Understanding Coronavirus

Started by Sena, April 14, 2020, 10:12:49 AM

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I just had a moment to surface from work, and happened to see this article. My first thought was, "wow, I bet there were some lucky people who received blood transfusions and unknowingly got a bonus of covid antibodies!" What an interesting twist on making reality.


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Quote from: Deb
received blood transfusions and unknowingly got a bonus of covid antibodies!
But my question now is - "will it help to avoid vaccination?" Of course it is always - about creating your own reality. Because it is and will be My Own - no matter what anyone and the government says. What helps - is thinking in general terms, no particulars - like Abraham-Hicks suggests: "things are always working out for me".
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Quote from: Deb
I just had a moment to surface from work, and happened to see this article. My first thought was, "wow, I bet there were some lucky people who received blood transfusions and unknowingly got a bonus of covid antibodies!" What an interesting twist on making reality.


Deb, that's a nice bonus, but I think I prefer to make my own antibodies (without vaccination).
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Me too. Especially after Seth explained how vaccines work and that they put unnecessary strain on us.
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Quote from: Sena
Deb, that's a nice bonus, but I think I prefer to make my own antibodies (without vaccination).

Me too, but I still thought it was a clever solution (or happy accident to quote Bob Ross) for people whose health is already compromised enough to need a transfusion to get unexpected immunity via a blood donor. I guess you could call it donated immunity.

BTW I spoke with someone the other day who just got over covid. He's young and healthy and so was surprised that he ended up in the hospital. He was given (monoclonal?) antibody treatment that helped tremendously. I didn't realize that was available in hospitals.


Quote from: Sena
...but I think I prefer to make my own antibodies (without vaccination).
To my understanding, the only way to make your own antibodies (without a vaccine) is to get the virus. You really prefer that?


Didn't Seth or someone from contemporaries mention that it's possible to get virus but have no symptoms?


Quote from: LarryH
Quote from: Sena
...but I think I prefer to make my own antibodies (without vaccination).
To my understanding, the only way to make your own antibodies (without a vaccine) is to get the virus. You really prefer that?
Yes, I don't want a dose of chimpanzee RNA.

"How the Oxford COVID-19 vaccine works
The ChAdOx1 vaccine is a chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine vector. This is a harmless, weakened adenovirus that usually causes the common cold in chimpanzees."


"As a considerable proportion of ongoing trials are either conducted by pharmaceutical companies or have industry sponsorship, the results are at risk of "for-profit" bias [99]. That is industry-supported research is at risk of overstating benefits and understating harms."

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Quote from: Marianna
Didn't Seth or someone from contemporaries mention that it's possible to get virus but have no symptoms?
That is correct:

"The testing revealed that at the start of the lockdown, 2.6 percent of the population (73 people) were positive for SARS-CoV-2, while after a couple of weeks only 1.2 percent (29 people) were positive. At both times, around 40 percent of the positive cases showed no symptoms (asymptomatic)."



The UK approval process is less rigorous than the US FDA's approval process, per Dr. Anthony Fauci. He took some heat for saying so. So if I understand, you (sena) want to get the virus and believe you will be in the 40% who are asymptomatic.


I'm not a doctor obviously, I'm just speaking from beliefs and personal experience.

From a F1 perspective, I don't feel covid is black and white, there are many possible reactions and symptoms (or Sethian probabilities) which is one reason why the world has had problems with how to treat patients, medications, lockdown or no lockdown, etc. Every US state is handling preventive measures differently because there is no one protocol. I don't think every person has to get sick (symptomatic) with covid to develop antibodies. It's like any other contagious disease, the body is equipped to handle it if our immune system is not compromised. Ideally our bodies are meant to self-repair and maintain: our skin repairs when cut or burned, our bones heal when broken, we recover from illnesses, organs are repaired including the brain. Even cancer has been known to disappear—Seth said that as well. I think some people who are exposed to covid or any other virus or bacteria and have a healthy immune system can develop antibodies without getting "sick" and overcome by the disease — i.e. having symptoms. The body recognizes a harmful external invader of some sort and immediately neutralizes it and develops antibodies to protect. I also think that since not everyone in the world has been tested for antibodies, we don't have an accurate count on how many people actually have the antibodies but had no symptoms. Meaning, you don't test for antibodies unless you suspect you were ill.

In other cases, when an immune system is distracted by and focused on another issue, is weakened by age, or altered due to medications, the immune system is compromised and can't do what it's supposed to do to address the new issue. These are the people whose bodies are overcome by covid, with symptoms.

