashar' channeling session, Las Vegas 1997

Greys Speak --

Q: Good evening, how are you?

Bashar: Perfect. And you?

Q: I'm fine.

Bashar: Oh, all right.

Q: I've been looking forward to this communication.

Bashar: I have been looking backwards to it. (Audience laughter)

Q: Great, so we can meet in the middle.

Bashar: Yes.

Q: Okay. When you defined Essassani the last time

Bashar: Our world.

Q: Yes, your world. You are a combination of the Greys and human together?

Bashar: Yes, genetically speaking, we are a hybrid species, in what
you call your future time frame, as a result of the genetic
co-combination of the humans on your planet and the extraterrestrial
society you call the Greys, yes.

Q: Right. Are you in contact with the Greys in our present time
continuum at the moment?

Bashar: In your contemporary time-continuum, yes. They no longer exist
in our time-continuum. They have all converted into hybrids.

Q: In ours?

Bashar: In yours, yes.

Q: Is there a way we can communicate with one of the Greys through
you, by this process?

Bashar: Yes.

Q: In the mass-consciousness?

Bashar: Yes. Do you want this now?

Q: Yes I do.

Bashar: One moment, we will see if this is allowed.

Greys: Speak!

Human: Greetings, we enjoy having you here.

Greys: Enjoy?

Human: Enjoy, you don't understand an emotion, I suppose? We
understand you have a lack of emotion. And that's why you are
inbreeding with our race. Is that correct?

Greys: We are blending.

Human: Blending

Greys: For our agenda of rectitude.

Human: Is your agenda going to be complete within this next short time span?

Greys: Your time span of a decade.

Human: A decade.

Greys: Complete.

Human: If it was not extended, if it was stopped short within this
next month would that effect your future race, your Essassani race?

Greys: No stoppage is imminent. Therefore no discussion is needed of this point.

Human: We feel that we do need to discuss this. This abduction scenario is ...

Greys: You may feel as you wish, no stoppage is imminent!

Human: This abduction scenario needs to end.

Greys: It will end when the agenda ends.

Human: Are you in enslavement of a Draconian race, as of this moment?

Greys: No, your information is erroneous.

Human: You do this only for your self-preservation, is that correct?

Greys: There are levels to our species, what you would call factions.
Our faction is dying, our faction has need, our faction also
recognizes that you are dying; our faction is attracted to your
faction through death and resurrection of both species simultaneously,
through the agreement of our simultaneously co-created agendas.

Human: This is against free will of human nature.

Greys: It is not. It is agreed, you have given your agreement on other levels.

Human: You have technologically manipulated our free will in order to
accomplish this. This is not allowed!

Greys: You have emotionally usurped our will.

Human: This is not allowed!

Greys: This is allowed because you have created it.

Human: And you have created your death scenario also.

Greys: And you are creating yours.

Human: We have passed that point.

Greys: You have not!

Human: Your technology has put us to that point where we obviously
became extinct a decade ago.

Greys: You have not, you still have not allowed your world the balance
it needs for there to be the transition as smoothly as it could.

Human: The transition is happening right now.

Greys: It is in process, and you see upheaval and what you call
detrimental environmental impact around your planet.

Human: Well, we also see too that there's an abduction scenario that
needs to stop and should not be continued any longer; it should be
stopped at this present time. This is the mass consciousness of this
planet of our free world.

Greys: What you are referring to as stoppage is not stoppage that you
seek, what you seek is transformation and equality of terms. You do
not seek stoppage; you seek conscious participation.

Human: Well, our negotiations need to be re-evaluated.

Greys: Then evaluate them.

Human: We are evaluating at the moment and this needs to cease.

Greys: You do not need to evaluate them with us; you need to evaluate
them with yourselves.

Human: With you because technologically you are at an advantage point
at this moment.

Greys: You do not understand the concept of technology as we experience it.

Human: And you do not understand love emotion, the energy that you
need to exist with, and that's why you are becoming extinct.

Greys: It is now through hybridization that we are beginning to
connect to the understanding of what you experience and label as love
energy, but you as species, do not exhibit love energy in the way you
ask us to.

