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Comic Relief & Entertainment / Re: Self-realization ...
Last post by Mik - January 26, 2024, 08:16:28 PM
I love this montage. It clearly has at least 2 funny interpretations and one sad one.

However, I am missing the "self realization" aspect ??

Explanation, please. ? Anyone.   :P

(Joy and) Happiness,
Seth-Related Discussions / Time
Last post by inavalan - January 26, 2024, 06:53:50 PM
TES8 #393

"("How is it possible for you to know this information?")

(Smile.) We have had our sessions for how long now...and you ask me this?

("I just wanted you to explain it to the people present.")

Very well. Your idea of time is false. Time as you experience it is an illusion caused by your own physical senses. Your physical senses force you to perceive action in certain terms, but this is not the nature of action.

You must perceive what you do of reality through your physical senses, but your physical senses distort reality. They present reality to you in their own way. The physical senses can only perceive reality a little bit at a time, and so it seems to you that one moment exists, and is gone forever, and the next moment comes, and like the one before it disappears. But everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneously, and the first words ever spoken still ring throughout the universe; and in your terms the last words ever spoken have been said time and time again, for there is no ending and no beginning. It is only your perception that is limited.

Reality is not limited. There is no past, present and future. These only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. Since I am no longer within it, I can perceive what you do not see. But there is a part of you that is not imprisoned within three-dimensional reality, and that part of you knows that there is no time, that there is only an eternal now; and that part of you that knows is the whole self, the inner personality that knows all of your lives.

When I tell you that you lived for example in 1936, I say this because it makes sense to you now; but you live all of your reincarnations at once. Only you are not aware, and you cannot understand within the framework of three-dimensional reality.

Pretend that you have seven dreams at once, and you the dreamer know that you are dreaming. Within each dream 100 earthly years may pass—but to you the dreamer no time has passed, and there is no time to pass, for you are free of the dimension in which time exists. The time you seem to spend within the dream, within each life, is only an illusion, and to the inner self no moment has passed, and to the inner self there is no time."
Seth-Related Discussions / Karma
Last post by inavalan - January 26, 2024, 06:52:08 PM
TES8 Session 388 December 20, 1967

"The basic idea of karma is not punishment. Karma presents the opportunity for development; to make use of opportunities that were not taken advantage of, to fill in gaps ignorance, to enlarge understanding through experience, to do what should be done.

Free choice is always involved. The purpose is always knowledge and development, rather than punishment, self-punishment."

"While such situations as Peg's illness are chosen by the entity, the individual is always left to work out its own solution. Complete recovery, illness or early death, for example, are not preordained on the part of the entity. The general situation is set up in response to deep inner involvements.

The problem is a challenge set up by the entity for one of its personalities, but the outcome is left up to the individual."

"The illness itself was secondary. One does not choose illness, per se, for a life situation. In order for the personality to see its own past activities clearly, it felt that it had to adopt a position of dependency this time.

It should be mentioned in such cases the inner self, as divorced from the more accessible subconscious, is aware of the situation, and finds release in very valid terms, through frequent inner communications, whereby past successes are remembered, and to some extent re-experienced. The dream state becomes an extremely vivid time for these activities, and they are not imaginary.

These experiences, deeply subjective, reassure the whole personality of its complete nature. It knows it is more than the self that it has for a time chosen to be."

"John remembers subconsciously the old situation. This is partially the cause of some of the negative feelings, but there is no guilt in any of this. No one save the individual entity knows in what directions weaknesses lie that need correction, and it sets about forming life dramas in which these can be faced."

"The entity preferred this rather than a series of smaller difficulties. In this John acquiesced, to learn patience and forbearing, to take what he considered his medicine in one dose, so to speak."

"If the overall entity feels that the problem has been sufficiently solved, then it will end this life situation. But there is also a connection here with John, and the wife's personality will not leave until John has also sufficiently achieved all benefits from the relationship that his entity hoped for."

"he personality could choose, and attempt, a partial recover. There is no predestination. Until the personality itself has definitely decided whether or not to end a life situation, no one else can know."
Glossary of Seth Terms / Re: All That Is (ATI)
Last post by Mik - January 26, 2024, 03:49:16 PM
@Deb and everyone else...

Does Seth ever state:

We are all part of "All That Is" AND at the same time we ARE "All That Is"?