But if we are taking the F2 Sethian view on covid and what happens to us, again it goes back to beliefs, making our reality, and the issue of covid being more than an infectious disease that takes out people indiscriminately. In that case, it has its purposes, is a created mass event, and there are no victims. Sounds calloused, huh?
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Quote from: Deb
Even cancer has been known to disappear—Seth said that as well.
Deb, it is known that some cancers may not be harmful. One medical test which I am NOT going to have is that for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), When autopsies are done on over-70's, it is found that at least 36% have prostate cancer, which did not cause any symptoms during life. If they had been tested for PSA, they might have been given unnecessary treatment for cancer:

"Widespread prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening detects many cancers that would have otherwise gone undiagnosed. To estimate the prevalence of unsuspected prostate cancer, we reviewed 19 studies of prostate cancer discovered at autopsy among 6024 men. Among men aged 70-79, tumor was found in 36% of Caucasians and 51% of African-Americans."



Quote from: Sena
When autopsies are done on over-70's, it is found that at least 36% have prostate cancer, which did not cause any symptoms during life. If they had been tested for PSA, they might have been given unnecessary treatment for cancer:

Then you'll also like this article: https://www.westonaprice.org/book-reviews/the-great-prostate-hoax-by-richard-j-ablin-phd-and-ronald-piana/
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Quote from: Deb
Quote from: Sena
When autopsies are done on over-70's, it is found that at least 36% have prostate cancer, which did not cause any symptoms during life. If they had been tested for PSA, they might have been given unnecessary treatment for cancer:

Then you'll also like this article: https://www.westonaprice.org/book-reviews/the-great-prostate-hoax-by-richard-j-ablin-phd-and-ronald-piana/

Deb, how many more medical hoaxes?


That is the million dollar question.

I have been often ridiculed and judged because I don't automatically accept mainstream anything. It's hard to not care, but I've been given a brain and I choose to use it.
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Quote from: Deb
In that case, it has its purposes, is a created mass event, and there are no victims. Sounds calloused, huh?
Not at all calloused - From Sethian point of view. Though I do not usually share this idea with those who do not understand (people would take offence). And sill, my thoughts telepathically are all over the place. But in present time everyday life - if you haven't said something, you haven't said it. :)

Also - like you remarked - those who participate in the event - are willing participants (on subconscious level) - for their own personal reasons. So, even more - for all facets of the situation - no symptoms, mild ones, to die - there are no victims, only choice.


Quote from: Deb
I don't automatically accept mainstream anything.
For my part - I consider it my great fortune that I came across Seth books and similar ones. They have changed my life drastically since 2008 when I first came across Zeland. I was mesmerized, and transformed. More and more. Now I do not even have to believe that my "chronic disease" is forever. Like my family thinks. The belief helps. And when I've found the cause (like one in the dark) and fixed it, I was able to heal myself.
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The big event in the UK is that vaccination started yesterday. Many people seem to be very happy to be vaccinated. Considering the belief systems of the majority, vaccination seems to be the way forward. Although I don'e want to be vaccinated myself, I don't want to be labeled an anti-vaxxer.
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Hi All,

With all the news about Covid numbers rising, the issues regarding the Covid vaccines and everything else Covid that's going on, I thought that the following words of wisdom from Seth might also be good to keep in mind.  The following Seth comments all come from "The Way Toward Health".

WTH, CH 1, January 7, 1984:

The body consciousness is indeed independent. To a large degree its own defense mechanisms protect it from the mind's negative beliefs — at least to a large extent. As I have mentioned before, almost all persons pass from a so-called disease state back into healthy states without ever being aware of the alterations. In those cases the body consciousness operates unimpeded by negative expectations or concepts.

When those negative considerations are multiplied, however, when they harden, so to speak, then they do indeed begin to diminish the body's own natural capacity to heal itself, and to maintain that overall, priceless organization that should maintain it in a condition of excellent strength and vitality.

There are also occasions when the body consciousness itself rises up in spite of a person's fears and doubts, and throws aside a condition of illness in a kind of sudden victory. Even then, however, the person involved has already begun to question such negative beliefs. The individual may not know how to cast them off, even though he or she desires to do so. It is in those instances that the body consciousness arises and throws off its shackles.

With free will, however, it is not possible for the body consciousness to be given full and clear dominion, for that would deny large areas of choices, and cut off facets of learning. The main direction and portent, however, of the body consciousness on its own is always toward health, expression, and fulfillment.