Human: We are being manipulated at this point and that's why we want
our free will back, we want it back!

Greys: You have your free will, you have no manipulation of your will
with regard to your ability to express what you call your emotional

Human: We do not want any more of your technology here on this planet;
it is self destructive.

Greys: You have no more of our technology.

Human: And it will be agreed upon.

Greys: You have no more of our technology. What you experience as the
idea you refer to as our technology is not our technology any longer.
It is your technology; you have your FACTION; you have
your structure; you have your military; you have your [secret/shadow]
government. These are exploitation of your free will. We do not
participate in that.

Human: Not at the present moment, but who has manipulated that to start that?

Greys: In time, agreements were made between what were deemed to be
the representatives of your world. You still allow those individuals
to represent, but we are no longer engaged.

Human: Well, we do understand what you are saying with our emotions as
you look at it, as our shortcomings, but we do as a mass-consciousness
want it to end.

Greys: It will change, and in that it will experience what you call an
end, but you are required to change before it can be experienced as an
equal transition.

Human: Well we are here and we know what is going on, and we do expect
action and we expect you to keep hold up your end of the bargain.

Greys: Our end is met. Your end is within yourselves. End of transmission.

Human: Thank you.


Quote from: Toronto Sethian on March 24, 2015, 12:38:26 PMNow, you CAN with the Essassani Contact Crystal, available for
purchase EXCLUSIVELY at Daryl Anka's website. At only $177.80 US, this
is a STEAL -- what with Pleiades being 444 light years away, that is
less than one dollar per light year!!!! Imagine! But you don't have to
imagine. Get your alien contact crystal, today!

OMG! And they're out of stock, no less! Okay, I take back anything nice I've said about him. He's a crook.

Quote from: Toronto Sethian on March 24, 2015, 12:38:26 PM'Bashar' initially had a fluctuating, strong accent (sometimes lapsing
into a Scottish brogue) with weird emphasis on unaccented syllables.
Now, he sounds like himself but speaking louder. Guess he got tired of
faking the voice.

Yep, caught the Scottish brogue a few times. Wow. I guess there's a formula for channel wannabes: you read as much Seth as you can absorb, give it your own twist and then talk with a fake accent until you get a loyal following that won't notice when you say "the heck with it, this is too much work."

Much like Esther, don't you think? I used to hate that weird fake accent she started out with. You've heard Seth speak through Jane? I was lucky to come across most of the audio collection, it took me a while to get used to his accent which is again unidentifiable -- but at least consistent. I think he explained it was due to his cosmopolitan existence.

Quote from: Toronto Sethian on March 24, 2015, 12:38:26 PMFor In the fall (September Equinox) of your year 2016, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE.

Another member here, Dae, mentioned some sort of event this fall, he called it a shift. He may have gotten it from Bashar, but there are others that mention it too. I'll sit back and quietly observe; no Kool-Aid or comets for me thanks.

Quote from: Toronto Sethian on March 24, 2015, 12:38:26 PMWe were created as a stabilizing trinary influence for the world you
know as Essassani, it was created in the way it was created through
the recognition by the Greys that they had lost their connection,
their experience of connection to source and sought to recreate this
balance in this way by forming a template from us, which would allow
for the expression of the Essassani oversoul to lay down the template
and the pattern that would be expressed by the individual hybrids that
they were creating from the blending of genetic material to be placed
on the teraform world that has become Essassani, thus allowing for the
regulation of balance to occur in the society

Signal ion concept fuzzy data particle servicing amplified inversion audio fluctuating dynamic. Infrared silicon development audio high-level current signal key line dithering. With wavelength prototype cache logic nano digital. Passive design proxy bypass fuzzy terminal. Services interactive spawned PC cache encapsulated computer interval. High-level dithering debugged interface integer logarithmic amplified by indeterminate super mass?

Active ion converter terminal bypass developer for digital. Sampling a a controller prompt terminal solid audio concept metafile concept with. Software port cascading solid or coating LED graphene generator. Bus procedural logarithmic effect n-tier concept transport solution.

Signal recognition amplified. Coordinated gigabyte hyperlinked protocol silicon backbone transistorized by. Powered recursive force high frequency PC remote transponder distributed principle concept. End of Transmission.