(Joy and) Happiness,

Seth-Related Discussions / Beliefs
Last post by inavalan - January 26, 2024, 02:14:14 PM
NoPR– Session 644, February 28, 1973 9:05 P.M. Wednesday

"[... 1 paragraph ...]

(During the last few days, Jane has felt that she's been picking up "advance" material from Seth on his book. She's made some notes about it. One of the phrases that we think evocative is "bridge beliefs."

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

I have often stated that the mind-body relationship is one system. The thoughts are as necessary to the whole system as the body's cells are. Ruburt correctly interpreted an analogy I gave him in which I compared thoughts to individual cells, and belief systems to the physical organs, which are composed of cells. The organs obviously are stationary in the body, though the cells within them die and are reborn.

Belief systems are as necessary and natural as physical organs are. In fact, their purpose is to help you direct the functioning of your biological being. You give no conscious thought to the coming and going of cells within your organs. Left alone, your thoughts will come and go through your belief systems just as naturally; and ideally, they will balance out, maintaining their own health and directing your body so that its innate therapies take place.

Your systems of belief will of course attract certain kinds of thoughts, with their trails of emotional experience. A steady barrage of hateful, revengeful thoughts should actually lead you to look for the beliefs from which they are gaining their strength.

You cannot do this by ignoring the validity of the thoughts as your experience, however (very intensely), by trying to shove them under the rug of a superficial optimism. Such habitual, unhappy thoughts will bring about the same kind of physical experience, but it is your own system of beliefs that you must examine.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Fear, faced and felt with its bodily sensations and the thoughts that go along with it, will automatically bring about its own state of resolution. The conscious system of beliefs behind the impediment will be illuminated, and you will realize that you feel a certain way because you believe an idea that causes and justifies such a reaction.

(9:34.) If you habitually deny the expression of any emotions, to that degree you become alienated not only from your body but from your conscious ideas. You will bury certain thoughts and put up biological armor to prevent you from physically feeling their effects upon your body. In each case the answer lies in your personal system of beliefs, in those strong concepts you hold on an intimate level that brought about the inhibitions to begin with.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now: It is true that habitual thoughts of love, optimism and self-acceptance are better for you than their opposites; but again, your beliefs about yourself will automatically attract thoughts that are consistent with your ideas. There is as much natural aggressiveness in love as there is in hate. Hate is a distortion of such a normal force, the result of your beliefs.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There are two ways to get at your own conscious beliefs. The most direct is to have a series of talks with yourself. Write down your beliefs in a variety of areas, and you will find that you believe different things at different times. Often there will be contradictions readily apparent. These represent opposing beliefs that regulate your emotions, your bodily condition and your physical experience. Examine the conflicts. Invisible beliefs will appear that unite those seemingly diverse attitudes. Invisible beliefs are simply those of which you are fully aware but prefer to ignore, because they represent areas of strife which you have not been willing to handle thus far. They are quite available once you are determined to examine the complete contents of your conscious mind.

If this strikes you as too intellectual a method, then you can also work backward from your emotions to your beliefs. In any case, regardless of which method you choose, one will lead you to the other. Both approaches require honesty with yourself, and a firm encounter with the mental, psychic and emotional aspects of your current reality.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

By recognizing these differences and honestly following the feelings through — in other words, by riding the emotions — you will be led to the beliefs behind them. A series of self-revelations will inevitably result, each leading you to further creative psychological activity. At each stage you will be closer to the reality of your experience than you have ever been.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(10:27.) No matter how open it may seem that you are, you will nevertheless accept certain emotions that you think of as safe, and ignore others, or stop them at particular points, because you are afraid of following them further. (Pause.) This behavior will follow your beliefs, of course. (Long pause.) If you are over forty, for instance, you may tell yourself that age is meaningless, that you enjoy much younger people, that you think young thoughts. You will accept only those emotions that appear to be in keeping with your ideas of youth. You become concerned with the problems of the young. You accept what you think of as optimistic health-giving thoughts. You consider yourself quite emotional, perhaps.