WTH, CH 1, January 9, 1984:

One of the greatest detriments to mental and physical well-being is the unfortunate belief that any unfavorable situation is bound to get worse instead of better. (Pause.) That concept holds that any illness will worsen, any war will lead to destruction, that any and all known dangers will be encountered, and basically that the end result of mankind's existence is extinction. All of those beliefs impede mental and physical health, erode the individual's sense of joy and natural safety, and force the individual to feel like an unfortunate victim of exterior events that seem to happen despite his own will or intent.


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Quote from: jbseth
One of the greatest detriments to mental and physical well-being is the unfortunate belief that any unfavorable situation is bound to get worse instead of better.
jbseth, thanks for this quote.
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I followed a chain of information today that talked about higher amplification of cycles in the PCR test (over 25) which then results in the amplification of false positives. It seems cycle amplifications have been generally run much higher than that, as many as 45.

The WHO released a new guidance memo on 12/14 warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests results in false positives. I can provide links if anyone wants them.

I'm just thinking that if the new guidelines are followed (lower amplifications), that will cause the false positives to be reduced by who knows how much, which could change a lot of things. And whether the new stats will be attributed to the new testing guidelines, or somehow attributed to the success of the vaccines.

More food for thought.

Quote from: jbseth
One of the greatest detriments to mental and physical well-being is the unfortunate belief that any unfavorable situation is bound to get worse instead of better. (Pause.) That concept holds that any illness will worsen, any war will lead to destruction, that any and all known dangers will be encountered, and basically that the end result of mankind's existence is extinction. All of those beliefs impede mental and physical health, erode the individual's sense of joy and natural safety, and force the individual to feel like an unfortunate victim of exterior events that seem to happen despite his own will or intent.

That speaks volumes about the human mindset. Where did we get that from?
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Hi Deb, Hi All,

This Seth quote comes from WTH, Chapter 1, January 9, 1984.

Thanks to the Seth Search Engine I was able to locate it once again.


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Thanks jbseth, I didn't mean where did the quote come from (you'd provided that when you first shared it), I meant where did we humans get the unfortunate belief and habit of assuming things will always get worse. :)

I've been untraining myself of that tendency since I was introduced to the Seth materials, but I'm still a work in progress. I can understand the logical reason the human brain explores all possible outcomes in order to be prepared—foresight—but the "you think things are bad now, just wait" or "the worst is yet to come" way of thinking seems so common.


New thought to ponder: I've been seeing signs and hearing adverts for a few months, "get your flu shot NOW." Free flu shots. Get a flu shot, get a $10 gift card. Etc.

With the covid vaccines being distributed now, I wonder how a body will react to having both vaccines? Colorado plans to start vaccinating the vulnerable people first (elderly, people with pre-existing conditions). Their immune systems are already taxed. I guess we'll find out soon enough.


Quote from: Deb
Thanks jbseth, I didn't mean where did the quote come from (you'd provided that when you first shared it), I meant where did we humans get the unfortunate belief and habit of assuming things will always get worse.

I've been untraining myself of that tendency since I was introduced to the Seth materials, but I'm still a work in progress. I can understand the logical reason the human brain explores all possible outcomes in order to be prepared—foresight—but the "you think things are bad now, just wait" or "the worst is yet to come" way of thinking seems so common.

Hi Deb,

Thanks for your comments here, I wasn't sure if you were talking about the Seth quote or something else.  If I've have been paying more attention, I would have realized that I referenced this quote in a prior message.   :)

Regarding where we come up with the idea that things will always get worse, I'm not sure about that. However, true story, for myself, just a few years before discovering Seth, I had come to the conclusion that its always better to anticipate the worst, rather than hope for the best. My reasoning for this being that this way, you won't be let down so much when the things that you want to occur, don't actually occur. 

I was really shocked by Seth's idea that, "you create your reality". I had some serious doubts about that idea. I thought, "No, life can't really possibly work that way, can it?" It was some years before I actually tried it out to see if it works and in doing so, I discovered that it really does work. 


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Michael Sternbach

Quote from: jbseth
Quote from: Deb
Thanks jbseth, I didn't mean where did the quote come from (you'd provided that when you first shared it), I meant where did we humans get the unfortunate belief and habit of assuming things will always get worse.