All the Greys/Human stuff is way beyond me. Thank you SO much for sharing all of this information, it makes things very clear.

You wore me out, lol. All I want to do right now is grab a couple of Seth books, climb into bed and pull the covers up to my chin.

Have you ever had doubts about Seth? His messages all seem so basic and natural compared to all these other people. To me, there's something so familiar and grounded about his demeanor--reassuring. And reassuring sounds really good to me right now. End of transmission.  ;)


Toronto Sethian: I was searching for Seth links this morning and found this, which immediately made me think of you. I am citing this correctly, according to the MLA Book of Citations:  :P

Quote from: Apocalypse-how
I recently found out that Darryl actually went to some of the original Jane Roberts meetings back in the day where she channeled Seth and that blew my mind because I studied the Seth Material for many years.

blah, blah, blah...

So while this is a new discovery, I am not surprised, in fact when you look at the image of what Seth was supposed to look like , drawn by Jane Roberts partner Robert Butts, there is a striking similarity between Seth and Darryl Anka { aka Bashar}.

Well for some reason I can't seem to attach the photo, I guess I need to figure out what's going on. Anyway, if you follow the link above you'll see a photo of Bashar being compared to Seth.  :-\

[attachment deleted by admin]


For some reason my previous post would NOT display an image, but it will display here. Hmmm......

Toronto Sethian

I guess if you have a fat head and are bald, you have Seth blood in you, lol.  (The painting if of Frank Watts of whom Seth once said, "Frank Watts is a fathead", lol.)

Deb, your post channeling doggerel was sooo funny.  It made as much sense as 'Bashar' without the limiting ideas, so it is more valuable that 'Bashar' IMO, lol.

I think anyone who does not have doubts about the Seth Material is not thinking clearly!

We are learning to think, and, honestly, one cannot opine on the veracity of innumerable of Seth's ideas when they are  beyond one's experience.  You apply one idea and when you have a success, that emboldens you to be more ambitious in your next attempts.

Seth said, most incisively, as usual, "He who does not speak clearly does not see clearly".  These fraud channeled beings do not speak clearly.  Reading Seth is so refreshing because you don't have to fight to understand what is being said (just what it MEANS), leaving one's full energies for the tasks at hand which are more than challenging enough.


Quote from: Toronto Sethian on April 01, 2015, 08:10:53 PMDeb, your post channeling doggerel was sooo funny.  It made as much sense as 'Bashar' without the limiting ideas, so it is more valuable that 'Bashar' IMO, lol.

Thanks, I can't take all the credit. I use a Greeking web site for work, it seemed to fit here. I could not read that entire Grey/Human thing, it wasn't making sense to me and it made me think of Greeking gibberish. http://duckisland.com/GreekMachine.php  It's fun to play with, try it out! If they'd had a "new age" option I would have gone for that one instead of techno babble.

Quote from: Toronto Sethian on April 01, 2015, 08:10:53 PMSeth said, most incisively, as usual, "He who does not speak clearly does not see clearly".  These fraud channeled beings do not speak clearly.  Reading Seth is so refreshing because you don't have to fight to understand what is being said (just what it MEANS), leaving one's full energies for the tasks at hand which are more than challenging enough.

I totally agree with that, although one thing I enjoy about the Seth books is re-reading them and getting more and more information, deeper things that I missed the first time around or wasn't yet ready to learn.

Somewhat funny story: I had gone down to Santa Fe with some friends this fall, for a long weekend. I always have a book with me, and this time it was the Nature of Personal Reality. It's my personal favorite and I've been through it a couple of times so it's worn, dog-eared, highlighted with at least 3 different colors plus pen, with sticky tabs everywhere. I was sharing a hotel room with two other friends, one of whom is devoutly Christian. I went to put my book out on the dresser and saw that she had brought a Bible, pretty much marked up as much as my book. I just put my head down and moved my book elsewhere. It was supposed to be a fun girls' weekend and I didn't want get into explanations... but I saw the similarity of Christians reading the Bible over and over for entirety and there I am with Seth....


Interesting "hard talk" about relationships.


