Trump election .... a "naked" US

Started by myststars, November 11, 2016, 01:49:00 AM

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Quote from: Wren
my own lack of self-awareness (although, I have felt it has been getting a bit better over the last few years).
Wren, good to know that you are going in the right direction.


Thank you Wren. I too see a lack of awareness, a lack of questioning, a blind acceptance of what we are fed from various sources. Somehow, at some point in my life (and I don't know how or why), I decided to question everything. Not from a level of distrust, but for more information so I could make informed decisions.

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Ooohhhh aaaahhhhh   .....rabbit holes

Counter parts.

I saw the funniest meme the other day

"Wake me up at Zeta"




I like what Seth says in a cd....dunno which

"We make light from darkness."
So in line with that! Yups

One of these days I will remember which cd 🙄
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Quote from: Sena
Wren, good to know that you are going in the right direction.

Thank you Sena, I feel it's one area of my life that improved a little and I am making progress. Can't speak much for the other areas!  ;D
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