I've been untraining myself of that tendency since I was introduced to the Seth materials, but I'm still a work in progress. I can understand the logical reason the human brain explores all possible outcomes in order to be prepared—foresight—but the "you think things are bad now, just wait" or "the worst is yet to come" way of thinking seems so common.

Hi Deb,

Thanks for your comments here, I wasn't sure if you were talking about the Seth quote or something else.  If I've have been paying more attention, I would have realized that I referenced this quote in a prior message.   :)

Regarding where we come up with the idea that things will always get worse, I'm not sure about that. However, true story, for myself, just a few years before discovering Seth, I had come to the conclusion that its always better to anticipate the worst, rather than hope for the best. My reasoning for this being that this way, you won't be let down so much when the things that you want to occur, don't actually occur. 

I was really shocked by Seth's idea that, "you create your reality". I had some serious doubts about that idea. I thought, "No, life can't really possibly work that way, can it?" It was some years before I actually tried it out to see if it works and in doing so, I discovered that it really does work. 



I know a woman who justified her constant pessimism the same way you used to... Saying that it would lessen the impact if things don't work out as desired.

Others may simply say that they want to be realistic.

Of course, the problem with this way of thinking is that reality is what you make it, as our favourite disembodied philosopher reminded us so persistingly. So negative expectations tend to lead to negative results.

Interestingly, somewhere in The Individual and the Nature of Mass Consciousness, Seth states that positive thoughts get manifested more easily than negative ones. Now that's positive thinking for you!  :)
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Hi Michael, jbSeth and All!

Such a relief to hear and to know that "positive expectation" works for you guys! It works for me too!

I know that trying to convince those who are of different opinion ("bad gets worse, life happens, etc") - is useless. But at least, since telepathy works, "you create your reality"  philosophy of people who live by it - is "in the air", so to say. And it affects the mass reality. 
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Special thanks for the long quote in blue!


Hi All, 

I just came across this video today and thought that I would share it here in the forum.

The topic of this video is the COVID vaccine and the potential risks that you may be taking by getting vaccinated with it.

I don't know if there are any people here, perhaps LarryH for example , who are very informed about some of this and can talk to whether they think anything being said here is true or not, but that would be interesting.

Like a lot of things on the internet today, I can't attest to the "truth" to what's being said here. But what little I do know about human physiology, RNA, and what not, what this doctor seems to be saying here, may be legitimate.

These people hosting this video are "Christian" and so I don't know how much this may bias what's being said here. I also wondered a little about why the doctor went on a soapbox about how children are being harmed by the way that society has been affecting them via things like covid masks, and this sort of thing.



Thanks for this!

I've been reading a few articles over the past few months talking about how the vaccines are not a true vaccine, they're gene therapy. These are the two vaccines manufactured in the US (Moderna & Pfizer). The Astrazenica one in England is more of a regular vaccine as we understand them.

I also don't know what to believe any more, I read so many different things and everyone accuses each other of fake or misleading news or just plain lies. And bless Facebook for protecting us from ourselves—last week someone on a chicken group made a post about a sick new chick, and Facebook flagged the post. Lol. Apparently FB thought the chick should have gotten the covid vaccine instead of the poultry one.

Any way, back to the gene therapy. One doctor had said it was something used in cancer treatment and it sounded kind of harsh, which would explain side effects. But I didn't understand how this treatment could make a person have antibodies to covid, since the treatment is not injecting neutralized covid dna (or however that works). This is the first thing I've seen that explains why the rDNA vaccines would work.

I'm not a Christian, as you all know, but I don't think that's driving her mindset. Christians have more of a problem with vaccines that are cultured with cells harvested from aborted fetuses, from what I've heard—viruses can't survive very long without a host. They used to use fertilized chicken eggs to develop vaccines when I was a kid, then suddenly people were becoming allergic to eggs. I don't know what type of tissue, if any, is involved in these two vaccines.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer, my son received all the required vaccines during his childhood and developed a chronic illness at age 6. Which is one of the ones listed in the paperwork for the MMRI vaccines, but parents aren't told that when the doctor or the educational system of government says your kid must be vaccinated or they are not welcome or will die, and it would be all your fault. I was all about keeping my son alive. My son almost died a couple of times due to his illness. But he's never had measles, mumps or rubella, praise the lord, lol.

On the other hand, I never had a vaccine growing up, other than polio, and then hepatitis as an adult. I had all what were then the "normal" childhood illnesses and survived. When I was growing up kids did not have all the food allergies, autoimmune diseases, and other health issues kids these days have. I have to wonder what's up with that.