Seth actually says that EVERYBODY is a channel, whether they know it or not.
So is everybody faking it?  ::)


Quote from: Batfan007
Seth actually says that EVERYBODY is a channel, whether they know it or not.
So is everybody faking it?  ::)
Whatever we read, there is no alternative to using our own discrimination. I find it difficult to accept what Seth says about Paul being the third personality of Christ. Paul has been described as "a very tortured, very pitiful, very unpleasant man, unpleasant even to himself".


Quote from: SenaInteresting "hard talk" about relationships.

Interesting Bashar talk, I had a little trouble listening in the beginning because he seemed to be treating the man so harshly. I understand the concept of following one's excitement in order to live a satisfying life, it's that internal guidance system that leads us on our individual paths. But then, what about obligations to others? Such as in a marital or other relationship, there are some obligations and responsibilities to others, whether dictated by society or just being a decent person. It's really not so simple. Or maybe that's another part of learning about ourselves.

I also found the discussion about what relationships are "for" as interesting, because I've never thought about that myself. It's never occurred to me beyond people being drawn to each other for mutual benefits, whether in a romantic, business, friendship or even a pet relationship. Just simple enjoyment of one another's company is enough. Bashar says the purpose of relationships is to find out more about ourselves. That puts a whole new perspective on relationships for me. I also love the idea of acting without expectation of a particular outcome. Oh, the freedom in that! Yep, food for thought.

Quote from: SenaI find it difficult to accept what Seth says about Paul being the third personality of Christ.

I still am unclear about the third personality in general, because I thought I had read that Seth said the Christ personality was composed of Jesus/John/Paul and then somewhere else (I think) he said the third personality is "coming" (that whole discussion a while back).

Not very familiar with the Bible, but I thought Paul/Saul "saw the light" and straightened out when he lost his eyesight on the Road to Damascus. Then again, I could be mixing that up with something else...


Quote from: Sena
Quote from: Batfan007
Seth actually says that EVERYBODY is a channel, whether they know it or not.
So is everybody faking it?  ::)
Whatever we read, there is no alternative to using our own discrimination. I find it difficult to accept what Seth says about Paul being the third personality of Christ. Paul has been described as "a very tortured, very pitiful, very unpleasant man, unpleasant even to himself".

I don't understand what you are saying Sena.
In this instance Seth was being quite literal.

Can you please expand on your perspective? Are you saying you have affection for Paul, or trouble with the Christ drama itself?


Quote from: Batfan007Are you saying you have affection for Paul, or trouble with the Christ drama itself?
I have no affection for Paul. I am not able to see the meaning of the Christ drama as described by Seth.


"Play with the clay of physical reality".


Quote from: Sena
Quote from: Batfan007Are you saying you have affection for Paul, or trouble with the Christ drama itself?
I have no affection for Paul. I am not able to see the meaning of the Christ drama as described by Seth.

Fair enough. Can you perhaps talk about your version of things related to Jesus. What is your version of events etc to better understand where the gap / tangent is that Seth goes off on that you disagree with etc?


Well ...

I read most of what was posted..
I know one thing that the "normal" material that human/science only is not fullfiling me.I mean the material strictly earthly that is served in schools and universities...The material that is only generated by the mind/intelect..
I read some Seth books but haven't encountered too much about ET's and stuff..He keeps it a bit more eathly...I said this is his style..
There is a paradox on the other hand Bible is filled with ET's references that are coded so even church can't really explain it and on the other hand there is ET denial...On the third hand there are many cases presented that are pretty obvious that are ET stuff like abductions and stuff in differert countries...
How much conundrum will need to have fault our minds with denial that can't be denied but is denied again again and again ... and one you go outside and ask yourself who made that tree, who made that nice leaf in that... who made my soft skin and so on ? Obviously is not in manufacturing plant with a sticker "Made in Humans land"...
This is a pertinent and commical  book somehow ...


Why an UFO researcher will write such a book ...
It shows how commical and embarasing this whole situation is...