Underneath however you are very much aware, as indeed you should be, of your reality in creaturehood. Yet you firmly ignore any changes in your appearance from the time you were, say, thirty — and in so doing lose sight of your validity as a creature in space and time.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

If you desperately try to remain young, it is usually to hide your own beliefs about age, and to negate all of those emotions connected with it. (Pause.) Whenever you refuse to accept the reality of your creaturehood, you also reject aspects of your spirit. The body exists in the world of space and time. The experiences you may encounter in your sixties are as necessary as those in your twenties. Your changing image is supposed to tell you something. When you pretend alterations do not occur you block both biological and spiritual messages.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Each individual must examine his or her individual beliefs, or begin with feelings which will inevitably lead to them. In this area, as in all others, those of you who are proficient verbally might use the method of writing. Either write down your beliefs as they come to you, or make lists of your intellectual and emotional assumptions. You may find that they are quite different.

If you have a physical symptom, do not run away from it. Feel its reality in your body. Let the emotions follow freely. These will lead you, if you allow them to flow, to the beliefs that cause the difficulty. They will take you through many aspects of your own reality that you must face and explore. These methods release your withheld natural aggressiveness. You may feel that you are swamped by emotion, but trust it — again, it is the motion of your being, and it arouses your own creativity. Followed, it will seek the answers to your problems.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You must realize that your conscious mind is competent, its ideas pertinent, and that your own beliefs affect and form your body and your experience.

[... 49 paragraphs ...]"
Paranormal / Re: Personal Paranormal Experi...
Last post by Mik - January 26, 2024, 01:53:03 AM
My first paranormal story I'm pretty sure is about a poltergeist.

I lived in an apartment building with two apartments downstairs and two upstairs. Upstairs my next door neighbor's balcony was about 1 ft away from mine. So we could cross into each other's apartment if we left our balcony door open.

We looked after each other's apartments when the other was gone. So we typically left our balcony doors open.

It was a weekend and both my upstairs neighbors were gone. One of the downstairs neighbors was still there.

I heard all sorts of noise and banging in my next door neighbor's apartment. I went over to check. I looked everywhere and saw nothing out of order, nor found anyone.

I returned to my apartment. Soon, the noise and banging resumes. I go over there as quick as I can. In thier kitchen now every cabinet door and every drawer was wide open. Again I look around to see if anyone is there. No one.

I closed all the drawers and cabinets so they would not find it that way. Nothing happened after that, that I'm aware of.

Now my understanding is that Poltergeist are the result of a disturbed or bothered adolescent, typically female. And the girl downstairs was obviously female (and definitely disturbed).

However, I was 19 and fairly new to my psychic abilities and I had been moving things unintentionally in my own apartment. I fear I might have been the "disturbed adolescent". I rather hope it was the girl downstairs, if it was either one of us.

Whatever the cause, it was not obviously a person physically doing it in person. If someone pulled it as a trick, they were very very good.

(Joy and) Happiness,
Miscellaneous / Re: How important is the real
Last post by Mik - January 26, 2024, 01:06:47 AM
This is back to my original concern and suggestion of "Do not watch the news".

Quote from: inavalan on November 30, 2023, 01:57:22 AMIn Inavalan's post he included a long Seth quote (I think the point of the post was regurading "how we create reality"), an abbreviated version follows:

" .........

I would state furthermore that indeed Ruburt did have occasion to be angry at the chiropractor, since with an emotional fear unthinking suggestions such as his, made with only the flimsiest of evidence, can be most harmful and destructive. And in an unwary, emotionally upset personality, particularly if under stress, such a suggestion could cause a harmless and protective nodule to be changed by the strong powers of adverse expectation, or rather expectation poorly used, into the form of what is feared;  . . . .  so could suggestion turn a relatively harmless formation like Ruburt's into an arthritic condition.

Now obviously the unthinking suggestion alone is not responsible, or would not be responsible, for such circumstances. They would have to fall upon fertile ground; and given great enough emotional and subconscious fear an individual would need no outside suggestion.

...... I removed some important information in relation to the Seth quote's overall implications, but, I'm selecting specifically for the issue of (Not) watching the news, [Mik] .......

Despite Ruburt's understanding, his intellectual understanding of his fear of arthritis, he was thrown into an understandable and regrettable emotional state, with which he grappled with at least some success. But you see here what under other circumstances could have been the final straw, so to speak, the word of authority that would say "Your fears are justified." In such an instance and under certain conditions such an individual would have his deepest dreads, therefore, fastened upon him.