I don't know who this Dr. Tenpenny is (cool name, though), and I'm not a doctor or virologist or anything like that, but I'm glad to patiently observe what's going on with others. I know a few people who got the shots, and had side effects. If we get to the point where we can't travel, or go to the movies or shop without a covid vaccine passport, then I'll get it. But I don't feel it's going to come to that.

PS I saw an article today that a woman had a vaccine during pregnancy, and gave birth to a baby that had covid antibodies. That's great, but I've also read that the covid virus has never been isolated, so... ?


Quote from: Deb
I know a few people who got the shots, and had side effects. If we get to the point where we can't travel, or go to the movies or shop without a covid vaccine passport, then I'll get it. But I don't feel it's going to come to that.
Deb, I understand your concerns about the vaccine. I had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I felt a bit feverish for 2 days, and the injection site was itchy for 2 weeks. I felt that it was a "social obligation" to accept the vaccine (In the UK everyone is on a central computer, so Big Brother knows what is going on! The vaccine is not compulsory here).


Well, the video has been "removed for violating YouTube's terms of service". I guess I came too late to the party.

I got my second Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Side effects both times have been sore shoulder, slight fatigue, and general sensitivity in joints. It lasted 2-3 days after the first vaccine. Side effects are supposed to indicate that the vaccine is working. One of my daughters has been designated an essential worker and got the J & J vaccine Sunday. She had a headache for 2 days. The other daughter is pregnant and is trying to get into a study for vaccinating women while pregnant. She researches the hell out of everything, so I trust that she is doing what her research suggests would be prudent. My ex got the Moderna vaccine and had no side effects.

Whatever one concludes about vaccines from reading the Seth material, I am not sure it can be applied to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, since the technology used is very different from that typically used when Seth was around.


Hi All, 

Wow, it appears that Deb and I just got in under the wire. I just saw this video yesterday for the first time myself.  I'll try to capture, as much as I can recall, of what was on this video. I'm pretty sure that I won't get it all correct but here's what I recall

The video was called "A Shot in the Dark" and it was hosted by a woman who hosts a "Christian" based video site.  In this video, this host contacted a doctor; I don't recall exactly which kind of doctor she was, and then spent about 25 minutes talking to her (the doctor).

This doctor said that somewhere back around the year 2000, she had been invited to participate in a group / conference on "vaccines". She told us that in this group / conference, she learned a lot of interesting things about vaccines and as a result of this, she has he has been participating with this group for some +18 years now. This doctor tells us that there are some issues, with some vaccines.

This doctor then talked about the coronavirus. The various types of coronaviruses themselves (not COVID-19) have been known to exist for about 60 years. People have been trying to develop vaccines for them since at least the year 2,000. So far, every attempt to do so, has not been approved by the approving agencies (AMA?). There has been problems with the vaccines that have been developed to date. None of them worked correctly, and nobody understands any of the possible long term effects.

In this video, this doctor talked about all 3 vaccines that are being developed for COVID-19. These are the vaccines by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson. I don't remember the specific details that she talked about for each one of them, but there were some differences. What I've written below is a general understanding that I got from this video about the issues with this vaccine.

In developing the COVID-19 vaccine, they have removed some RNA from the virus.
Then they placed this RNA material into a lipid shell. This lipid shell comes from the cell wall of the eye cells gathered from dead fetal material. This lipid shell RNA material is the basis of this vaccine.

They then inject these RNA loaded lipid shells into your body via the vaccine.

What's supposed to happen is something like this. These lipid shells attach to your bodies' cells and the wall of your bodies cells open up and the RNA gets injected into the cell. Somewhere out of this, and I got kind of lost here, I believe the cells create new viruses and this doctor called these spikes.   Your body then recognizes these spikes as something that needs to be eliminated and develops anti-bodies that attack them.  In this way, your body builds up antibodies to this virus, which then provides us with an immunity to the COVID-19 virus. Then, the next time that the COVID-19 viruses come along, your body has the antibodies ready to fight it off and protect you from this disease.

The issues I heard from this doctor partly have to do with the lipid shells themselves and partly to do with these "spikes".  From what I understand, they have never created a vaccine using either these specific types of lipid shells and this injected RNA material. They don't really know, how the human body will react to these lipid shells. The body may not react as we expect.