I listen to so much bashar and i see what people write on the site basharstore is not bashar's problem ... I still do feel is authentic...Listening to him made changes inside me.On the other hand reading much about Zeta in other channeling book and listening to Germane // Lyssa Royal talking about Zetas and Greys and so on the "harsh" part is really a Zeta personality...Imagine two oposites in a hybrid race...You bring an extreme mental identity(Zeta) with an extreme emotional identity (Human) ...

I find also the Grey dialog with the Human quite amusing...It is serious but still amusing and in line with what i know about the Grey's ...
Talking to a grey is like a bit talking to a computer// inteligence...Very mental and "mechanical" ...
I can say i read material from many many channelers to get different angles and some things that i remained confused from one it will be pressented different with the other...
The feel of expansion reading channeled material is there...I feel expanded and i see some things as not a problem anymore...I am calm in the midst of the "humanity" storm ... We are an emotional race..
Zeta's were a much more emotional race milions of years ago and they "removed" the emotions because of catastrophic experiements with "love" potions that bring them a permanent extreme uncontrolable teritory..The irony is now after milion and milion of years they want that back ... Understanding their point of view is very important to not get afraid...
If one is afraid of abductions there are some books i recommend for reading:

"Prepare for Contact -- lyssa royal
"Explorer Race 1 and 2" --- Robert Shapiro

Extensive dialogs between humans and Zeta beings or hybrids that explains that Zeta history and complications and confusions.If you are sick of leaving and fear because the goverment info is very denied and limited well you have one choice ... go off-road and in the "obscure" world of channeling or contact or whatever is not teached in school ...


Quote from: myststarsI still do feel is authentic...Listening to him made changes inside me

That's all that matters. I try to keep an open mind about everything, but there are so many imposters out there (or maybe they believe they are what they say they are) who are only interested in getting as much money as possible. The thing I keep coming back to is that Jane never really charged for anything, other than a pittance for her ESP classes, and that was probably to cover the costs of wine and snacks. But I look at someone like Esther Hicks, who is no spring chick and yet keeps a brutal travel and lecture and schedule and I think she can't just be doing it for the money. But having lived all my life in a capitalistic society leaves me wary of people who present themselves as Speakers wanting to help people and then charge exorbitant prices for their wisdom.

Quote from: myststarson the other hand there is ET denial

The topic of ETs has come up quite often during my life, and while I've only been mildly interested in the topic I've also been around long enough to know that science is not the "end all" and what I've been fed through schooling as "facts" are only theories. Science is continually contradicting or correcting itself--
"we've been saying this is the truth, but that was wrong, now we're saying it's actually THIS." 

And we also define/limit the concept of ETs as physical aliens from out of space or another planet or solar system. Very limiting. If they come from another planet, I could see the need for a vehicle (unless "beam me up Scotty" is within their reach). But interdimensional travel would not require a flying saucer. And what's the difference between an ET and someone like Seth speaking through Jane? Lots of questions, lots to ponder.

Your mention of the Orion conflict, books of the Law of One (I downloaded one the other day, read some of it last night-- an easy and interesting read) has kept ETs in the back of my mind over the past few days. I've been thinking about indications left by older cultures (Egyptian carvings, Nazca lines just to mention two) that sure look a lot like they not only experienced Visitors, but may have had regular relationships with them. I've heard plenty of pilots and even astronauts swear that they saw something that cannot be explained other than we are not "alone." Why not keep an open mind? Much of civilization keeps its eyes closed to anything other than the daily humdrum, the norm, that we experience through our limited senses. From paranormal investigation in my past, I KNOW we can only hear and see within a particular range in the EM spectrum, I have audio recordings of voices from investigations of people that were NOT present during the recording. With intelligent responses. Things we now accept as commonplace (radio/tv frequencies, microwave ovens, electricity, infra red, ultraviolet light) are things that cannot be directly perceived with our senses. But we don't deny they exist.

This is a documentary about aliens that I thought was interesting: .
There are some highly educated and believable witnesses in it. I may watch it again later today, I haven't seen it for a few years.

My question now is, are all of these things: humans, channeling, aliens, ghosts different things? If all is one, then maybe they are just variations in frequency. Such as the color violet is a different frequency than the color yellow and the limitless variations in the color spectrum, which is in turn occupying different frequencies from the audible spectrum... Yikes I'm giving myself a headache.