He would be convinced so of the diagnosis, that a disease that he might have escaped would be brought to physical manifestation. I am going into this clearly because the consequences that Ruburt escaped have often not been shaken off by others."

--- TES3, Session 98

[If you found the quote interesting you might want to go back and review the full original.]

For many people the news has an authoritarian quality to it, yet, is extremely biased towards sensationalism, profits, political bias, Etc. Nothing good, the majority of the time.

My personal point is, if the news worries you, then you're applying energy, focus and expectations that it is real, and, that it affects you personally. Which 99% of the time it doesn't affect you personally. Except to make you fear. Or if you internalize your worries and fears, it might make you ill in various ways.

By investing energy, fear, and focus into the situation you may make the world situation worse, as well. So if you are unable to control your worry, and, are unable to provide positive energy into the situation, you almost have an obligation NOT to watch the news.

You will be happier and the world will be better off.

However, if you can find something you can actually do about it, and then do it, and it's important to you - Then that's another way to change reality. (Action is a form of applied belief, also, positive action often reduces worry.)

For me, I attempt to avoid the news, but, I often focus on giving positive energy, giving love, to everyone, to the Earth, the Universe, and the Universe of Universes. (My personal challenge is in not doing it all the time and often enough.)

I can see this clearly helps the people around me and sometimes those I meet. I assume it helps the Earth and the Universe and Universe of Universes. It definitely helps me.

But for anyone that worries about the news then DO NOT WATCH IT! You will be happier and probably healthier.

Possibly, try to volunteer out in the world and help somebody: that too can make you happier.

We must each find our own path to what works for us.

Anything that increases our worry is probably not the right path, UNLESS that is part of your learning you have chosen to do in this life. Then it may be unavoidable. (Anything Is Possible, so maybe not.)

[ I am aware I skirted the issue of each person having an individual reality and their external reality may have little to do with another's. But the point is still valid even so.]

(Joy and) Happiness,

Miscellaneous / Re: How important is the real
Last post by Mik - January 25, 2024, 11:17:20 PM
Quote from: inavalan on January 18, 2024, 09:14:30 PM
Quote from: Mik on January 18, 2024, 08:11:46 PMI forgot to mention: by seeing yourself as currently slimmer, you assist what 'you' believe to be the truth, and thereby assist yourself to lose weight.

We each create our OWN reality with what we believe and what we think. I believe in Seth terms that is "The Most Basic Truth".

(Joy and) Happiness,

You seem to not understand what I mean, and probably I don't understand what you mean, so I'll stop here.

Now that we've discussed ways of changing personal beliefs, do you disagree with what I said - that you quoted of me (above)?

(Joy and) Happiness, 
Favorite Quotes / Re: Elio d'Anna's "The School ...
Last post by Mik - January 25, 2024, 09:57:45 PM
You miss interpreted me, AGAIN. I didn't ask for help this time, I was challenging you this time.

So please answer the questions that I asked.

What do you personally offer as a way to change your beliefs? And I mean separate to quoting Seth. I mean your answer.

How is Seth answer better than mine? 
How does it differ? Does mine have anything to offer that Seth doesn't? Does Seth have anything mine doesn't (he may)?

Was Seth thorough in his explanation of how to change your beliefs? (And I do believe he recommended affirmations.)

Now that you've read my complete answer, do you still believe I am  'Lying to myself" as you put it.

I have discussed many questions and offered many ideas and you seem to only select small pieces and make fun of me. May I ask why? And yes that's the fifth question I would like you to answer. (5)

This time I offer: please actually answer all the questions this time, thoroughly, in your OWN words. Thank you.

However, let's bring the tone down; and as always,
  (Joy and) Happiness,
Favorite Quotes / Re: Elio d'Anna's "The School ...
Last post by inavalan - January 25, 2024, 09:31:27 PM
Your reply makes no sense to me.

You asked me:
QuoteWhere does Seth say how to CHANGE what you believe?
What techniques do you recommend to actually change what you believe?

And I pointed you to the search that gives you the answer. Then, instead of simply say "thank you", you went off on a tangent ...

This is the second time you directly asked me for help finding an answer, then started to argue with yourself.

These kind of exchanges are unpleasant, unhelpful, so I'll just ignore you for now.