Furthermore, then there's these spikes. Apparently they have tested some of them out on various human body materials. She said something about "wells" that were created and in these wells they placed material from the human body. For example, liver material in one, heart material in another, brain material in another, etc.  They created 50 of these wells and then placed human body material in each. Next they put a serum containing these spikes into each one of these wells and observed what happened. This doctor then said that the antibodies in about half of these wells not only destroyed these spikes, but they also destroyed the human body material as well. One of these that was destroyed contained liver material, one contains heart material and I think she mentioned one or two more by name.

From this then, she said that they believe that this vaccine may cause people to develop some extremely serious human auto-immunity response type problems. In short the anti-bodies that your body develops to fight this vaccine may attack and destroy your heart and/or your liver for example.

This doctor said that there have already been 1200 deaths from this vaccine so far.

She also said that many people have been experiencing extreme fatigue as a symptom of this vaccine.  She said that there is some evidence that this vaccine or the antibodies that develop from it have been affecting the mitochondria within the cells. She talked about how the mitochondria are the source of the fuel that powers our cells. Kind of like how gasoline is the fuel that powers our automobiles.  She said that if the mitochondria are being effected, his could definitely explain this fatigue.

To be clear, I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom here. I'm just passing on the information that was mentioned in this video.

As I said previously, in today's world, who knows what videos that you see on the internet you should or shouldn't believe.

For me personally, I'm inclined to stick with Seth who tells us that our "beliefs" are very powerful. We can believe ourselves right into poor health if we focus on that. However, we can also believe ourselves into good health just as well.



I forgot to mention that my 91-year-old mom (with dementia) along with 4-5 other senior care residents tested positive two weeks after getting their first Pfizer vaccine. She never had symptoms and tested negative two weeks after that. I presume she was somewhat protected from the single vaccine. She may have also been protected from symptoms by not being told that she had tested positive. I made sure not to mention it until she tested negative and had the second vaccine.


Quote from: LarryH
Whatever one concludes about vaccines from reading the Seth material, I am not sure it can be applied to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, since the technology used is very different from that typically used when Seth was around.
Hi LarryH and All,
But still, Seth opinion about vaccines was helpful. And doesn't Seth live in "spacious present" and he meant for us to benefit in our "now" from his knowledge?
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Quote from: LarryH
I made sure not to mention it until she tested negative and had the second vaccine.
And it was definitely a wise decision. Worries and fears instilled by the new knowledge could only weaken the body that is already weakened with age and worry.


Quote from: jbseth
To be clear, I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom here. I'm just passing on the information that was mentioned in this video.
Thank you jbseth for the detailed description. An interesting info for my curious mind, though I must confess I stopped hunting for such information lately. Just look at what comes by - as an interested observer.
True, we can believe ourselves into health or disease. 

And as for "death from vaccine"... Vaccine must not be the cause here, but an instrument. As a disease or a fatal accident are ways the person "choses" to die.


Quote from: Deb
If we get to the point where we can't travel, or go to the movies or shop without a covid vaccine passport, then I'll get it. But I don't feel it's going to come to that.
Yes, Deb, I feel the same. it will not come to that. Herd immunity might well help us out here - and keep the regulating bodies happy. (Though if we are black sheep, we are not "a herd").


Quote from: Marianna
True, we can believe ourselves into health or disease. 

Marianna, yes that is the essence of the Seth teaching.


Quote from: Marianna
Herd immunity might well help us out here - and keep the regulating bodies happy. (Though if we are black sheep, we are not "a herd").

We black sheep will have flock immunity.  ;D Or maybe we already do, with Seth's teachings being a vaccine of beliefs.  ;)


Looks like I'm late to the game on this thread.  I see it was political in the beginning.  I skipped past all of that and am glad for it.  I am so damned sick of politics.  I did see the post about the video on youtube.  There has been a directed effort to discredit science through this entire pandemic and I am always leery of videos and information that does not come from well documented scientific sources and am especially leery of anything that comes from religious sources.  Anyone can make a video that seems to know what it's talking about these days.  There's a ton of antivaxxer propaganda out there that is just plain anti-science.  I see this vaccine, like all others, as a choice freely made.  The problem I have with misinformation is that it makes it difficult to choose.  All choices should be made based on factual information.  Choose vaccine or choose no vaccine, but make your choice in an educated manner and not based on random internet videos.  And yes, I realize the use of "factual information" is a loaded statement on a Seth group.

The one thing that caught my eye is that there have been 1200 deaths so far from these mRNA vaccines.  I'd like to see an actual source on that number.  I'm not saying it isn't true, but some random video from a Christian based video site on youtube is not proof of anything at all, except that someone knows how to work a video camera.