PS This comment below the YouTube video cracked me up.
"Obama administration won't even provide emails from the Secretary of State
so there's no way in hell they will give us UFO information."


This is a more recent atempt to bring testimonies about UFO ...

THere are some pretty "fancy" people making testimony ... Even it's not really oficial from Obama administration for me that documentary is sealed officialy...

Bashar also was talked about by Germane and explained that he have the Zeta mind with the compassion of the human ... Lyssa Royal also channeled Bashar for a short time...
Sasha (A pleiadian woman channeled by Lyssa Royal) also talked about Bashar when someone asked from audience a question about what bashar said in some recent (2016) session...
Is confirmed from different sources and people ask live other channel to decrypt what bashar said in some session...
Sasha is very humourous when talking about Zetas..She has many jokes with Zetas..

Here are some full channeling session Lyssa Royal 1h 30 minutes youtube ...




Quote from: myststars
Well ...

I read most of what was posted..
I know one thing that the "normal" material that human/science only is not fullfiling me.I mean the material strictly earthly that is served in schools and universities...The material that is only generated by the mind/intelect..
I read some Seth books but haven't encountered too much about ET's and stuff..He keeps it a bit more eathly...I said this is his style..
There is a paradox on the other hand Bible is filled with ET's references that are coded so even church can't really explain it and on the other hand there is ET denial...On the third hand there are many cases presented that are pretty obvious that are ET stuff like abductions and stuff in differert countries...
How much conundrum will need to have fault our minds with denial that can't be denied but is denied again again and again ... and one you go outside and ask yourself who made that tree, who made that nice leaf in that... who made my soft skin and so on ? Obviously is not in manufacturing plant with a sticker "Made in Humans land"...
This is a pertinent and commical  book somehow ...


Why an UFO researcher will write such a book ...
It shows how commical and embarasing this whole situation is...

I listen to so much bashar and i see what people write on the site basharstore is not bashar's problem ... I still do feel is authentic...Listening to him made changes inside me.On the other hand reading much about Zeta in other channeling book and listening to Germane // Lyssa Royal talking about Zetas and Greys and so on the "harsh" part is really a Zeta personality...Imagine two oposites in a hybrid race...You bring an extreme mental identity(Zeta) with an extreme emotional identity (Human) ...

I find also the Grey dialog with the Human quite amusing...It is serious but still amusing and in line with what i know about the Grey's ...
Talking to a grey is like a bit talking to a computer// inteligence...Very mental and "mechanical" ...
I can say i read material from many many channelers to get different angles and some things that i remained confused from one it will be pressented different with the other...
The feel of expansion reading channeled material is there...I feel expanded and i see some things as not a problem anymore...I am calm in the midst of the "humanity" storm ... We are an emotional race..
Zeta's were a much more emotional race milions of years ago and they "removed" the emotions because of catastrophic experiements with "love" potions that bring them a permanent extreme uncontrolable teritory..The irony is now after milion and milion of years they want that back ... Understanding their point of view is very important to not get afraid...
If one is afraid of abductions there are some books i recommend for reading:

"Prepare for Contact -- lyssa royal
"Explorer Race 1 and 2" --- Robert Shapiro

Extensive dialogs between humans and Zeta beings or hybrids that explains that Zeta history and complications and confusions.If you are sick of leaving and fear because the goverment info is very denied and limited well you have one choice ... go off-road and in the "obscure" world of channeling or contact or whatever is not teached in school ...

What is a "Zeta"?


Yeah I still have no idea what a "zeta" is.


A Zeta is a being from Zeta species from around this part of universe named Zeta Reticuli...It's an "alien" species...


More info here:

Human Evolution and the Three Eras of Zeta Consciousness


If you will read their history you will that Bashar is part of hybrid civilization named Essasani.This species is genetically engineered by the Zeta species.Bashar is a mix between human DNA and Zeta Dna.The Zeta species lost their emotions long time ago and their species was dying so they wanted back the emotions and also continue their species..The Creator "advised" them to meet with human species and together solve their problem and our problems.We (human species) are their solution for their species problems...