Quote from: inavalan on November 30, 2023, 01:57:22 AMIn Inavalan's post he included a long Seth quote (I think the point of the post was regurading "how we create reality"), an abbreviated version follows:
" .........
I would state furthermore that indeed Ruburt did have occasion to be angry at the chiropractor, since with an emotional fear unthinking suggestions such as his, made with only the flimsiest of evidence, can be most harmful and destructive. And in an unwary, emotionally upset personality, particularly if under stress, such a suggestion could cause a harmless and protective nodule to be changed by the strong powers of adverse expectation, or rather expectation poorly used, into the form of what is feared; . . . . so could suggestion turn a relatively harmless formation like Ruburt's into an arthritic condition.
Now obviously the unthinking suggestion alone is not responsible, or would not be responsible, for such circumstances. They would have to fall upon fertile ground; and given great enough emotional and subconscious fear an individual would need no outside suggestion.
...... I removed some important information in relation to the Seth quote's overall implications, but, I'm selecting specifically for the issue of (Not) watching the news, [Mik] .......
Despite Ruburt's understanding, his intellectual understanding of his fear of arthritis, he was thrown into an understandable and regrettable emotional state, with which he grappled with at least some success. But you see here what under other circumstances could have been the final straw, so to speak, the word of authority that would say "Your fears are justified." In such an instance and under certain conditions such an individual would have his deepest dreads, therefore, fastened upon him.
He would be convinced so of the diagnosis, that a disease that he might have escaped would be brought to physical manifestation. I am going into this clearly because the consequences that Ruburt escaped have often not been shaken off by others."
--- TES3, Session 98
Quote from: inavalan on January 18, 2024, 09:14:30 PMQuote from: Mik on January 18, 2024, 08:11:46 PMI forgot to mention: by seeing yourself as currently slimmer, you assist what 'you' believe to be the truth, and thereby assist yourself to lose weight.
We each create our OWN reality with what we believe and what we think. I believe in Seth terms that is "The Most Basic Truth".
(Joy and) Happiness,
You seem to not understand what I mean, and probably I don't understand what you mean, so I'll stop here.
QuoteWhere does Seth say how to CHANGE what you believe?
What techniques do you recommend to actually change what you believe?
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