I have known quite a few people who got the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.  Some had side effects and some didn't.  None of the side effects were anything other than mild and only lasted one day.  Nobody had long term fatigue.  Nobody got sick.  Nobody had any regrets on doing it based on the day of side effects.  I understand that this is my experience with talking to a very small portion of the population that has had it.  I never fall into the "my experience reflects and defines the state of the entire world" trap that so many people seem to fall into these days.

I've only ever had one genetics class in college and though it wasn't that long ago, my memory of it is slipping.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines use mRNA to get the immune system to respond.  mRNA, known as messenger RNA is basically a set of instructions that the body uses to create proteins.  In the case of the vaccines, the mRNA is telling the body to make a protein spike that is unique to COVID-19.  This prompts the body to form an immune response and trains the body to fight the actual virus.  Because only the protein spike is created and nothing else having to do with COVID-19, there is no danger of infection.  The spike itself is harmless but it is an antigen and has the effect of forcing a strong immune response that will help the body fight an actual COVID-19 infection, should one occur.  In this way it's like any other vaccine with the goal of teaching the body to fight a disease without actually getting the disease.  It's just uses a different method of getting there.

There is concern on the internet, largely spread by people who know just enough to be dangerous to themselves and others, that the vaccine can damage DNA.  mRNA works in one direction.  It takes instructions encoded in DNA and produces proteins.  It doesn't affect DNA in any way.  It can't.  mRNA reads DNA and creates proteins.  It doesn't do anything to DNA.  mRNA is basically a protein factory.  It doesn't stick around once its used.  After it's used, it is destroyed.

J&J is using DNA fragments to basically accomplish the same thing.  The fragments are DNA from COVID-19 that don't cause infection but stimulate a strong immune response but are not in themselves harmful.  The delivery system is a disabled adenovirus.  Adenoviruses can readily infect a host.  Because it's disabled, there's no risk of infection and all it does is deliver the DNA fragment that will stimulate the immune response against COVID-19.

The science behind these is sound.  The body forms an immune response when it is infected.  The downside of that is that sometimes the infection can kill before the body can mount a defense.  Sometimes the disease can overwhelm the body so that it is too weak to mount a defense.  The vaccines provide the body with the piece it needs to mount the defense without the infection.  These vaccines provide the protein spike from COVID-19 that the body uses to create its antibodies without the infection that happens when someone gets COVID-19.

I don't recall there being a way for antibodies to affect the mitochondria of the cells.  Antibodies kill cells that they're targeted for.  It's their job.  If it were targeting normal human cells, I think that there would be a lot of people dying from it.  And as for the antibodies destroying heart and liver cells.  Has there been any legitimate proof of this at all?

Like I said, I probably have forgotten more about genetics than I remember at this point.  I did get an A in the course and found it to be fascinating.  That's likely how I remember as much as I do.  But I am not a geneticist or a biologist and don't claim to be one.  So take all of the speculation with a grain of salt.
Love it! Love it! x 1 View List


Quote from: Deb
We black sheep will have flock immunity.
Yes Deb, I like "flock immunity" better. It feels cozy and friendly. Yes, we do have immunity of beliefs. I surely can judge from my experience only, but never once since last March did I feel threatened by covid virus. So, Seth explanation definitely helped.


At the risk of sounding political, given the fact that the vast majority of high-profile politicians who got Covid have been republicans, where does belief fit in for them? Many of them claimed to not "believe" in wearing masks. Many of them repeated one influential person's claim that there was nothing to worry about, that masks looked silly, etc. They went to his rallies and indoor meetings without masks and later got sick, and some, like Herman Cain, even died. What did they believe? Did their fear of T****'s wrath prevent them from the simple act of putting a cloth over their faces? Did they fear their constituents, many of whom were swayed by the same person? For them, was it politically incorrect to follow basic protective measures? I can only assume that they did fear the illness, but their fear of the political consequences of not toeing the line allowed the fear of the illness to create an opening for that illness.


Quote from: LarryH
At the risk of sounding political, given the fact that the vast majority of high-profile politicians who got Covid have been republicans, where does belief fit in for them? Many of them claimed to not "believe" in wearing masks. Many of them repeated one influential person's claim that there was nothing to worry about, that masks looked silly, etc. They went to his rallies and indoor meetings without masks and later got sick, and some, like Herman Cain, even died. What did they believe? Did their fear of T****'s wrath prevent them from the simple act of putting a cloth over their faces? Did they fear their constituents, many of whom were swayed by the same person? For them, was it politically incorrect to follow basic protective measures? I can only assume that they did fear the illness, but their fear of the political consequences of not toeing the line allowed the fear of the illness to create an opening for that illness.
Or did they suffer from some "rebel without a clue" idea.  I don't understand any of it.  I definitely don't understand how a simple piece of cloth became a symbol of oppression.  I think some people spend their entire lives looking for oppression and they find it.  And then there are the "ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do" types.

There is a lot of fear and this is, to me, a fear based society that we live in.  I often wonder what their last thoughts were as the passed on.  Something to the effect of "well, that was a mistake", I'd imagine.  Although I did hear stories of people who were denying that it even existed with their last dying breath.


Quote from: usmaak
I often wonder what their last thoughts were as the passed on. 
I've been reading about Sylvia Plath:

Is an art, like everything else.   
I do it exceptionally well."



Hi All,

Today in the news, both the CDC and the FDA are recommending a pause in the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID 19 vaccine.  The issue here seems to be related to a blood clot concern.

This apparently is different than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine concern that was mentioned in the video that I posted here back in reply #128 and talked about in reply #132 above.

I don't know whether there are any people here who have held off on getting a vaccine, but if you have, you might find this information interesting.   




Yep, same issue with the AstraZenica vaccine in Europe, several countries deciding to stop using it and then changing their minds. From what I've read (don't know what is the truth any more), there have not been any real trials or studies on any of the vaccines because things were rushed under an emergency situation, so I guess the general public are the real trials. I've also read that vaccine manufacturers have been given complete immunity in cases of injury or death... which is nothing new.

I just found out yesterday my son (26) got the J&J vaccine on Friday. He was bed ridden for two days with pain, fever, chills, body aches, etc. The blood clot issues apparently take a week to two weeks to present, but he is confident he's perfectly safe. He also thinks he had covid in January, which could be why he had such a strong reaction. But I think the CDC said even if you've had covid and have the antibodies, you should still get the vaccine. And even then, you're not out of the woods.  :-\

Today I came across an article about people being able to change their deceased loved one's cause of death on the death certificate to covid if they suspect it could have been involved. My first thought was, how many people will glom onto that opportunity in order to make some extra money? My second thought was, if someone dies from a covid vaccine, can that also be considered a covid death? Let's see if we can pad those covid numbers a little more...

Sorry, my mind makes me question and process everything.

I haven't fact-checked the article yet, but here it is. https://justthenews.com/government/congress/relatives-able-edit-death-certificates-loved-ones-fema-funeral-reimbursement


Quote from: Deb
he is confident he's perfectly safe.

Hi Deb, Hi All,

Seth tells us that what we believe, can and does have a major impact on our reality. It has been my experience in regards to Seth that this concept really does have some validity to it.

In regards to your son being confident that he's perfectly safe, we can visualize this for him as well and see him safe.  

I think that the one thing that shocked me the most, was the display behind the man in the video at the CNN website.  This display contained the following information.

Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States.

Total Cases:                    31 Million
Total Deaths:                 563 Thousand
Vaccines Distributed:      238 Million
Vaccines Administered:   190 Million

Wow, have they already administered 190 million vaccines here in the US.
That number really surprised me.



Quote from: Deb
Yep, same issue with the AstraZenica vaccine in Europe, several countries deciding to stop using it and then changing their minds. From what I've read (don't know what is the truth any more), there have not been any real trials or studies on any of the vaccines because things were rushed under an emergency situation, so I guess the general public are the real trials. I've also read that vaccine manufacturers have been given complete immunity in cases of injury or death... which is nothing new.
Yup.  Emergency authorization is not anything like the normal trials that vaccines get.  They usually take years of careful study to be approved.  They did some trials but it feels very rushed.  We're all part of some grand experiment now, I suppose.  Vaccine trials done on the general public.

I heard that the blood clot issues only affects women, though I suppose I could have that wrong.

I got my first Pfizer vaccine on Saturday.  Other than a sore arm, I've had no side effects.  If there are any for the Pfizer vaccine, I hope for something like super speed or teleportation.


Quote from: Deb
The blood clot issues apparently take a week to two weeks to present, but he is confident he's perfectly safe
Deb, clearly if your son is confident he is safe, he WILL be safe. My wife and I have now had the two doses of the Pfizer Biontech vaccine.